
Newton, Isaac


Newton, Isaac

Mathematician and physicist whose formulas described laws of motion on an earthly and cosmic scale, and who invented calculus.

Articles on that refer to Newton, Isaac

The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Two: Philosophical Roots By Ray Kurzweil
Wild Cards: The Nature of Big Future Surprises By John Petersen
The Age of Spiritual Machines: Timeline By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter One: The Law of Time and Chaos By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Five: Mechanical Roots By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter 9: Bit Beliefs By Neil Gershenfeld
Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence By Michio Kaku
Biocosm: The New Scientific Theory of Evolution: Intelligent Life is the Architect of the Universe By James N. Gardner

News Articles that refer to Newton, Isaac

Einstein and Newton showed signs of autism
Papers reveal Newton's religious side

Related Links

Sir Isaac Newton
Newton's Life