
Dertouzos, Michael


Dertouzos, Michael

The late Michael Dertouzos was Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) since 1974. Dertouzos spent much of his career studying and forecasting future technological shifts, and leading his lab toward making them a reality.

Articles on that refer to Dertouzos, Michael

Tribute to Michael Dertouzos (1936 -- 2001) By Ray Kurzweil
Kurzweil vs. Dertouzos By Ray Kurzweil and Michael L. Dertouzos
Finishing the Unfinished Revolution By Michael L. Dertouzos
Humans and Machines Converge at ACM1 By Amara D. Angelica

News Articles that refer to Dertouzos, Michael

Oxygen burst: MIT is readying new technologies that put humans in the center of computing

Articles By Dertouzos, Michael

Finishing the Unfinished Revolution
Kurzweil vs. Dertouzos