Fuzzy Logic


Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic is an extension of boolean logic used to handle partial truth - the area between "completely true" and "completely false". It was introduced by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh of U.C. Berkeley in the 1960s.

Articles on KurzweilAI.net that refer to Fuzzy Logic

Chapter 8: Bad Words By Neil Gershenfeld
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Eight: The Search for Knowledge By Ray Kurzweil
Top KurzweilAI.net News of 2002 By Ray Kurzweil and Amara D. Angelica
The Age Intelligent Machines, Chapter Six: Electronic Roots By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter One: The Roots of Artificial Intelligence By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Artificial Intelligence and Musical Composition By Charles Ames
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Two: Philosophical Roots By Ray Kurzweil
The New Humanist By John Brockman
Essentials of General Intelligence: The direct path to AGI By Peter Voss

News Articles that refer to Fuzzy Logic

Crunching for Dollars
Artificial intelligence tackles breast cancer
Sensitive robots taught to gauge human emotion
Know your imitations
Chatbots add intelligence to Sherlock Holmes game


Intelligent Fuzzy Systems Laboratory - University of Toronto
Research projects include robotics, fuzzy-neural integration and fuzzy clustering

Center for Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems at Texas AampM University
The Center for Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems (CFL) at Texas AampM University is one of the leading research organizations in the nation focusing on multi-disciplinary research related to intelligent systems and their applications in Engineering Systems. The research activities of the Center cover emerging technologies including Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence.