
Molecular Computer

A computer based on logic gates that is constructed on principles of molecular mechanics (as opposed to principles of electronics) by appropriate arrangements of molecules. Since the size of each logic gate (device that can perform a logical operation) is only one or a few molecules, the resultant computer can be microscopic in size. Limitations on molecular computers arise only from the physics of atoms. Molecular computers can be massively parallel by having computations performed by trillions of molecules simultaneously. Molecular computers have been demonstrated using the DNA molecule.

Articles on that refer to Molecular Computer

Nanotechnology: What Will It Mean? By Ralph C. Merkle
Chapter 1: Engines of Construction By K. Eric Drexler
It's a Small, Small, Small, Small World By Ralph C. Merkle
Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine and Nanosurgery By Robert A. Freitas Jr.
How Nanotechnology Will Work By Kevin Bonsor
What I want to be when I grow up, is a cloud By J. Storrs Hall
The Age of Spiritual Machines: Glossary By Ray Kurzweil
The Alcor Conference on Extreme Life Extension By Ray Kurzweil
Top News of 2002 By Ray Kurzweil and Amara D. Angelica
Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence By Michio Kaku

News Articles that refer to Molecular Computer

Building Chips, One Molecule at a Time
Nanotube single-electron transistor is ideal for molecular computers
Molecular switches a step closer to building a computer from the bottom up
Viruses may help make microchips
What's Next?
DNA computer sets Guinness record
Is life the key to new tech?
Is Life the Key to New Tech?
Enzyme computer could live inside you
The Prize Is Won; The Simplest Universal Turing Machine Is Proved

Related Links

International Society for Computational Biology
Molecular Computing at


Molecular Computing at the Laboratory of Information Processing, LUT Finland
This research focuses on the research where the aim is to understand how to control (bio)molecular reactions for information processing. Our research is concentrated on optically controllable biomolecular processes.

Molecular Computing Group, University of Memphis
Course on molecular computing with lots of interesting links

The MSCF supports a wide range of activities in environmental molecular research, from benchmark calculations on small molecules to reliable calculations on large molecules and solids to simulations ofvlarge biomolecules, as well as reactive chemical transport modeling.

Biochemical and DNA-based Nanocomputers at MITRE