A fictional artificial intelligence introduced by Stanley Kubrick in his 1969 masterpiece.

Articles on KurzweilAI.net that refer to HAL

When Will HAL Understand What We Are Saying? Computer Speech Recognition and Understanding By Ray Kurzweil
AI and Sci-Fi: My, Oh, My! By Robert J. Sawyer
Beyond 2001: HAL's Legacy for the Enterprise Generation By Frank Schirrmacher
Artificial Intelligence in the World Wide Web By David G. Stork
How Long Before Superintelligence? By Nick Bostrom
Tearing Toward the Spike By Damien Broderick
If Uploads Come First By Robin Hanson
The Age of Spiritual Machines: Timeline By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: All Work and No Play Makes HAL a Dull Program By Michael Lebowitz

News Articles that refer to HAL

Could tutoring a computer be the way to develop machines that talk back?
Let's Talk
NASA gets parallel-processing supercomputer
It's 2001, where is HAL?
EXTRO-5 event focuses on relinquishment
Challenge to create program that can win a game without knowing rules
Talk to Ramona
'2001: HAL's Legacy' to air on PBS Nov. 27
'2001: HAL's Legacy' to air on PBS Nov. 27 (reminder)
Robots that rock

Related Links

HAL 9000 Simulator