
Combinatorial Explosion


Combinatorial Explosion

The rapid exponential growth in the number of possible ways of choosing distinct combinations of elements from a set as the number of elements in that set grows. In an algorithm, the rapid growth in the number of alternatives to be explored while performing a search for a solution to a problem.

Articles on that refer to Combinatorial Explosion

The Age of Intelligent Machines: Can Machines Think? By Daniel Dennett
When Will HAL Understand What We Are Saying? Computer Speech Recognition and Understanding By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Spiritual Machines: Glossary By Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Intelligent Machines: Footnotes By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter 6: Locked in His Chinese Room By Ray Kurzweil
Chapter 2: I Married a Computer By John Searle
Deep Fritz Draws: Are Humans Getting Smarter, or Are Computers Getting Stupider? By Ray Kurzweil
Why We Can Be Confident of Turing Test Capability Within a Quarter Century By Ray Kurzweil

News Articles that refer to Combinatorial Explosion

Digital Communication Technology Helps Clear Path To Personalized Therapies