Cultural Dominants and Differential MNT Uptake
The impacts of radical and disruptive technologies such as molecular nanotechnology on societies deserve serious study by economists, sociologists and anthropologists. Would civil societies degenerate almost instantly into Hobbesian micro states, where the principal currency is direct power over other humans, expressed at the worst in sadistic or careless infliction of pain and consequent brutalization of spirit in slaves and masters alike?
Originally published in Nanotechnology
Perceptions: A Review of Ultraprecision Engineering and Nanotechnology,
Volume 2, No. 1, March 27 2006. Reprinted with permission on KurzweilAI.net
March 30, 2006.
Can civil societies absorb the impact of MNT without degenerating
almost instantly into Hobbesian micro states, where the principal
currency is direct power over other humans, expressed at best as
involuntary personal service and, at the worst, sadistic or careless
infliction of pain and consequent brutalization of spirit in slaves
and masters alike? It is a disturbing prospect, more worrying than
crazed individuals or sectarian terrorists. Are we, indeed, doomed
to this outcome through frailties in our evolved nature, unsuited
to such challenges, or perhaps to the rapacity of the current global
A deeper question might be this: even if we assume that rich consumerist
and individualist First World cultures like the USA might be prone
to such collapse, is that true of all extant societies? Might more
rigid or authoritarian societies have an advantage, if their citizens
or subjects are too cowed by existing power structures to dash headlong
into lawlessness? Might technologically simpler and poorer societies,
possessing fewer goods to begin with and perhaps having fewer rising
expectations, rebuff the temptations of MNT? Or might they seize
upon such machines eagerly, but distribute them and their cornucopia,
if only locally, on models of community or tribe unfamiliar to us
in the West?
These seem to me extremely important issues that will require concentrated
and imaginative study by economists, sociologists and anthropologists.
Nearly half a century ago, the brilliant science fiction writer
Damon Knight (1922-2002) published a parable salient to one possible
sheaf of outcomes arising from successful and cheaply available
molecular nanotechnological compilation of goods from cheap feedstocks.
In his brief novel A For Anything1,
a radical device—the Gismo—duplicates any object within
its field, including human beings. It needs no feedstock supply,
and draws power from batteries, thereby apparently breaching conservation
laws. This premise, although invalid given our current understanding
of physics, fails to dispel the force of Knight' s allegory, since
when matter compilers eventually turn information and cheap feed
stocks into virtually any desirable good, the more disastrous consequences
portrayed by Knight will actually become feasible, unfortunately.
Given the exponential proliferation of Gismos that apparently provide
everything people need without their working for it, including copies
of the Gismo and its batteries, ordered western society collapses
almost instantly. Water can be produced out of the nothing (the
"quantum vacuum", perhaps), greening barren lands; plans
to create spacecraft that generate their own fuel in flight seem
set at first to remake the entire solar system. Melodramatically
yet plausibly enough, alas, Knight projects an almost instant imposition
of martial law and its failure, then, worse yet, general breakdown
into lawlessness and acquisition by the brutal and canny of slaves,
or "slobs", who can be copied at will when they "wear
out". Within half a century, America sinks into a kind of feudalism
where nothing, in effect, ever again changes, where innovation seems
pointless if not intolerably disruptive.
Presciently, Knight realized that this kind of stable stagnation
requires more than a simple duplicator, and added the proviso that
Gismos can produce "protes" or "arrested prototypes",
"a gnarled lump of quasi-matter that could be stored in a pigeonhole,
and would keep forever" (27). When an "inhibitor"
is activated, the prote provides the information necessary to generate
a complete copy of the original. In effect, the Gismo is equivalent
to a nanofactory, using storable algorithms, although protes have
the disadvantage of not being digitized and hence transmissible
The question A For Anything raises is perhaps one for specialists
in cultural change and diversity. My own specialties are discourse
theory and science fiction, so all I can do here is suggest diffidently
certain possibilities for analytical approaches that are currently
unfashionable in the academy and in the business world, but might
be of use in probing the unknown. In doing so, I draw upon schemata
advanced equally diffidently in my book Theory and its Discontents
(1997)2, and
a range of overviews of individual and culture conveniently summarized
in several books by Ken Wilber, Don Beck, PhD, and others of their
school3. Leaving
aside the more metaphysical/ "mystical" aspects of his
thought, Wilber has usefully condensed the work of some hundred
specialists in a number of disciplines to yield a model of cultural
To simplify brutally, Wilber and Beck propose that each society
tends to segment, both through time and within a given period, according
to a sequence of developmental stages. For shorthand, these are
color-coded. The earliest—though not "simplest",
each being as complex as the rest—is Instinctive, directed
to brute survival (beige), followed by tribal Animism (purple),
impulsive Egocentrism (red), disciplined Authority (blue), managerial/
scientific Strategic (orange), communitarian Consensus (green),
multicultural Ecology (yellow), and a sort of new age global Holism
(turquoise), with perhaps several transcendent states beyond this
highest level. These overlap to some degree at least with my own
suggested cyclical cultural dominants, and several key stages match
up with "Three Systems of Action" by Mike Treder and Chris
Treder and Phoenix note three significantly different systems of
response for social organization: Guardian, oriented principally
around provision of security; Commercial, promoting science
and trade; and Informational, devoted to abundance. It is
easy to see that these Dominants (to borrow a term from the communications
theory of Roman Jakobson) can be mapped against the most significant
dynamics of certain periods, cultures, and elements of cultures.
In Wilber's terms, Guardian would be blue, and in the USA reflect
Republican conservative family values; Commercial orange, representing
scientific Enlightenment values; while Informational might perhaps
be green, representing postmodern inclusive global or "holistic"
values, enthusiasm for open source versus proprietary development
of novelty, etc. The interactions between individuals and groups
dominated by one mode or another can be troublesome and, indeed,
mutually incomprehensible. Green, Wilber warns, tends to "dissolve
blue", which can wreak catastrophic damage on prickly red (tribal/gang)
cultures or subcultures struggling to shift "upward" toward
Enlightenment/ Commercial orange, by invalidating support for the
intermediate "conservative" or blue Guardian stage in
the interests of a premature holism.
My own analysis poses six sequential phases each half a century
long and comprising two generations, punctuated by wars. The 300
years can be graphed as a sine curve—an upward semicircle followed
by a downward semicircle, each half comprising 150 years. (The full
iterated sequence of roughly 50 year phases runs Algorithmic-We-I-It-Theory/Text-Code-Algorithmic....)
I propose no numerology here, attempting rather to draw together
a number of separate analyses that seem to find certain recurrences
at certain intervals, not all of them compressible into a single
algorithm; one influence might enhance another, a third might tend
to mute it. What's more, recent human intervention on a planetary
scale might be expected to have modified, extended or suppressed
such cycles anyway—although some of the theorists I quote below
do carry their schemata forward into the second half of the twentieth
A similar model has been suggested in Generations: the History
of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 by William Strauss and Neil
Howe (New York: Morrow, 1991), whose parsed narrative discerns,
like Modelski's (below), a basic cycle four generations long, marked
by disruptive "secular" and "spiritual events".
Cohorts—individuals born within a given time-frame—are
said to resemble each other in temperament and trajectory more than
they do those from earlier or later generations. The four phases,
in order, are the Idealists (inner-driven, arrogant, creative),
indulged in childhood after a secular event; the Reactives (disruptive
in youth, pragmatic in maturity, uncultivated); the Civics (establishment
figures); and the Adaptives (guilty conformists, aging into sensitive
The three phases or tonalities characterized by Treder and Phoenix
match fairly well with the 150 year half cycle I discern between,
say, 1850 and 2000, in which the doubled generations are characterized
sequentially by the dominants I have dubbed IT (imperialism, Hot
Peace, public art), THEORY (global war, religiosity, modernism)
and CODE (Cold Peace, democracy, postmodernism). In tone, that half
cycle begins with what Australian historian and entrepreneur J.
Penman, Ph.D., calls High Vigor and moderate Stress, through Mid
Vigor and High Stress, to Low Vigor today but only Medium Stress.6
These parameters are related to, and perhaps driven by, variations
in child-rearing practices and those in turn, historically, on availability
of adequate or abundant nutrients, levels of perceived threat and
security, etc—see note 6.
Very roughly, we might expect Guardian/IT cultural phases to attempt
to impose strong centralized and hierarchical command over the ownership
of nanofactories and any distribution of their socially disruptive
cheap goods. Commercial/THEORY phases might use state power as well
as conglomerate capital power to restrict or co-opt MNT. Informational/CODE
phases will be likely to embrace MNT and attempt to spread its benefits
widely, perhaps to the whole world, and to resist conservative "moral
values" restraints, corporate ownership, and copyrights. It
is obvious, despite the natural affiliation of computer-savvy members
of the Code or green generations, that very powerful forces will
be strongly motivated to restrict MNT for reasons of private gain
and public security, even in those societies falling increasingly
under this dominant in the last 50 years
The problem foreshadowed by Knight's novel is that resistance to
the free development and distribution of MNT might elicit regression
to earlier dominants. In Wilber's terms these are beige (instinctual/subservience
to parents), purple (magical thinking) and red (egocentric), which
map moderately well with the earlier (and subsequent) 150 year semi-cycle
I have proposed, summarized briefly as ALGORITHMIC (global conflict,
classicism, aristocracy), WE (feudal disorder, formal religion at
nadir, superstition at zenith), and finally I (romanticism, beginning
with successful revolutions and perhaps global war and culminating
in thwarted revolutions). Historically, in the West, these three
dominants held sway between 1700 and 1850, continuing on into the
three phases previously described. On this model, which is consistent
with classic long cycle analyses by G. Modelski7
and others, we are arguably heading right now into a new algorithmic
or phatic phase, with its attendant risks of banality, degeneration
towards superstition, significant conflict (and perhaps the unexpected
"War on Terror"—and by culturally motivated
terrorists and hegemonists—is an index of this). Of course,
such 300-year cycles—which I trace back through at least three
iterations, and probably much farther—would presumably be interrupted
forever by a Singularity, especially one in which drastic life extension
becomes possible, thereby upsetting the already muddled traditional
replacement of generations raised under consecutively different
conditions. Nanotechnology is clearly one of the driving forces
thrusting advanced technological cultures toward just such a Singularity.
One question, therefore, is whether Wilber's orange and green phases
or waves can be sustained in their dominant roles at a time when
external and internal factors are arguably impelling Western cultures,
as well as their foes, toward what one might regard as more primitive
Indeed, this kind of analysis might lend itself usefully to the
study of contemporary cultures other than the Western. Should they
all be regarded, however different they remain, as in some sense
synchronized with the productive and informational drivers of the
global economy? One suggestion I hesitantly made in my preliminary
study is that societies throughout the world have been traditionally
tied, far more than we might imagine, to a kind of global clock
driven by variable insolation, and the impact of available solar
energy upon climate and hence food supply. Again, even if this has
been the case, it might no longer be so in an epoch where human-induced
global warming is skewing traditional large-scale solar-modulated
weather patterns, and in which global scientific production and
transport of food and raw materials to a large extent obviates reliance
upon local climatic conditions.8
In any event, it seems arguable that an analysis of cultural dominants
of this kind, and their differential impact, might provide some
general guidance in our expectations of the near-future impact of
any truly radical and disruptive technology such as MNT.
1. Damon Knight, A For
Anything, 1965, New York: Walker Publishing Co. 1970; as The
People Maker 1959; short story "A for Anything", The
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nov. 1957.
2. Damien Broderick, Theory
and its Discontents, Melbourne: Deakin University Press, 1997.
3. Ken Wilber, A Theory
of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science
and Spirituality, Boston: Shambala, 2000; Boomeritis, Boston:
Shambala, 2002; I am grateful to futurist Professor Richard Slaughter
for drawing my attention to Wilber's work. See also the "Spiral
Dynamics" of Don Beck, for example at http://www.integralworld.net/beck2.html
4. http://crnano.org/systems.htm
5. What drives this recurrence,
in Strauss and Howe's view, is a cycle of nurturant practice. Underprotection
in childhood creates a tendency in the adults so formed to pay more
attention to their own children, so the next generation shows increasing
nurturance. The third step is a generation smothered by overprotection,
and the reaction to such stifling is a fourth phase of decreasing
nurturance, which in turn leads back to the start of the cycle.
It is interesting that the linear progression suggested by Strauss
and Howe resembles a compressed version of my own model and Wilber's,
with their four-step periodicity folded into every pair of consecutive
Dominant regimes in mine. Inner-driven Idealists correspond in character
with my "I" generations, Reactives with "IT"
empiricism, Civics with "THEORY/TEXT" governance, and
Adaptives with "PHATIC/ALGORITHMIC" conformity. Two stages
are elided: "CODE", following "THEORY", and
"WE", following "PHATIC", but the two models
operate at different scales. Neither is there a gross discord between
the order of the two sequences. No doubt this is connected with
the individual life-stage structure that also underlies each model:
Youth (which conflates "WE" and "I" stages),
Rising Adults ("IT"), Midlife Adults ("THEORY/TEXT"
plus the shift to "CODE"), Elders (the transition from
"CODE" to "PHATIC" or "RULE").
6. Jim Penman, The Hungry
Ape, Melbourne, 1992, cited Broderick, 1997.
To sketch briefly the broad basis of Penman's mechanism, operating
on cultures via typical patterns for discipline of their infants:
Societies using early control tend to develop a politics based on
group loyalty; in a time-frame of low Restraint they produce feudalism,
and during high Restraint, they produce stable city states and nation
states. Their populations are open to change, and have elaborate
economic skills. By contrast, societies lacking early control favor
a politics based on personal, face-to-face authority; low Restraint
stretches of the cycle are marked by unstable control over regions
with shifting borders, while during high Restraint regimes they
build large imperial dominions. Their populations are tradition-bound,
and less skilled (Penman, p. 184).
7. George Modelski, Long
Cycles in World Politics, Seattle: University of Washington
Press, 1987.
If Modelski is correct, since 1494 the world system, parameterized
in versions of the four Parsonian variables (economy, polity, societal
community, and pattern maintenance or media/information apparatuses),
has passed through five "long cycles", each with four
generational phases. The cycles run to a little more than a century
each, and climax in devastating contests for world leadership. These
global conflicts last between 23 and 31 years, with the same average
as his cycle generation, 27 years. The turn of the millennium marked
the exhausted stage of an American century, and, if no better and
more humane means is devised for adjudicating leadership, the world
probably would be doomed to a new global war in perhaps 2030 (but
not until then).
8. A somewhat different
but arguably overlapping analysis was developed by Raymond H. Wheeler,
a former professor of psychology at the University of Kansas and
president of the Kansas Academy of Sciences, who constructed his
own grand theory of cultural recurrence. Around the middle of the
20th century, Wheeler orchestrated a massive research project, drawing
on up to two hundred co-workers, to reduce all of recorded history
to coherent summary form. As the data from 2500 years of records
were tabulated, he discerned a number of recurrent patterns world-wide.
The most notable was a roughly 100-year climatic cycle, varying
between 70 and 120 years, which seemed to fall into four predictable
phases. From this periodicity, and drawing on then-prevalent doctrines
of cultural and ethnic character, he theorized a regular swing of
mass psychological emphasis between "classical" or "centralist"
and "romantic" or "individualist" styles of
community and culture, summarized in Ellsworth Huntington, Mainsprings
of Civilization, [1945] 1959, New York: Mentor, 515-7. (Huntington
was an explorer and Yale professor of geography and climatology
whose books ranged from Civilization and Climate (1915) to
his magnum opus, Mainsprings of Civilization, published two
years before his death. His thesis of strong climatic determinism
strikes us today as crankily ethnocentric at best, for he sought
to discover why "vigorous" peoples like wealthy Euro-Americans
were so much more successful than the "indolent", "feminized"
races nearer the equator or otherwise trapped and stultified by
debilitating circumstances. In the era of the Asian Tigers on the
Pacific Rim, not to mention the historic defeat of American military
efforts by tropical Vietnamese and the current imbroglio in Iraq,
this claim seems not just racist but ludicrous. We should not be
entirely distracted, however, by our legitimate distaste for colonial
premises and rhetoric. Huntington's comparative ethnography remains
a rich trove of data, usefully categorized, on historical and environmental
flows in the fortunes of nations.)
Obviously these climate-driven distinctions cannot be found literally
everywhere simultaneously, because a global shift like the El Niño
vacillation will bring unusually abundant rain to one region while
filching it from another. Still, events like the Maunder Minimum
suggest that at least some secular climatic variations on the order
of a century can be due to changes in the sun's internal clock.
It is feasible that more subtle variations depend on more regular
solar pacemakers, such as the deep processes that also cause the
sunspot cycle and perhaps (even in the absence of human intervention)
modulate global warming and cooling.
Wheeler and his team found their data was usefully schematized
by a four-fold sequence: Warm-Wet, Warm-Dry, Cold-Wet, and Cold-Dry.
Each contributed to a certain characteristic mode of collective
behavior, so that "similar events have occurred throughout
history during the same phases of the 100-year climate cycle"
(Dewey and Mandino, Cycles, 1971, New York: Manor Books,
138). Adapting this model in brutally schematic form, and projecting
20 years (without taking account of drastic global climate change),
we might map the 20th century thus (138-9):
WARM/WET: 1900-24 |
1925-49 |
1950-74 |
1975-1999 |
WARM/WET: 2000-24 |
early stability;
imperialist and
expansionary wars;
good crops;
genius flourishes;
prosperity |
police states;
economic collapse;
cruel mass war;
crops recover;
revival begins
decentralized politics;
mechanical scholarship;
shift to anarchistic tone |
weakened government;
race riots;
class struggle;
new leadership emerges |
early stability;
imperialist and
expansionary wars;
good crops;
genius flourishes;
prosperity |
Since Wheeler announced his model just prior to the mid-century,
this makes a prescient cultural display, although he missed Greenhouse
© 2006 Damien Broderick. Reprinted with permission.
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