

The first chatterbot, developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. It was exemplary for displaying the human characteristic of answering a question with another question. Named after Eliza Doolittle, its mission was to attempt to replicate the conversation between a psychoanalyst and a patient.

Articles on KurzweilAI.net that refer to ELIZA

The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
The Age Intelligent Machines, Chapter Six: Electronic Roots By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter One: The Roots of Artificial Intelligence By Ray Kurzweil
The Rights of Robots: Technology, Culture and Law in the 21st Century By Sohail Inayatullah and Phil Mcnally
The Age of Intelligent Machines, Chapter Two: Philosophical Roots By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: ELIZA Passes the Turing Test By Seymour Papert
The Age of Virtuous Machines By J. Storrs Hall
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: A Coffeehouse Conversation on the Turing Test By Douglas R. Hofstadter

News Articles that refer to ELIZA

IBM plans self-aware computers
IBM building the first 'self-aware' supercomputer
IBM Releases AI 'Help Desk' Software
Turing Test Dead End

Related Links

Eliza - Simon Laven