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    Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
by   Michael Vassar
Robert A. Freitas Jr.

Tomorrow's biggest danger may be nanoweapons (grey goo and other) created with molecular manufacturing. The Lifeboat Foundation proposes development of detection methods, such as infrared satellite surveillance for nanobot signatures, along with a three-layer defense system, with devices such as an orbiting mirror to focus concentrated sunlight on an ecophagic outbreak.

In Memory of Cassie Freitas

Originally published by Lifeboat Foundation July 31, 2006. Reprinted with permission on KurzweilAI.net August 6, 2006.

With participation by Amara D. Angelica, Philippe Van Nedervelde, Mike Treder and other Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board members.


The most immediate danger facing life on earth is probably that posed by biological weapons and emergent disease. The Lifeboat Foundation BioShield proposal [1], described by Lemelson-MIT Prize winner Ray Kurzweil and US Senate majority leader Bill Frist, is our recommended response to this danger. The BioShield proposal emphasizes the development of technologies to combat bioweapons, such as biological viruses, by developing broad tools to prevent their development and to destroy them.

However, tomorrow's biggest danger is nanoweapons, and we believe it is now time to develop a solution to this problem. As Ray Kurzweil said, "As the threshold for self-organizing nanotechnology approaches, we will then need to invest specifically in the development of defensive technologies in that area, including the creation of a technological immune system."

There are two types of nanoweapons:

1) Self-replicating weapons (ecophages) that make copies of themselves; their only means of attack may be to "eat" the enemy or his resources as they self-replicate.

2) Nonreplicating nanoweapons, similar to the tools of war today, that are manufactured in a factory and then used in battle.

The NanoShield proposal has been designed primarily to handle self-replicating weapons, but it will also be an excellent first line of defense against nonreplicating weapons. Nonreplicating weapons are more difficult to defend against, since they don't need to spend a lot of time and effort in replicating. They are also easier to design, since they do not have to include instructions on how to replicate.


One of the earliest-recognized and best-known dangers of molecular nanotechnology is the risk that artificial nanotech replicators [2]—capable of digesting biological materials and functioning autonomously in the natural environment—could quickly convert the entire global ecosystem into more copies of themselves.

This is a scenario often referred to as "grey goo," but more accurately termed "global ecophagy," a term coined by Robert A. Freitas, Jr. [3]. Such replicators, called "ecophages," would constitute a class of sophisticated artificial life forms more lethal than any plague that has ever existed on this planet. If they are ever built and released, ecophages will need to be controlled by a sophisticated artificial immune system more powerful than any immune system that has ever been existed in natural biology.

The human immune system does not have to recognize dangerous invaders the way a nanotech system would. Our immune system merely has to recognize non-invaders and attack everything else. Another important distinction is that biological immune cells—and the invaders that they must combat—will both replicate at biological speeds and energy levels.

In contrast, a contest of exponentially growing numbers of nanotech devices would cook the biosphere in waste heat [3], especially if a large number of novel replicating nanodevices were released simultaneously, and if a different type of defensive device were needed to stop each of them.

The human immune system also benefits from co-evolution with its assailants. Microbes are selected to not overwhelm it too quickly, otherwise plagues would burn out and the microbes would also lose. The greatest immunological advantage of a human immune system may be the vast number of humans in which it is found. When microbes overwhelm it in one human, that human's selfish genetic material can afford to simply die, while living on in other humans. But we have only one earth, so we cannot afford such sacrifices of a global scale.

For these reasons, we have a more difficult task than that facing nature if we are to defend ourselves against artificial replicators. But we also have advantages not possessed by nature. Most important among these are the power to use design, to thoroughly analyze nanomachines we find, and to employ macroscale phenomena in our defense.


Our proposal for a NanoShield encompasses five specific recommendations, as follows.


To begin thinking about this problem, it is first necessary to determine the incidence of ecophagy that is likely to be detectable. This will be primarily a function of the pervasiveness of our defenses, and of the efficiency with which they can identify ecophagy, bearing in mind that ecophages may be intentionally designed to resist identification.

If nanorobots were withdrawing primarily carbon from the environment to build diamond, you could in principle search for the surplus or "waste" atoms that they discharge. For example, if an ecophage was consuming CHON-based organic material, and removing mainly the C atoms for incorporation into its mostly hydrocarbon-based replicas, it would presumably be discharging the unused H, O, and N atoms into the local environment as waste products in some form.

But trying to detect ecophages by searching for the waste atoms offers several challenges:

If they discharge as they feed, the discharge could be hidden by designing the ecophage to release mostly "natural" appearing effluents. For example, waste O, N and H atoms could be released as atmosphere-like O2, N2, H2, or H2O.

Unless there were a lot of ecophages concentrated in a small area, the volume of such effluent discharges would be relatively small, and any wind could rapidly disperse the effluents, even if they could somehow be recognized as artificial.

Ecophages could package their wastes into compressed-gas or solid-matter pellets and then drop them into the dirt. If they were covered with a camouflage coating, these droppings would be undetectable.

Some ecophages might be made of non-hydrocarbon ceramics such as boron nitride or silicon nitride, and thus would have a different effluent signature than expected for diamondoid ecophages. Such devices might not even need to consume biology during their relatively slow Build (replicating) phase, but could consume rocks, etc. instead, and then only consume biology during their relatively fast Destroy (nonreplicating) phase [3].

If the ecophage made a good effort to camouflage its effluents they probably could not be detected, so a different detection method would need to be tried to find the ecophage.

Two possible techniques are spectrographic analysis and sonographic detection. One could detect MM products spectroscopically, based on the presence of particular types of chemical bonds. However, this could be defeated by ecophage designers by coating them with something that looks natural, like silica (sand) or an outer shell of some magnesium-iron-silicate-etc. mineral that looks exactly like ordinary dirt.

MM products could be detected sonographically based on their existence in the environment as multiple clusters of matter that resonate at the same set of frequencies. However, this would have the problem that nanorobots and their parts have very high resonant frequencies—gigaHertz or teraHertz—because they are so small. Also, acoustic waves of these frequencies are hugely attenuated in their passage through air, or even water, so their useful range would be very short, on the order of microns. And it would not be wise to assume that ecophages will cluster into nice large macroscale "tuning forks" that would make them easier to detect—an ecophage designer would probably not require his ecophages to do any aggregation at all in order to replicate.

Another method is to examine chunks of material. If we assume a possible size on the order of 10 cubic microns, detection of a potentially dangerous nanodevice in a cubic meter of material would require that 1017 chunks of that material be examined. To perform such an examination for each of the 1015 cubic meters within two meters of the earth's surface, using rod logic (nanomechanical computation at the molecular level, as proposed by K. Eric Drexler in Nanosystems), would require roughly the Earth's incident solar energy over a 15 minute period for every computational operation involved in characterizing a particle as a threat.

It would also require the impractical disassembly of every object on Earth and some technique for utilizing the information acquired. Because some defensive probes would be expected to fail in the ordinary course of events, this technique would also fail to detect ecophagy armed to defend themselves. Even a less thorough examination, testing a random sample consisting of one in 1012 regions of space, would be disruptive, intensive, and relatively easy to circumvent.

Another method is to use three-dimensional images of nanoparticles that have been obtained with a microscope using newly developed coherent X-ray diffraction instead of focusing them [12]. This would allow for non-destructive forensic analysis to see if it is an MM product.

Trying to detect MM products tactilely, based on hardness, could be frustrated by camouflage coatings and would require physical contact, which generates a large-numbers problem.

So rather than computationally analyzing and characterizing random chunks of matter to determine whether they are capable of self-replication, a better solution is to continuously monitor the heat signature of the entire global surface and possibly the subsurface [3]. If this is combined with sophisticated pattern recognition, developing trouble will be detected reasonably quickly. Manual inspection nanorobots would then be sent to only those regions identified by the thermal pattern recognition software as scoring high on the "possible trouble" index. The atmosphere and oceans will need to be monitored as well.

Is it possible for an ecophage to mask its infrared signature and thus elude detection? Mechanical and chemical activities develop waste heat, so eventually this heat must appear somewhere in the environment. One strategy an ecophage could employ to evade detection would be to transfer the heat from its site of activity to some distant site, where the heat could be dispersed more widely and thus would be harder to distinguish from background levels.

For example, a Peltier-effect cooling system (electronic refrigeration) could transfer heat from the ecophages through an underground wiring network to a distant distributed thermal radiator system, possibly diluting the thermal signature by 1000:1 or more. Fluid-driven heat pipes or a complex of fractal diamond pipes (diamond is an excellent heat conductor) might also be effective. Another ecophagic strategy might be to acquire the biological feedstock at a given surface site but not process it there, transporting it instead to a distant location where the thermal signature of chemical processing could be better disguised—for example, in a processing facility located deep underground.

All such approaches can still be defeated if a high-resolution, high-sensitivity global thermal map has been created, good baseline statistics have been collected for many years for both surface and subsurface temperatures, and they are closely and continuously monitored using sophisticated pattern-recognition software.

For additional safety, some random sampling of materials could be done, in addition to simply monitoring heat signatures. However, note that only a thorough examination (including partial disassembly) of found objects will suffice to determine whether they are products of molecular manufacturing (MM) or not.


Instrumentalities should be put in place that constitute a general, nonspecific response to any perceived ecophagic threat. For example, inspection nanorobots could be deployed to any area that is suspected of having any sign of possible ecophagic activity.

If ecophages are detected, there could be a response from pre-positioned stores of generic defensive nanorobots manufactured by a global network of defensive nanofactory stations that have been put in place well in advance of the outbreak of the threat. These first-line defensive nanorobots will have generic abilities to disable ecophages—e.g., sensor blinding, spray painting to ruin energy-producing solar cells, and perhaps some capability of mechanical disassembly or physical crushing, electric shock, e-beam irradiation, and so forth. These defenses will buy time for the specific immunity defenses to kick in.


A second set of instrumentalities that should be put in place comprise a specific, targeted immunity response to a perceived ecophagic threat. These defenses would be designed to attack the particular ecophage in question. They could not be launched until the ecophage was identified and its weaknesses determined. A regular program of collecting and inspecting nanorobots found in the environment via sampling from randomly selected locations would help to establish a statistical baseline on extant nanorobot populations and would also provide an early warning of new nanorobotic capabilities that are being fielded.

The ability to detect and identify an object implies the ability, if necessary, to selectively deliver energy into that object. Ultrasound in the proper resonant frequency could deliver destructive amounts of energy into pre-specified and molecularly precise objects.

Specific surface chemistries can be attacked via the relevant chemical reactions. Chemical bonds can also be broken by electromagnetic quanta at the correct frequency. For example, an ecophage that internally employed mechanosynthetic tooltips possessing Ge-C bonds might be disabled by exposure to 21 THz infrared radiation, the approximate resonant stretching frequency of the Ge-C dimer bond.

Similarly, exposure to GHz microwaves might pump unplanned energy into purely mechanical components of nanorobots, such as the logic rods in mechanical nanocomputers operating at GHz frequencies, thus permanently damaging them, if these moving components incorporate any unbalanced electrical charge or conductive pathways in their molecular structure.

A methodology similar to that used by the human immune system is another option. Surfaces complementary to those of undesirable environmental contaminants, including MM devices, can be created and used to selectively bind MM devices and isolate them. Sensors, solar cells and other key parts of an MM device can be targeted as well. Such specific anti-MM defenses would be launched at a detected infection, although it is, of course, unlikely that permission would be given to carpet the entire Earth (and its atmosphere and oceans) with them.

While molecular manufacturing systems must fight entropy to build molecularly precise systems, countermeasures can work with entropy. In other words, on the molecular level, as on any other, once detection has occurred, destruction is far easier than creation and takes much less time. As a result of this, except for ecophagic populations much greater than the populations of countermeasure devices, the time taken by countermeasures to eliminate ecophagic infestations will be dominated by search time. Search time should usually be inversely proportional to the concentration of targets.

For this reason, an exponentially replicating ecophage population can be stopped by a constant-sized population of anti-ecophages, or more precisely, a constant concentration (per volume) of anti-ecophages. This implies two things: (a) You don't need to respond to an ecophage outbreak instantly; and (b) You don't need to get into an exponential race.

As MM populations in the environment are monitored, any non-Brownian diffusion or rapid increase in incidence should flag the attention of authorities who might examine the relevant population data, schemata of the threatening nanodevice, and simulations of the device's behavior. If they are concerned, they should authorize the release of countermeasures stockpiled by a large and diffuse planetary grid of nanofactories. Countermeasures need not be self-replicating, and in fact should not be, since that would require them to be complex and slow; and in addition, would raise the possibility that they could be preempted for use as ecophages.

Division of labor is generally efficient, and the production of countermeasures by specialized productive systems is an example of this. Although a grid of productive nanofactories must be created and stocked with feedstock and energy ahead of time for countermeasure production, specific countermeasures need not be created until replicators pose an immediate danger, so long as the total productive capacity available for countermeasure production is sufficiently great.

Countermeasures could take the form of small molecules, nanomachines, or macroscale devices such as ultrasound generators, sorting devices, or even bush robots with target specific branch tips. ("Bush robots" will have an immovable base that repeatedly branches in a fractal way into trillions of nanoscale fingers. [4]) Collectively, specific countermeasures can be seen as the equivalent of specific immunity. It could be innocuous, automatic, and continuous. But unlike specific immunity in biology, ecophage countermeasures can be subject to higher level analysis and centralized control, enabling their modification to correct any unintended damage.


A third set of instrumentalities should be put in place that constitute broad-brush emergency responses to a larger ecophagic threat. We cannot rule out the possibility of rare situations in which the normal nonspecific defenses fail, and successful specific defenses cannot be mobilized. Examples of such a dire emergency would be the existence of ecophagic replicators too numerous for cleanup or the recognition that an uncharacterized ecophage or one with no known specific countermeasures is replicating unexpectedly rapidly.

In such cases, it would be helpful if the NanoShield included emergency defenses that would be effective against a wide range of ecophagy types. With even broader impact than non-specific immunity responses, the use of emergency defenses would disrupt lives and economic and ecological systems. But the mere existence of these relevant defenses, prepared but unused, will not cause harm.

Many of the proposed emergency responses will themselves cause additional damage during the process of halting the ecophagic outbreak, much as a surgeon's scalpel damages the tissue through which it cuts during an operation to remove a more life-threatening tumor. For this reason, emergency responses should be considered a last resort and should be activated only in the direst of circumstances. In the aftermath, advanced molecular manufacturing and nanomedicine should allow us to repair many forms of damage to biological organisms, including individual human beings. Much, although perhaps not all, of the natural global ecological infrastructure might be reconstituted if proper genetic and statistical records have been maintained that describe the location and design of every large object and organism.

The possible misuse of specific countermeasures or emergency defenses is inevitably a serious concern, but one that should be almost as manageable as the risk of misuse of nuclear weapons. We say only "almost as manageable" because MM seems to favor evasion more than detection. This makes infiltration and infiltration-dependent hacking of the defensive systems themselves easier than it is in the case of nuclear weapons.

Also, unlike nuclear defense monitoring systems, such as Geiger counters, anti-ecophagy defense systems leave footprints when taking in information from the outside world, in the form of the data stream from their continual monitoring activities.

Some examples of emergency ecophagy defenses are:

a) Skysweepers. Air-filtering nanoscoop devices could filter the whole Earth's atmosphere, thereby removing all aerovores, as first described by Freitas [3].

b) Utility Fog. Massive utility fog curtains capable of establishing filters for the separation of the atmosphere into compartments, containing an ecophagy outbreak, or enabling the rapid establishment of expanding sterile bubbles (barriers within which organisms can be safe from any ecophagy that they don't bring in with them). Curtains may defend their integrity with multiple layers, with sensors that can recognize damage and respond with films of relatively inert substances that cannot be modified by known mechanochemical reactions (at room temperature or in general).

c) Solar Shades. Large solar shields that can be used to block the sunlight reaching Earth's surface, thus denying power or reducing the power available to solar-powered replicators. Prompt disablement or sequestration over a short time period of ecophages rendered dormant or lethargic may allow most terrestrial plant life to survive the prolonged darkness unharmed.

d) Localized Heating. Localized heating increases thermal motions in the mechanosynthetic tools used by the ecophage to build new molecular structures, causing onboard temperature-sensitive mechanosynthetic reactions to become unreliable. This would lead to fatal errors in the fabrication and assembly of daughter ecophages and most probably the permanent poisoning of the onboard mechanosynthetic tools. Localized heating may be an inevitable side effect of the use of other specific countermeasures at high power but can also be obtained more directly by relatively simple measures.

For example, an orbiting mirror could be used to focus concentrated sunlight into a specific ecophagic outbreak region, with the duration and intensity of localized temperature increases carefully controlled to maximize damage to the ecophages and minimize damage to the environment. Alternatively, an orbiting laser beam could be directed onto the ecophagic outbreak site (heating the ecophages). Ideally any temperature changes would be confined to the smallest possible area.

e) Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Nuclear weapon explosions are known to create very sharp pulses of high-intensity electromagnetic radiation that can destroy electronic equipment. EMP can also be generated by non-nuclear systems. Ecophages with onboard nanoelectronic components, including sensors, computers, electrical motors or generators, and power conduits, would be seriously damaged and probably rendered entirely inoperative, if exposed to EMP. Only ecophages with all-mechanical inner workings or that are heavily shielded would be immune to EMP damage. Of course, many microelectronic and macroelectonic devices that are not "hardened" (shielded and otherwise protected against radiation) will be similarly damaged and would have to be rebuilt in the aftermath, although EMP generators could be deployed against ecophagic outbreaks in limited areas, using directional antennas to minimize damage to electronic devices. One important benefit of this approach is that EMP could be used against ecophages infesting populated areas, without causing significant biological damage to living things.

f) Radiation. Finally, high-power emitters of fairly penetrating radiation, possibly x-rays or electrons from thermionic emitters, can be used to destroy all large molecularly structured systems within a large volume. Radiation can be tuned to minimize interaction with organic tissue, particularly with key tissues such as the nervous system, but basically this proposal relies on nanomedical systems that can be rapidly deployed to repair nanoscale damage before it brings about larger scale and more complex forms of damage.

This proposal may work well with (b), enabling organisms to be sterilized while they enter quarantined compartments. Other methods of sterilization include the use of nanomachines to remove all molecules from an organism's body that are not pre-characterized as "normal." This proposal is fairly similar to a generalized version of what human immune systems typically try to accomplish, e.g., the removal of everything except an enumerated list of molecule types, so the immune system might actually be enlisted to aid in the identification of nanosystems that natural immune cells have no way to attack. Biocompatible surfaces are likely to be well characterized in nanomedicine, so such surfaces can probably be identified by cleanup nanomachines unless the ecophages have masked surfaces to evade detection.


Each government participating in the NanoShield should establish and fund a new monitoring agency analogous to existing governmental agencies that already monitor outbreaks of computer viruses—most notably the US Department of Homeland Security's Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), the world's premier public-sector computer security monitoring agency [5]. Other analogous monitoring efforts include the Tsunami Warning System [6] operated by NOAA and the US National Weather Service, and the Spaceguard [7] telescopic monitoring effort, which continuously searches the skies for evidence of an approaching asteroid capable of impacting the Earth.

The proposed new nanotech monitoring agencies would be charged with initiating the early studies and preliminary implementation of the NanoShield. Each country's agency should coordinate with the other agencies and when they are ready to establish active defenses outside their own countries, they should establish a lead body to handle this.

The ultimate objectives of these nanotech monitoring agencies, as originally noted by Freitas [3], would be:

"Initiating a long-term research program designed to acquire the knowledge and capability needed to counteract ecophagic replicators, including scenario-building and threat analysis with numerical simulations, measure/countermeasure analysis, theory and design of global monitoring systems capable of fast detection and response, IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) discrimination protocols, and eventually the design of relevant nanorobotic systemic defensive capabilities and infrastructure.

"A related long-term recommendation is to initiate a global system of comprehensive in situ ecosphere surveillance, potentially including possible nanorobot activity signatures (e.g., changes in greenhouse gas concentrations), multispectral surface imaging to detect disguised signatures, and direct local nanorobot census sampling on land, sea, and air, as warranted by the pace of development of new MM capabilities."

This would lead to various practical early-stage monitoring activities that could be implemented today, including most importantly [3]:

"Continuous comprehensive infrared surveillance of Earth's surface by geostationary satellites, both to monitor the current biomass inventory and to detect (and then investigate) any rapidly-developing artificial hotspots. This could be an extension of current or proposed Earth-monitoring systems (e.g., NASA's Earth Observing System [8] and disease remote-sensing programs [9]), originally intended to understand and predict global warming, changes in land use, and so forth—initially using non-nanoscale technologies. Other methods of detection are feasible and further research is required to identify and properly evaluate the full range of alternatives."


Molecular manufacturing also raises the possibility of horrifically effective nonreplicating nanoweapons. The difference in purpose between a nanotech weapon and an ecophage is that an ecophage is meant to destroy biological matter, while nanotech weapons can have far greater diversity of purposes, including killing only specific parties. Ecophages must devote significant resources to replication, whereas nanoweapons can focus solely on destruction. This means that active nanoweapons can be far more dangerous per gram than ecophages, and can act much more rapidly because they need not waste time replicating.

As an example, the smallest insect is about 200 microns. This creates a plausible size estimate for a nanotech-built antipersonnel weapon capable of seeking and injecting toxin into unprotected humans. The human lethal dose of botulism toxin is about 100 nanograms, or about 1/100 the volume of the weapon. As many as 50 billion toxin-carrying devices—theoretically enough to kill every human on earth—could be packed into a single suitcase.

Guns of all sizes would be far more powerful, and their bullets could be self-guided. Aerospace hardware would be far lighter and higher performance. Built with minimal or no metal, it would be much harder to spot on radar. Embedded computers would allow remote activation of any weapon, and more compact power handling would allow greatly improved robotics.

Other possible nanoweapons include:

  • Arbitrarily large numbers of any robot.
  • Deuterium filters for separating deuterium from seawater.
  • Microscale isotopic separation of uranium.
  • Massive utility fog banks that simply contain all movement in a large region.
  • Computer viruses that make other people's nanofactories build bombs.
  • Inhalable or skin-penetrating machines that travel to the nervous system, allowing outside sources to take over inputs or outputs.
  • Massive nanofactories that consume a substantial fraction of earth's CO2.

These ideas barely scratch the surface of what's possible.

An important question is whether nanotech weapons'both replicating and nonreplicating'would be stabilizing or destabilizing. Nuclear weapons, for example, could perhaps be credited with preventing major wars since their invention. However, nanotech weapons differ from nuclear weapons. Nuclear stability stems from at least three factors. The most obvious is the massive destructiveness of all-out nuclear war.

All-out nanotech war is probably equivalent in the short term, but nuclear weapons also have a high long-term cost of use (fallout, contamination) that would be much lower with nanotech weapons. Nuclear weapons cause indiscriminate destruction; nanotech weapons could be targeted. Nuclear weapons require massive research effort and industrial development, which can be tracked far more easily than nanotech weapons development.

Finally, nanotech weapons can be developed much more rapidly due to faster, cheaper prototyping. Greater uncertainty of the capabilities of the adversary, less response time to an attack, and better targeted destruction of an enemy's visible resources during an attack all make nanotech arms races less stable. Also, unless nanotech is tightly controlled, the number of nanotech nations in the world could be much higher than the number of nuclear nations, increasing the chance of a regional conflict blowing up.

Bottom line: all problems that could be caused by nanotech weapons might not be solvable by the NanoShield alone, but having the NanoShield in place would provide an excellent first line of defense. We welcome suggestions from the public on how to improve the NanoShield so it can better handle nonreplicating nanoweapons.


The risk that the NanoShield would malfunction and accidentally destroy property or life on this planet can be made as close to zero as desired by increasing the reliability and redundancy of control systems. The greater and true risk of NanoShield implementation is that it might be purposely abused by people. For example, a NanoShield in malevolent hands could be used to oppress individuals, groups, or entire countries.

To minimize this risk, authority to activate the NanoShield should be distributed among as many responsible but competing interests as is practical, consistent with the need for potentially rapid decision making by parties who have demonstrated by past practice that they are ready and willing to take decisive action if the need arises. One good solution might be to have the NanoShield controlled by a coalition of democracies, perhaps NATO.

Less ideal would be to vest control of the NanoShield in the hands of a single strong democracy such as the United States or Australia. A more dangerous outcome may occur if all democracies ignore this vital issue and allow, by default, a dictatorship such as China, or a small private group, or even a lone individual, to control the NanoShield. It is unlikely that the UN can effectively administer the NanoShield, due to structural problems, including its inability to make rapid decisions, the veto power of non-democratic nations having permanent seats on the Security Council, and the large number of dictatorships represented among the UN membership.


To further increase global security and to lessen the need for the most dangerous elements of the NanoShield to be activated, we recommend consideration of the Lifeboat Foundation InfoShield Proposal [10], to be implemented alongside the NanoShield.

The InfoShield would deal with the problem that a powerful nanoweapon could be developed in secret that could wipe out life on the earth before the NanoShield could deal with it.

The InfoShield system would consist of multiple parallel, globally deployed, nanotechnology-based surveillance systems, such as "smart dust" (micro- or nanosize networked sensors that could covertly detect anything). In addition, "sousveillance" systems could be used. These would enable the public to turn the tables and monitor the government (and perhaps others) via tools like smart-dust data feeds—a possible checks-and-balance system for the coming nano age.


Of course, a smart dust system could also be used to abridge long-held Constitutionally-protected rights to privacy. Special enabling legislation or even an Amendment to the US Constitution might be required to implement smart dust in a manner that would pass Constitutional muster at the US Supreme Court. But as noted by Neil Jacobstein, Chairman of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing: "Nanotechnology-enabled transparency and accountability will produce the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Is it OK for governments to monitor civilians with quintillions of sensors, and for civilians to monitor their governments with quintillions of sensors? Or is that irresponsible and dangerous? The bigger question is: do you want the NanoShield to try to handle every possible nanoattack (we are not guaranteeing that it can handle all nanoweapon types, although we are pretty confident that it can handle ecophagy attacks)? Or do you want to try to stop hostile forces from unleashing the attacks in the first place—which would require extensive surveillance? Each attack stopped is one less attack that might have overwhelmed the NanoShield.

The Lifeboat Foundation suggests that the InfoShield proposal is a good first step in trying to prevent the attacks from happening in the first place. (Nothing is likely to prevent 100% of the attacks, which is why you will also need a NanoShield.)

But even combining smart dust with the three-layer defensive system proposed for NanoShield cannot provide an absolute guarantee of safety against all possible nanotech threats, especially given the power that personal nanofactories [11], which could be acquired by individuals, including terrorists. But NanoShield should provide an excellent first line of defense, and adding smart dust would further strengthen it.


Any particular ecophagy or nonreplicating nanoweapon defense can be circumvented, but the number of people proposing ecophagy defenses is likely to exceed the number building ecophages by many orders of magnitude. A mix of defenses should be deployed, preferably by multiple agencies, to minimize the risk of infiltration.

Some of these defenses should be announced publicly in order to allow a hacker community to try their strength against them, as is common with modern computer security, while other defenses should be kept secret to avoid their circumvention. In this case, the total barrier of a multilayer defensive system like NanoShield should be sufficient to prevent the effective malevolent use of self-replicating nanosystems, and should provide an excellent first line of defense against the threat of even more potent nanoweaponry.

However, it is not necessary to implement the entire NanoShield plan to be reasonably protected against ecophagic attacks. Even a partial implementation would greatly increase the odds that an ecophagic or nonreplicating nanoweapon attack would leave some survivors and would easily be able to handle the bioweapon and pandemic problems that the BioShield proposal [1] was developed to handle.

The reason the NanoShield could handle bioweapons and pandemic problems is that the NanoShield would be designed to handle a large range of designs, from carbon-based to silicon-based to boron-based, to ecophages with virtually no onboard intelligence, as well as those with onboard sophisticated computers, all-mechanical inner workings or designs that include electronic components, etc. In contrast, bioweapons and pandemics would have a much smaller range of designs and therefore be easier for the NanoShield to defeat.



1. Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, Lifeboat Foundation BioShield, July 2006.

2. Robert A. Freitas Jr., Ralph C. Merkle, Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, 2004.

3. Robert A. Freitas Jr., Some Limits to Global Ecophagy by Biovorous Nanoreplicators, with Public Policy Recommendations, Zyvex preprint, April 2000.

4. Hans Moravec and Jesse Easudes, Fractal branching ultra-dexterous robots, NASA: Advanced Concepts Research Projects, January 1999.

5. United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT).

6. The Tsunami Warning System.

7. The Spaceguard Central Node. See also: Spacewatch Project.

8. EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data Information System.

9. B. Lobitz, L. Beck, A. Huq, B. Wood, G. Fuchs, A.S.G. Faruque, R. Colwell, Climate and infectious disease: Use of remote sensing for detection of Vibrio cholerae by indirect measurement, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 97(2000):1438-1443.

10. Philippe Van Nedervelde, Lifeboat Foundation InfoShield, July 2006.

11. Robert A. Freitas Jr., Economic Impact of the Personal Nanofactory, Nanotechnology Perceptions: A Review of Ultraprecision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2(May 2006):111-126.

12. Eric D. Isaacs, X-ray nanovision, Nature Vol. 442 (July 6, 2006):35,

© Lifeboat Foundation 2006


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Mind·X Discussion About This Article:

Lifeboat Nanoshield response
posted on 08/09/2006 6:04 PM by sburgess

[Reply to this post]

Long post...
My comments & responses to various sections of the Lifeboat Nanoshield Proposal
In 2. Background,
2nd paragraph, "The human immune system does not have to recognize dangerous invaders the way a nanotech system would. Our immune system merely has to recognize non-invaders and attack everything else. Another important distinction is that biological immune cells ' and the invaders that they must combat ' will both replicate at biological speeds and energy levels."

Could there be a signature or other trusted identifier that would allow all "good" or trusted things to be recognized as such?

3rd paragraph (& I may just be being ignorant here): "In contrast, a contest of exponentially growing numbers of nanotech devices, by contrast, would cook the biosphere in waste heat [3], especially if a large number of novel replicating nanodevices were released simultaneously, and if a different type of defensive device were needed to stop each of them."

If this is so, why don't we now cook the biosphere through the exponential replication of biological organisms, such as bacteria?

4th paragraph: " Microbes are selected to not overwhelm it too quickly, otherwise plagues would burn out and the microbes would also lose."

Don't plagues burn out?

In 3. The Nanoshield Proposal,

Section 3.1, 5th paragraph (2nd inset paragraph): "Unless there were a lot of ecophages concentrated in a small area, the volume of such effluent discharges would be relatively small, and any wind could rapidly disperse the effluents, even if they could somehow be recognized as artificial."

Does the waste heat burning up the biosphere negate the idea of small effluent discharges (if we can call waste heat effluent here), or are we talking about small-scale number of ecophages, non-exponential?

Next paragraph: "Ecophages could package their wastes into compressed-gas or solid-matter pellets and then drop them into the dirt. If they were covered with a camouflage coating, these droppings would be undetectable."

Again - I think exponentially increasing numbers of anything will produce noticeable waste...unless again, we're talking about a smaller number of these things.

Paragraph 15: "Manual inspection nanorobots would then be sent to only those regions identified by the thermal pattern recognition software as scoring high on the "possible trouble" index. The atmosphere and oceans will need to be monitored as well."

This makes a lot of sense. But are normal environmental heat effects minimal and stable enough that such monitoring wouldn't either turn up mostly false positives, or (if tuned the other direction) miss relevant thermal events?

Also, discussion in & around paragraph 15 - ideas on how to solve the issues at stake:
One reason to keep a profit motive economy may be to encourage crowds of researchers / programmers / entrepreneurs to come up with solutions. Solving a problem in massively parallel fashion - by having lots of people & organizations trying, of their own volition, to solve the problems for profit - will produce a plethora of ideas and products that a few people won't.

3.2 Non-Specific Immunity Defenses

I would think that international participation and cooperation would b essential here. That is addressed later in the document, though.

3.3 Specific Immunity Defenses

My comments here aren't tied to specific paragraphs.

Comment related to 1st page of 3.3:
Open source designers hacking and beating on designs, as well as coming up with their own would be important here. Perhaps servers, pizza and Coke could be provided as incentives... :-)

Comments related to 2nd page of 3.3:
1: How can we be certain that immuno-defensive "bots" don't overwhelm the biosphere with waste heat (as discussed earlier in the document)? An attack by otherwise useless nanobots could be designed to do just that. The attacker sends in hordes of extra-cheap nanodevices that are alien but otherwise harmless, and the defense system jumps into play, generating tons of waste heat and self-damaging the defender.

2: An early immune system might be widely distributed and seeded into the environment which might as a side effect (or as a stealth justification) be used to clean up environmental hazards, toxins, spills, trash, etc. (Also, perhaps as a means to rid our bodies of some of the same. - as substitutes for today's common inoculations, e.g.) Of course, we would need to be pretty sure we know what we're doing to a complex biosphere. A stupid and simple example: clean up by destroying mosquitoes and frogs lose an important food resource, and frog-eating cranes lose an important food source, etc.

3: Regarding wide distribution of a grid of defensive productive nanofactories. Free (or all) Personal Nanofactories could have emergency overrides that would allow them to be used for defensive measures, including building additional nanofactories specifically for building defensive bots.
This is a good reason to give away PNs very early on once they come into existence / production. They become dual-use: feed, clothe, educate & house people everywhere, and act as an instant defense when needed as they are already everyplace by the time we have an attack. Then we don't need to pay or make the effort to put the exclusively defensive grid in place.
It seems that they would need to be designed to self-digest or self-destruct if other efforts were made to reprogram, hack, or otherwise repurpose said devices.

In 3.4 Emergency Defenses

3.4 e) Using EMP to disable "bad" nanodevices and then rebuilding in the aftermath is an intensely nontrivial task, In a populated area, we are talking about billions of devices: computers, watches, cars, Tivos, etc. It would bring the local economy to a standstill, not to mention thousands of lifesaving devices, automobile controls, radios so people can hear how to handle the emergency, cell phones, you name it. Maybe not so high a cost to pay when the alternative might be extermination, admittedly, but still a very high price.

3.4 f) "This proposal is fairly similar to a generalized version of what human immune systems typically try to accomplish, e.g., the removal of everything except an enumerated list of molecule types, so the immune system might actually be enlisted to aid in the identification of nanosystems that natural immune cells have no way to attack. "

Is this absolutely true? I may be just ignorant here, but is it possible that our immune system removes only specific threats or threat-like circumstances and leaves everything else alone?

3.5 New Monitoring Agencies

If truly an International effort from the get-go (not some kind of "coalition of the willing") then trust and buy-in will be built in. I think it's necessary if it is to be truly effective, given the amount of damage relatively small states might be able to do when enabled by MM.

4. Unstable Arms Race: Nonreplicating Nanoweapons

General discussion-

As with MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), the threat of a massive nanotech response (MAND) might serve to deter attacks by states.
Having greater uncertainty wrt the capabilities of the adversary might actually be a more stable situation due to the possibility of the aforementioned MAND. I hate the idea as policy, but it seems to have worked with nukes (so far).
As for tightly controlling nanotech - the cat is out of the bag. There are too many nations and organizations working on it now to have any effective control, IMO.

4.1 Risks of Nanoshield: "Less ideal would be to vest control of the NanoShield in the hands of a single strong democracy such as the United States or Australia."

I agree with this assessment. It might be nice to see an explanation that others (especially within the US) would buy.

5. Transparency vs. Privacy

Are we ready for ubiquitous surveillance by anyone? Excuse me for being gross for a moment, but is everyone willing to be seen whacking off, eating their boogers, looking at porn, playing with a spouse (or a mistress), doing their taxes, wiping their butts, being alone, staying "in the closet"? Or planning wars?

What kind of processing power will it take to monitor all these inputs?
How are you going to get lawmakers to let it be two-way?

The document says (if I may excerpt), "The bigger question is: do you want the NanoShield to try to handle every possible nanoattack ... Or do you want to try to stop hostile forces from unleashing the attacks in the first place..."

This reminds me of "Are you with us or against us?"
Or - do you let us listen in to your conversations or are you with the terrorists?
There may be other choices. I don't know what they are at the moment, but perhaps this is the moment to ask, before we accept universal surveillance. It is arguable whether ubiquitous sensors are inevitable.
What are some other choices?

Re: Lifeboat Nanoshield response
posted on 08/11/2006 10:35 AM by sburgess

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Sorry - I forgot to sign that long ol' post.
I am Steve Burgess

Heat detection can't work...
posted on 08/11/2006 10:04 PM by cphoenix

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At least it can't work for light-powered bots that have an albedo (reflectiveness) matching their surroundings. A grain of dirt converts some of the sunlight that hits it into heat. A nanobot sitting on that grain of dirt can grab that fraction of sunlight, use it to do work, and let the heat escape--and it will be exactly as much heat (per area) as the grain of dirt would have released.

On the positive side, light-powered goo-bots have to be near the surface of things, so this makes them a bit more detectable by inspection. You only have to examine the top millimeter or so of dirt.

In water, you have to examine the top 30 meters/yards or deeper to catch light-powered bots. Nanobots in water could be pretty nasty. On the other hand, the albedo-matching trick would require near-transparency, because it would be trying to match water.


Re: Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
posted on 09/12/2006 4:14 PM by mindx back-on-track

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Re: Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
posted on 10/10/2006 7:40 PM by sbailur

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It seems to me that in the process of getting involved in the technology of the entire problem of how to devise a nanoshield against grey goo, we are missing the big picture. If we cannot bring to heel terrorist groups and rogue states like North Korea, what hope is there for the rest of us? Is it not time for us to seriously consider a world state or at least a federation of world states that act in concert against potential threats like grey goo? The UN has outlived its usefulness. A mere talk shop will do no good. What is needed is to actively federate various nations. The EU comes to mind. the US and Canada as one federated entity is another obvious possibility. The whole of South America probably comes third on my list as does the whole of South Asia.It is these super state entities that will then have to take the process forward. A single united world policy towards the grey goo threats of this world can at least then be considered. Till then while the technicalities will endlessly fascinate us, it seems they will not ensure concerted action.
Sharad Bailur

Re: Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
posted on 02/14/2009 4:25 PM by turchin

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I have translated into Russian 'Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield' http://www.scribd.com/doc/12113758/Nano-Shield and I have some thoughts about it:

1) The effective mean of defense against ecofagy would be to turn in advance all the matter on the Earth into nanorobots. Just as every human body is composed of living cells (although this does not preclude the emergence of cancer cells). The visible world would not change. All object will consist of nano-cells, which would have sufficient immune potential to resist almost any foreseeable ecofagy. (Except purely informational like computer viruses). Even in each leaving cell would be small nanobot, which would control it. Maybe the world already consists of nanobots.
2) The authors of the project suggest that ecofagic attack would consist of two phases - reproduction and destruction. However, creators of ecofagy, could make three phases - first phase would be a quiet distribution throughout the Earth's surface, under surfase, in the water and air. In this phase nanorobots will multiply in slow rate, and most importantly, sought to be removed from each other on the maximum distance. In this case, their concentration everywhere on the Earth as a result would be 1 unit on the cube meter (which makes them unrecognazible). And only after it they would start to proliferate intensely, simultaneously creating nanorobots soldiers who did not replicate, but attack the defensive system. In doing so, they first have to suppress protection systems, like AIDS. Or as a modern computer viruses switches off the antivirus. Creators of the future ecofagy must understand it. As the second phase of rapid growth begins everywhere on the surface of the Earth, then it would be impossible to apply the tools of destruction such as nuclear strikes or aimed rays, as this would mean the death of the planet in any case - and simply would not be in store enough bombs.
3) The authors overestimate the reliability of protection systems. Any system has a control center, which is a blank spot. The authors implicitly assume that any person with a certain probability can suddenly become terrorist willing to destroy the world (and although the probability is very small, a large number of people living on Earth make it meaningful). But because such a system will be managed by people, they may also want to destroy the world. Nanoshield could destroy the entire world after one erroneous command. (Even if the AI manages it, we cannot say a priori that the AI cannot go mad.) The authors believe that multiple overlapping of Nanoshield protection from hackers will make it 100 % safe, but no known computer system is 100 % safe ' but all major computer programs were broken by hackers, including Windows and IPod.
4) Nanoshield could develop something like autoimmunity reaction. The author's idea that it is possible to achieve 100 % reliability by increasing the number of control systems is very superficial, as well as the more complex is the system, the more difficult is to calculate all the variants of its behavior, and the more likely it will fail in the spirit of the chaos theory.
5) Each cubic meter of oceanic water contains 77 million living beings (on the northern Atlantic, as the book 'Zoology of Invertebrates' tells). Hostile ecofages can easily camouflage under natural living beings, and vice versa; the ability of natural living beings to reproduce, move and emit heat will significantly hamper detection of ecofages, creating high level of false alarms. Moreover, ecofages may at some stage in their development be fully biological creatures, where all blueprints of nanorobot will be recorded in DNA, and thus be almost no distinguishable from the normal cell.
6) There are significant differences between ecofages and computer viruses. The latter exist in the artificial environment that is relatively easy to control - for example, turn off the power, get random access to memory, boot from other media, antivirus could be instantaneous delivered to any computer. Nevertheless, a significant portion of computers were infected with a virus, but many users are resigned to the presence of a number of malware on their machines, if it does not slow down much their work.
7) Compare: Stanislaw Lem wrote a story 'Darkness and mold' with main plot about ecofages.
8) The problem of Nanoshield must be analyzed dynamically in time - namely, the technical perfection of Nanoshield should precede technical perfection of nanoreplikators in any given moment. From this perspective, the whole concept seems very vulnerable, because to create an effective global Nanoshield require many years of development of nanotechnology - the development of constructive, and political development - while creating primitive ecofages capable, however, completely destroy the biosphere, is required much less effort. Example: Creating global missile defense system (ABM ' still not exist) is much more complex technologically and politically, than the creation of intercontinental nuclear missiles.
9) You should be aware that in the future will not be the principal difference between computer viruses and biological viruses and nanorobots - all them are information, in case of availability of any 'fabs' which can transfer information from one carrier to another. Living cells could construct nanorobots, and vice versa; spreading over computer networks, computer viruses can capture bioprinters or nanofabs and force them to perform dangerous bioorganizms or nanorobots (or even malware could be integrated into existing computer programs, nanorobots or DNA of artificial organisms). These nanorobots can then connect to computer networks (including the network which control Nanoshield) and send their code in electronic form. In addition to these three forms of the virus: nanotechnology, biotechnology and computer, are possible other forms, for example, cogno - that is transforming the virus in some set of ideas in the human brain which push the man to re-write computer viruses and nanobots. Idea of 'hacking' is now such a meme.
10) It must be noted that in the future artificial intelligence will be much more accessible, and thus the viruses would be much more intelligent than today's computer viruses, also applies to nanorobots: they will have a certain understanding of reality, and the ability to quickly rebuild itself, even to invent its innovative design and adapt to new environments. Essential question of ecofagy is whether individual nanorobots are independent of each other, as the bacteria cells, or they will act as a unified army with a single command and communication systems. In the latter case, it is possible to intercept the management of hostile army ecofages.
11) All that is suitable to combat ecofagy, is suitable as a defensive (and possibly offensive) weapons in nanowar.
12) Nanoshield is possible only as global organization. If there is part of the Earth which is not covered by it, Nanoshield will be useless (because there nanorobots will multiply in such quantities that it would be impossible to confront them). It is an effective weapon against people and organizations. So, it should occur only after full and final political unification of the globe. The latter may result from either World War for the unification of the planet, either by merging of humanity in the face of terrible catastrophes, such as flash of ecofagy. In any case, the appearance of Nanoshield must be preceded by some accident, which means a great chance of loss of humanity.
13) Discovery of 'cold fusion' or other non-conventional energy sources will make possible much more rapid spread of ecofagy, as they will be able to live in the bowels of the earth and would not require solar energy.
14) It is wrong to consider separately self-replicating and non-replitcating nanoweapons. Some kinds of ecofagy can produce nano-soldiers attacking and killing all life. (This ecofagy can become a global tool of blackmail.) It has been said that to destroy all people on the Earth can be enough a few kilograms of nano-soldiers. Some kinds of ecofagy in early phase could dispersed throughout the world, very slowly and quietly multiply and move, and then produce a number of nano-soldiers and attack humans and defensive systems, and then begin to multiply intensively in all areas of the globe. But man, stuffed with nano-medicine, can resist attack of nanosoldier as well as medical nanorobots will be able to neutralize any poisons and tears arteries. In this small nanorobot must attack primarily informational, rather than from a large selection of energy.
15) Did the information transparency mean that everyone can access code of dangerous computer virus, or description of nanorobot-ecofage? A world where viruses and knowledge of mass destruction could be instantly disseminated through the tools of information transparency is hardly possible to be secure. We need to control not only nanorobots, but primarily persons or other entities which may run ecofagy. The smaller is the number of these people (for example, scientists-nanotechnologist), the easier would be to control them. On the contrary, the diffusion of knowledge among billions of people will make inevitable emergence of nano-hackers.
16) The allegation that the number of creators of defense against ecofagy will exceed the number of creators of ecofagy in many orders of magnitude, seems doubtful, if we consider an example of computer viruses. Here we see that, conversely, the number of virus writers in the many orders of magnitude exceeds the number of firms and projects on anti-virus protection, and moreover, the majority of anti-virus systems cannot work together as they stops each other. Terrorists may be masked by people opposing ecofagy and try to deploy their own system for combat ecofagy, which will contain a tab that allows it to suddenly be reprogrammed for the hostile goal.
17) The text implicitly suggests that Nanoshield precedes to the invention of self improving AI of superhuman level. However, from other prognosis we know that this event is very likely, and most likely to occur simultaneously with the flourishing of advanced nanotechnology. Thus, it is not clear in what timeframe the project Nanoshield exist. The developed artificial intelligence will be able to create a better Nanoshield and Infoshield, and means to overcome any human shields.
18) We should be aware of equivalence of nanorobots and nanofabrics - first can create second, and vice versa. This erases the border between the replicating and non-replicating nanomachines, because a device not initially intended to replicate itself can construct somehow nanorobot or to reprogram itself into capable for replication nanorobot.

Re: Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
posted on 02/14/2009 5:10 PM by spudboy100

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Turchin, theres a writer named Bolonkin who comes up with some proposals for shielding cities and such, which is right up LifeBoat Foundations alley. He has some papers on the Physics Archives, that have always interested me, but I have no ability to analyze whether his ideas would work, or not.

Re: Lifeboat Foundation Nanoshield
posted on 02/14/2009 5:22 PM by turchin

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Yes, I know his writings. I understands his good intentions, but I can''t say anything about reality of his suggestions.