Moore's Law


Moore's Law

First postulated by former Intel CEO Gordon Moore in the mid-1960s, Moore's Law is the prediction that the size of each transistor on an integrated circuit chip will be reduced by 50 percent every twenty-four months. The result is the exponentially growing power of integrated circuit-based computation over time. Moore's Law doubles the number of components on a chip as well as the speed of each component. Both of these aspects double the power of computing, for an effective quadrupling of the power of computation every twenty-four months.

Articles on that refer to Moore's Law

Exponential Growth an Illusion?: Response to Ilkka Tuomi By Ray Kurzweil
How Long Before Superintelligence? By Nick Bostrom
When Will HAL Understand What We Are Saying? Computer Speech Recognition and Understanding By Ray Kurzweil
The Law of Accelerating Returns By Ray Kurzweil
Israel in the Age of Knowledge By Ray Kurzweil
Top News of 2002 By Ray Kurzweil and Amara D. Angelica
Turing's Prophecy By Ray Kurzweil
The Human Machine Merger: Why We Will Spend Most of Our Time in Virtual Reality in the Twenty-first Century By Ray Kurzweil
Testimony of Ray Kurzweil on the Societal Implications of Nanotechnology By Ray Kurzweil
The 21st Century: a Confluence of Accelerating Revolutions By Ray Kurzweil

News Articles that refer to Moore's Law

AI researcher Hugo de Garis joins Utah State University Computer Science department
A Vertical Leap for Microchips
Industry Says Limits on Moore's Law Far Off
Engineers trust Moore's law
Is There Life After Silicon Valley's Fast Lane?
Making a case for Efficient Supercomputing
Intel: Moore's Law Here to Stay
Computational limits of spacetime
Laying Down the Law: Q&A with Gordon Moore
IBM nanotubes may enable molecular-scale chips

Related Links

Moore's Law - Intel