
Computer Science

The scientific discipline dealing with computers, computer architectures and languages, in terms of the real and the abstract or theoretical.

Articles on that refer to Computer Science

Are We Becoming An Endangered Species? Technology and Ethics in the 21st Century By Washington National Cathedral
Gelernter, Kurzweil debate machine consciousness By Rodney Brooks, Ray Kurzweil, and David Gelernter
Toward Teleportation, Time Travel and Immortality By Raj Reddy
The Age of Intelligent Machines: The Mechanics of Creativity By Christopher Owens and Roger Schank
Book Review: A New Kind of Science By Scott Aaronson
Artificial General Intelligence: Now Is the Time By Ben Goertzel
Finishing the Unfinished Revolution By Michael L. Dertouzos
The Age of Intelligent Machines: The Film By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology By Ray Kurzweil

News Articles that refer to Computer Science

Berners-Lee, universities launch 'Web science' initiative
Gelernter, Kurzweil debate machine consciousness
AI to Change the Legal Profession
Thinking robots coming, but decades away
Internet map being drawn
Ray Kurzweil responds to Jaron Lanier critique
24-hour chip design cycle called possible
AI researcher Hugo de Garis joins Utah State University Computer Science department
'Intelligent' robot learns by experience
Michael L. Dertouzos, 1936 - 2001

Related Links

Theoretical Computer Science on the Web
American Computer Scientists Associaton