McCarthy, John


McCarthy, John

John McCarthy is Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. He has been interested in artificial intelligence since 1948 and coined the term in 1955. His main artificial intelligence research area has been the formalization of common sense knowledge. He invented the LISP programming language in 1958, developed the concept of time-sharing in the late fifties and early sixties, and has worked on proving that computer programs meet their specifications since the early sixties. He invented the circumscription method of non-monotonic reasoning in 1978.

Articles on that refer to McCarthy, John

The Age of Spiritual Machines: Timeline By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology By Ray Kurzweil
What Is Artificial Intelligence? By John McCarthy
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter 5: Thinking Machines By K. Eric Drexler
Notes and References By K. Eric Drexler
The Age of Spiritual Machines: Glossary By Ray Kurzweil
Infinite Memory and Bandwidth: Implications for Artificial Intelligence By Raj Reddy
The Age Intelligent Machines, Chapter Six: Electronic Roots By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Three: Mathematical Roots By Ray Kurzweil

News Articles that refer to McCarthy, John

Scientists to speak to public at Stanford's 'Wonderfest'

Articles By McCarthy, John

What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Material Progress is Sustainable
How are behaviors encoded in DNA?

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John McCarthy