
Searle, John


Searle, John

John Searle is a contemporary philosopher whose major work can be seen as consisting in three main efforts: a critique of computationalism and strong artificial intelligence, the development of a theory of intentionality, and the formulation of a naturalized theory of consciousness. The best known example of Searle's critique of computationalism and strong AI is his Chinese Room Argument. The main thrust of this thought experiment is to show that the syntactic manipulation of formal symbols does not by itself constitute a semantics.

Articles on that refer to Searle, John

Gelernter, Kurzweil debate machine consciousness By Rodney Brooks, Ray Kurzweil, and David Gelernter
The 21st Century: a Confluence of Accelerating Revolutions By Ray Kurzweil
Are We Spiritual Machines? By Jay W. Richards, Michael Denton, Thomas Ray, William A. Dembski, John Searle, George Gilder, and Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter 6: Locked in His Chinese Room By Ray Kurzweil
What Is Artificial Intelligence? By John McCarthy
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Can Computers Think? By Mitchell Waldrop
Introduction: Are We Spiritual Machines? By George Gilder and Jay W. Richards
Can a Machine Think? By Clinton W. Kelly
Ethics for Machines By J. Storrs Hall

News Articles that refer to Searle, John

Are We Spiritual Machines?: Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I.
Almaden Institute's 'Cognitive Computing' videos available online

Articles By Searle, John


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Chinese Room
John Searle