Top KurzweilAI.net News of 2002
In its second year of operation, 2002, KurzweilAI.net continued to chronicle the most notable news stories on accelerating intelligence. We offer here our overview of the dramatic progress that the past year has brought. Following that, we selected just over half of the 823 news stories posted in 2002 to document key breakthroughs in the continued exponential growth of increasingly diverse information-based technologies; deepening understanding of the information basis of biological processes; the early contributions of nanotechnology, and a multiplicity of related topics.
Published on KurzweilAI.net Feb. 5, 2003
The capital markets (venture and angel financing, IPOs, mergers and
acquisitions, bank debt) were in a deep freeze during 2002, particularly
for high-tech ventures. Technology market capitalizations continued
their downward trend from the previous year, and many ventures ended
their operations for lack of funding.
So one might assume that this high tech recession might have slowed
the pace of progress. A frequent question I (Ray) receive at my
lectures is what impact the high-tech meltdown has had on my law
of accelerating returns. Surely, many people point out, the
acceleration of computation and other technologies must have been
negatively affected.
The reality is that the law of accelerating returns is alive and
well. We see no impact of either the boom times nor the bust on
the ongoing and unperturbed acceleration of the power of technology.
The doubling of price-performance in a wide range of information
technologies, including computation, magnetic and semiconductor
memories, wireless and wired communication, miniaturization of electronics
and mechanics, genomic sequencing, neural scanning, brain reverse
engineering, and many others, has continued unabated.
The pace of innovation itself has also been undeterred. The unavailability
of investment has served primarily to weed out poorly grounded ideas
and projects. The spirit of innovation is so deeply embedded in
our society and culture that creativity has not only continued to
flourish, but even the number of fields and types of applications
continue to multiply.
All of this is eminently apparent from the depth and diversity
of last year's torrent of groundbreaking news as chronicled here
on KurzweilAI.net. We set a high bar for news stories, and nonetheless
posted 823 of them—more than two each day. We've selected just
over half of these below to document the key breakthroughs in the
continued exponential growth of these increasingly diverse information-based
technologies; our deepening understanding of the information basis
of biological processes; and the early contributions of nanotechnology.
A frequent challenge that I (Ray) receive is that while it is apparent
that hardware technologies are growing exponentially, the same is
not true for software. To this end, we hear an endless litany of
frustrations with poorly designed software, and the complaint that
software is no more intelligent today than it was years ago. My
own view is that the "doubling time" for software productivity
is indeed slower than that for hardware (I estimate it to be around
five years versus one year for hardware), but we are indeed benefiting
from all the investments in new languages, class libraries, and
development tools.
Smart software and consumer robots
Consider one dramatic example that we saw in 2002. It is often said
that game-playing programs, such as the chess machines Deep Blue and
Deep Fritz, rely entirely on brute force expansion of the move-countermove
tree. But there is an important aspect of these programs that requires
qualitative intelligence, namely the evaluation of the "terminal
leaves" of this tree. It would not be an intelligent use of computer
time to endlessly expand every branch of the tree. For example, if
one side was down by a queen and a rook at a particular node in a
branch, there would be little point in considering that line of play
further. So the classical "minimax" game-playing strategy
does require an important judgment at each node of the tree: should
we abandon or continue the expansion?
Deep Blue, which defeated Gary Kasparov, the human world champion,
in 1987, used a set of several hundred finely tuned parameters to
make this delicate decision. Its hardware consisted of specialized
chess circuits that were able to analyze 200 million board positions
per second. Deep Fritz, which competed during 2002, is simply a
software program running on eight conventional PC-class processors,
and thus is only able to consider about three million board positions
per second.
Despite this, it ranked about equal to Deep Blue and fought Vladimir
Kramnik, the contemporary human world champion, to a draw. This
impressive performance, despite using a small fraction of the computation
used by Deep Blue, is entirely due to important qualitative improvements
in the intelligence of its pruning software.
AI programs played a key role in many practical
applications. Every time you send an email or place a cell phone
call, you are calling upon increasingly sophisticated software programs
to route your communication. Every time you make a credit card purchase,
AI-based algorithms are analyzing the patterns of your purchases
to look for fraud. AI programs have also been deployed on the emerging
homeland security front, featuring the ability to detect patterns
that identify potential terrorist behavior, bioterrorism outbreaks,
and terrorist or criminal movements.
In The Age of Intelligent Machines, which I wrote in the late 1980s,
I predicted that warfare would be transformed from the variables
that had dominated strategy from ancient times —geography, offensive
firepower, and defensive fortifications —to the sophistication
of intelligent software and communications. We were headed towards
an era in which combat would increasingly be conducted by intelligent
machines, with humans (at least those on the winning side) becoming
increasingly removed from the scene of conflict.
The Persian Gulf War of 1991 saw the early use of intelligent weapons,
although only about five percent of our munitions were "smart."
In this past year, the majority of our weapons were "smart"
weapons during the Afghanistan conflict, and estimates are that
95 percent of our munitions will be intelligent weapons for the
Iraqi conflict of 2003 (assuming that President Hussein does not
back down in the face of our smarter electronics and software).
In 2002, we saw the Pentagon turn to terrestrial robots and airborne
drones for spying, detecting land mines, and combat in Afghanistan.
Looking ahead, researchers are actively developing smarter and smaller
weapons, for example, flying robots modeled on insects and birds.
Robotics made notable advances on the civilian side as well, including
research on sociable robots, ones that can sense human emotions,
highly mobile robots modeled on cockroaches, a mobile robot that
can learn in real time by matching images with its memory, and one
controlled by a hybrid rat-silicon brain. Notably one robot taught
itself the principles of flying by trial and error in just three
Consumer robots also made news, including a housecleaning robot,
a realistic cat toy, a walking-talking Honda car salesman, and—shades of the movie A.I.—a child robot that can interact with its
"carers," expressing emotions.
Robots also found another popular consumer role as "robodocs"
in elder care facilities and homes, in the form of cuddly bears and AIBO dogs to offer social stimulation and devices to monitor patients' medical condition and behavior
and give directions to Alzheimers patients when lost. Remote-control
robots were also used by doctors for precision heart surgery.
There were also improvements in speech recognition, speech
synthesis, and natural language processing.
A new category of business ventures focuses on developing virtual
personalities that will handle routine transactions over the phone,
such as making reservations and conducting purchases and performing information
queries. Many of these systems were rolled out during 2002.
For example, you can call British Airways and talk to their automated
attendant about anything you want, as long as it has to do with
booking a flight with British Airways. Other developments included
optimized dictation along with voice-controlled email and Web surfing,
a talking book for the blind, full-text search of audio recordings,
and a DARPA program to develop a handheld computer capable of speech
recognition and translation between 13 languages in four subject
Several computing technology breakthroughs were announced, including
a three-centimeter disc that stores four gigabytes of data or video,
a magnetic film-based hard drive that stores 200 gigabytes per square
inch, and a 12-cm, CD-size disc that stores one terabyte of data.
Supercomputing growth continued Moore's Law in 2002, with power
for the same price doubling every 15 months. The world's fastest
computers are fast approaching the computational capacity of the
human brain. There are various estimates of this capacity, with
the one I have offered being among the conservatively high estimates
(1011 neurons times 103 average fan-out times
102 transactions per second = ~ 1016 transactions
per second). Japan's Earth Simulator supercomputer became the world's
fastest, with 35.86 teraflops (3 x 1013) performance.
Not to be outdone, IBM announced plans to build the 100 teraflops
(1014) ASCI Purple and the 367 teraflops (3 x 1014)
Blue Gene/L.
Research on brain reverse engineering and neuromorphic modeling
(for example, Lloyd Watt's work on emulating the auditory processing
regions of the brain) has shown that neuromorphic modeling has the
potential to reduce the computational requirement by at least 103,
which means that we have already achieved human brain capacity,
in the context of using neuromorphic models (with reduced computational requirements), and using supercomputers. Now all we need is the software of intelligence.
One of the keys to achieving the software of human intelligence
is reverse-engineering the human brain. More powerful tools are
emerging. For example, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania
built a system that is able to noninvasively image up to 1,000 neurons
in a layer of only 10 micrometers and at depths of up to 150 micrometers
below the surface. Their goal is to achieve millisecond time scales
of the activity of individual neurons in large clusters (1,000 or
more) of neurons. This type of system will allow the development of
detailed models of how neuron clusters learn new patterns of information.
With two million new Internet users per month and more than half
of the U.S. population able to access the Web, pervasive computing
is moving closer to becoming a reality, notably via wireless high-speed
Wi-Fi (802.11) access to the Internet in public and private spaces.
Simplifying use by consumers, AT&T, Intel and IBM announced
a nationwide service integrating Wi-Fi with broadband cell-phone-based
Internet access.
The movie "Simone" brought the notion of a virtual
reality actor (synthespian) to the public last year. This movie
was of particular interest to me (Ray) because I am one of the few people
in the world to have actually had the experience that the character
Viktor Taransky (played by Al Pacino) has in the movie: transforming
oneself in realtime into another person. During the past year, researchers
made strides in achieving several elements of this technology:
virtual stunt artists that respond to the physics of the
real world
the first realistic videos of people saying things they never
techniques to allow a biomechanically realistic 3D model
of a character to learn how to produce its own body motion
a digital image sensor that was the first to match or surpass
the photographic capabilities of 35-millimeter film
software that converts standard video images into 3-D in
real time
a new technique for creating large, highly realistic holograms.
Augmented-reality systems were also developed to give surgeons
critical data during operations, provide visual fly-throughs
of a living tumor, achieve 3-D fractal computer modeling to construct
vascular systems in artificial organs, speed up research into diseases
by creating 3-D models of cells in a room similar to the Star Trek
Holodeck, and offer stroke patients hand-impairment therapy.
Prototypes of innovative computer-display and video systems were
announced, including flexible "electronic paper," an entire
computer printed on glass, "smart displays" that wirelessly
communicate with personal computers, a holographic video recorder,
and picture-editing tools that can automatically trace outlines,
seamlessly cover marks or blemishes, and fill in backgrounds when
pieces of an image are removed.
With rising threats of terrorism and hacker attacks, innovative
cybersecurity countermeasures were developed last year:
real-time 3-D images for surveillance
quantum encryption moved closer (keys cannot be intercepted
without the sender and receiver knowing)
computer-surveillance system to give U.S. counterterrorism
officials access to personal information in government and commercial
intrusion-detection software that mimics biological immune
systems by learning to watch for unusual events
RFID (Radio Frequency ID) tags for visitors to Saudi Arabia
for logistics, crowd control, and security.
Intel chairman Andy Grove warned that as chips become increasingly
dense, heat developed by current leakage will become a limiting
factor to the growth described in Moore's law. Within a decade,
he said, we'll need other solutions.
In the near term, 3-D chips may offer a solution. Several research
labs (notably in Japan and at IBM) kicked off serious R&D efforts
last year to develop 3-D chips. These vertically integrated devices
promise lower prices while boosting power and speed. Leading the
pack, Matrix Semiconductor plans to market its 3-D memory chip in
the first half of 2003.
In the longer range, nanocomputing based on molecular electronic
components became a leading candidate to replace conventional lithography.
Silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes are now the candidate nanoscale
technologies that could begin to replace standard transistors in
the decade after 2010. Research during the year included:
3-D nanotubes
atomic-scale "peapods" made of buckyballs
nanotubes that self-assemble
into circuit elements
boron crystalline nanowires ("nanowhiskers")
a new laser-stamping technique that could produce ten-nanometers-wide features, allowing for 100 times more transistors on a chip
atom-thin (.5 nm) layers of crystalline silicon called
"quantum wells" that can exploit quantum properties on the
atomic level to develop ultrafast transistors.
superlattices—a series of silicon p-n junctions—in a single
nanowire for creating highly integrated logic circuits, nanoscale
LEDs, and photonic waveguides
the world's smallest transistor,
just nine nanometers in length, designed by IBM researchers
a way to store 1,024 bits of information in 19 hydrogen atoms
in a single liquid-crystal molecule.
Similar research advances in memory were realized, such as IBM's
project to create nanotech-based data storage density of a trillion
bits per square inch, using thousands of nano-sharp tips to punch
ten-nanometer-wide indentations representing individual bits into
a thin plastic rewriteable film.
Research also focused on quantum computing, which could work synergistically
with nanocomputing to solve important new classes of problems that
are impractical without the use of quantum computing's ambiguous
"qu-bits." Research included a method of creating a reversible
quantum phase transition in a Bose-Einstein condensate (a new state
of matter), a crystal that traps light, quantum dots created and
held together by genetically-engineered viruses, microelectronic
"spintronics" devices that use the spin of the electron
to store and compute data, and superconducting junctions.
Despite nascent efforts to ban nanotechnology research because
of fears it might lead to nanowarfare and "grey goo" scenarios,
revolutionary nanotech research moved ahead, including:
longer-lasting batteries
methods of fighting weapons of mass destruction by analyzing trace pathogens and chemicals
self-mending and self-cleaning plastics, coatings and materials
that resist friction and wear or shed dirt
super-strong electrically-conducting threads
In addition, new federal legislation proposed in 2002 could result
in $37 billion for research in nanotech, biotech, and other key
new technologies. Researchers also developed breakthroughs in bionanotechnology—hybrid
nanoscale devices based on biological molecules—including:
viruses studded with molecules of gold and antibodies that
could invade tumors and help assemble supercomputers
protein-based nanoarrays for diagnosing infectious diseases
and biological agents
molecular motors using ATPase enzyme molecules
attached to metallic substrates
50-nanometer spots of DNA that could create a gene-reading
chip with 100,000 different diagnostic tests in an area the size
of the tip of a needle in a few seconds
bacteria to form microbial machines to repair wounds or build
microscopic electrical circuits
radio-controlled DNA that could act as electronic switches
that allow scientists to turn genes on and off by remote control
DNA to build nanorobots that could then build new molecules
and computer circuits or fight infectious diseases.
Researchers also made breakthroughs in nanomedicine, including
a smart membrane containing silica nanotubes capable of separating
beneficial from useless or harmful forms of a cancer-fighting drug
molecule, nanoparticles that cut tumors' supply lines, "tecto-dendrimers"
for diseased-cell recognition, and Buckyballs with chemical groups
attached for drug delivery.
Cyborgs, clones, and the cosmos
A number of new technologies were introduced in 2002 for creating
cyborgs, dramatized by an experiment by "the world's first
cyborg," Professor Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading,
who implanted a microchip in his arm. Other developments included:
"bionic" body replacement parts
microelectronic retinal prostheses
ID chip implants
electroactive polymers to form "artificial muscles"
a device that stimulates the visual cortex of the brain with
video from a camera
a powered exoskeleton for "supersoldiers"
a method for shielding pacemakers against interference from
MRI machines
a touch display for the visually impaired
microchips for controlling robots with the mind
There were numerous biotech breakthroughs in 2002:
Genome entrepreneur Craig Venter announced a service to
map a person's entire genetic code and a plan to create a single-celled,
partially man-made organism with enough genes to sustain life
A prototype tool for half-hour DNA tests (rather than two
weeks) from saliva
Rat heads grafted onto the thighs of adult rats to investigate
how the transplanted brain can develop and maintain function after
prolonged total brain ischemia, which will help understand brain
injury in newborn babies
"Junk DNA" found to contain instructions essential
for growth and survival
Recently discovered "small RNA"
molecules named by Science Magazine as the science breakthrough of the year. These operate
many of the cell's controls and can shut down genes or alter their
levels of expression.
Serious cloning research flourished in spite of the dubious announcement
of the birth of the first human clone. Professor Ian
Wilmut, who cloned Dolly the sheep, applied for a government license
to work with human eggs in an experiment that would prepare the
way for human cloning. The first cloned cat was successfully created.
And five clone calves were born with 0.1 percent human DNA intended
to produce C-1 Esterase Inhibitor to treat humans suffering from
There was also significant progress in the related (also controversial)
field of stem-cell research. Small RNA (mentioned above) may provide
us with the key to achieve the holy grail of somatic cell engineering:
directly transforming one type of cell into another. By manipulating
the protein codes in the small RNA molecules that tell a cell what
type of cell it is, we could create new cells, tissues, and organs
directly from skin cells without the use of embryonic stem cells.
A major advantage of this approach is that the new tissues will
have the patient's own DNA and thereby avoid autoimmune rejection.
As an important step in that direction, during 2002, scientists
found a way to transform skin cells into another type, including
immune system cells and nerve cells, without using cloning or embryonic
stem cells.
Researchers also:
reversed symptoms of Parkinson's disease in rats using stem
cells from mouse embryos
isolated a stem cell from adult human bone marrow that can
produce all the tissue types in the body
grew functional kidneys using stem cells from cloned cow
discovered fetal stem cells and adult cells that can create neurons
to repair a damaged brain
There was also important research progress in neuroscience in 2002,
a "brain cap" to help assess astronauts' mental
performance in orbit
a system that noninvasively detects patterns of nerve connections
inside the brains of living people
electrodes attached to a single neuron in the motor cortex
that allow for moving a cursor on a computer screen just by thinking
about it
a method of repairing brain damage in humans caused by stroke
or brain tumors
"brain pacemakers" for Parkinson's disease
and other conditions
transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression
a chip patterned on the human eye that picks out the kinds
of features and facial patterns that we use to recognize people
and read their emotional state
The NSF also proposed a major research program to enhance human
performance, such as developing broad-bandwidth interfaces directly
between the human brain and machines.
New forms of energy were also developed, including a micro fuel
cell that runs on methanol and provides much longer life than any
other portable battery, the world's first commercially available
cars running on hydrogen fuel cells, a new fuel cell that generates
electricity from the glucose-oxygen reaction that occurs in human
blood for powering medical sensors, and tiny batteries that could
provide 50 years of power, drawing energy from radioactive isotopes.
There were also dramatic theoretical developments in cosmology:
signals that appear to be transmitted at least four times faster
than the speed of light (although this experimental result does
not appear to allow the transmission of information at these speeds)
and observations of black holes that suggest the speed of light
is slowing.
Once the intelligence of our civilization spreads to other parts
of the Universe, the maximum speed with which that influence can
spread will become a critical consideration. There were hints this
past year that the speed of light may not be an absolute barrier
to reaching the far corners of the Universe in a reasonable period
of time. Of particular interest were analyses showing the theoretical
feasibility of quantum wormholes, which may offer short cuts to
the rest of the cosmos.
Selected KurzweilAI.net News of 2002
3-D chips
Los Alamos, Tachyon to develop 3D chips
based on wafer-stacking
Business News, June 14, 2002
Tachyon Semiconductor Inc. and Los Alamos National Laboratories
are planning 3D integrated devices using a new wafer-stacking
process that allows different circuitry elements to be stacked,
bonded, and interconnected on several separate wafers.
I.B.M. Advance Connects Layers of Tiny
York Times, November 11, 2002
IBM researchers plan to announce on Monday a new approach
to building three-dimensional integrated circuits using thin
(.5 micron) slices of a circuit. The technique would allow
for interconnecting separate layers directly at thousands
or even hundreds of thousands of points, increasing chip density
and communication speeds.
Researcher says 3-D SoC could restore
Japan's luster
Times, October 14, 2002
Japanese researcher Tadahiro Ohmi is developing three-dimensional
systems-on-chip VLSI chips he claims have ten times better
performance than today's chips and squeeze design and production
time to 1/40, clean room space to 1/5 and production cost
to 1/10 of what's now required.
"As one of the target systems-on-chip, Ohmi described a 3-D
SoC that integrates everything but the kitchen sink: all of
the silicon processors, silicon memories, polysilicon functional
semiconductors, amorphous-silicon image sensors, piezoelectric
sensors, biosensors and communications blocks. By packing
all these functions, Ohmi said, one chip can have a human's
five senses and will be able to provide a truly interactive
interface for that person."
Another Dimension
July 22, 2002
Two chipmakers are developing 3-D chips to increase semiconductor
power and speed by a factor of 10—at no additional cost.
Tohoku University professor Fujio Masuoka, who invented flash
memory, and a small team of researchers plan to have a 3-D
chip ready in five years.
Matrix Semiconductor, with has raised $80 million, says it
has already created a 3-D chip that it will start selling
by year-end, mainly to replace flash memory in digital cameras.
Games to take on a life of their own
February 11, 2002
Video games of the future could have characters with almost
human intelligence, capable of understanding and acting on
your commands.
Scientists from King's College in London have created a technology
called the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) which emulates
the functions of the brain's frontal lobes, where humans process
language and emotion.
At the moment, the LAD prototype has the learning ability
of an 18-month old child. Professor John Taylor and his team
are confident it could have the intelligence of six-year-old
child by the end of next year.
The system works by using neural networks to mimic brain function.
It then learns language as children do, not through rules
and vocabularies, but through association and example.
Taylor sees potential uses for the technology in areas such
as disability learning, home automation, data retrieval and
Artificial Intelligence Early Warning
System Installed at the Olympics For Bioterrorism Surveillance
KurzweilAI.net, February 13, 2002
An artificial intelligence computer system that analyzes
state-wide patient data from emergency rooms and instant care
facilities has been installed in most of the state of Utah
for the Olympics. If it detects a significant pattern suggesting
an outbreak, it pages the on-call state public health physician.
The Realtime
Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS), developed by
the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University,
is a protoype system that collects and analyzes relevant data
automatically and in real-time, including emergency room registration
data, microbiology culture results, reports of radiographs,
and laboratory orders.
It uses several AI techniques for machine learning, natural
language and data mining, including case definitions, automatic
detection algorithms that can be attached to specific data
streams, and data analytic tools that support temporal and
spatial data analysis and visualization.
RODS was initially installed in Western Pennsylvania in August
of 1999 for public health surveillance for the 3 million residents
of 13 counties. So far, the system has detected only a naturally
occurring outbreak of influenza. It is now being extended
to all of Pennsylvania. Other public health departments in
the U.S. are now showing interest in RODS. Given how quickly
it was installed in Utah, RODS principal investigator Michael
Wagner, M.D., believes it could also be implemented in other
states fairly quickly.
Research funding has come from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the National Library of Medicine, and the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality.
Neural net programs diagnose colon tumors
KurzweilAI.net, March 4, 2002
Researchers at the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer
Center in Baltimore have devised a new method to differentiate
and diagnose several types of colon tumors, using artificial
neural networks to analyze thousands of genes at one time.
The program could ultimately help doctors to identify the
cancers earlier and spare some patients from unnecessary,
debilitating surgery, says Stephen J. Meltzer, M.D., professor
of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine
in a study to be featured on the cover of the March issue
of Gastroenterology, the journal of the American Gastroenterological
Patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, the
two forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), have an increased
risk of developing cancer, but the cancer can be one of two
forms. "Sporadic," or common, colon cancers can often be removed
without radical surgery, while IBD-related
growths and cancers are much more aggressive and are generally
treated by taking out the entire colon.
"Until now, we had no reliable way to discriminate between
these two types of lesions, especially in their early stages,"
says Dr. Meltzer, who is also associate director for core
sciences at the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
and director of the cancer center's Genomics Core Facility.
'We're building a brain!'
March 21, 2002
Lobal Technologies of London is building a natural language
processing system called LAD (Language Acquisition Device)
that understands sentences word by word and builds its replies
word-by-word, rather than just reading a script.
The system is based on a model of the human brain, with emulators
for the five brain areas that are most important for language
processing, built using neural network technology
Lobal's roadmap for developing LAD is based on the development
of a human child. He's about 18 months old now. The company
hopes to give LAD the linguistic skills of a six-year-old
child with a 1,000 word vocabulary by this time next year.
The company next plans to work on building the technology
into computer games.
Seeing Around Corners: artificial societies
Atlantic Monthly, April 2002
The new science of artificial societies (A-societies), using
computer techniques similar to A-life (artificial life), may
suggest where to look for surprises and small interventions
in society that may have large, discontinuous consequences.
An Electronic Cop That Plays Hunches
York Times, November 2, 2002
CopLink, a new AI-based investigative tool, is being used
to help trace the Washington-area sniper suspects' movements
across the country. It was designed by Hsinchun Chen, director
of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University
of Arizona.
Coplink allows police departments to establish links quickly
among their own files and to those of other departments. It
works by linking and comparing data from new and existing
files and also allows users to look at lists of data or create
graphs and charts showing affiliations among different criminals.
Deep Fritz Draws: Are Humans Getting
Smarter, or Are Computers Getting Stupider?
KurzweilAI.net, October 19, 2002
IBM's Deep Blue chess computer defeated Gary Kasparov in
1997, so why did Deep Fritz only achieve a draw in its recent
chess tournament with Vladimir Kramnik?
Because Deep Fritz has only about 1.3% as much brute force
computation power as Deep Blue, says Ray Kurzweil in an article
published today on KurzweilAI.net. Despite that, "it plays
chess at about the same level because of its superior pattern-recognition-based
pruning algorithm."
With the ongoing acceleration of computer power, "In six years,
a program like Deep Fritz will again achieve the ability to
analyze 200 million board positions per second that was provided
by Deep Blue's specialized hardware. Deep Fritz-like chess
programs running on ordinary personal computers will routinely
defeat all humans later in this decade."
In The Age of Intelligent Machines (MIT Press, 1990), Kurzweil
accurately predicted that a computer would defeat the human
world chess champion by the end of the 1990s, and most likely
by 1998.
Ray Kurzweil's article on KurzweilAI.net
Nanoscale neural net aims to emulate
KurzweilAI.net, Sept. 18, 2002
A patent application for a physical neural network using
nano-sized conducting particles to form a synapse array chip
that mimics biological neural network processes has been announced
by KnownTech.
With more than 1 billion synapses per square centimeter,
a hypothetical "Knowm Network" would overcome the computational
constraints of software-based neural networks and achieve
partial emulation of a biological nervous system (which requires
neurons and connections numbering in the billions and trillions)
by using nano-sized particles, according to the company's
Web site.
"When nano-sized particles in a dielectric solution are exposed
to an electric field, the particles align with the electric
field," the site explains. "As the particles align, the resistance
between the respective electrodes decreases and any connection
formed becomes stable after the electric field is removed.
"As the strength or frequency of the applied electric field
is increased, the connection becomes increasingly aligned
and the resistance further decreases. By applying a perpendicular
electric field, one can also decrease the strength of the
"Because of the small size of nano-particles in the dielectric
solution, extremely dense physical synapse arrays can be built.
The result is a fully modifiable nano-connection that can
be used to build a high density synapse chip for neural network
Computer a celebrity for beating Kasparov
Journal, July 26, 2002
Deep Blue, the IBM chess-playing computer that beat world
champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, was the "single most important
contribution to artificial intelligence to date," said Murray
Campbell, who headed the project at IBM.
But Campbell said he doesn't consider Deep Blue to be intelligent
in the human sense and has little relation to the psychological
processes or the "broad spectrum of abilities" that humans
The value of computers won't be in whether or not they emulate
human intelligence, but in their success at solving complex
problems, he said.
Signs of Fraud Go Beyond Signature
Post, July 21, 2002
Credit card companies are using artificial intelligence to
thwart credit card fraud, which costs the industry about a
billion dollars a year.
Future Tech: Faking Intelligence
August 2002
A sociable robot doesn't have to be smart'-it just has to
fool us into believing it is, as animatronic Horatio "Doc"
Beardsley, developed at the Entertainment Technology Center
at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University, is demonstrating
to audiences in performances.
Doc Beardsley (photo: Bill Mitas/Carnegie Mellon University)
Doc is programmed to respond to spoken keywords with canned
lines. Its software compares the words with a stored list
of questions a person is likely to ask and selects a response
that scores the closest match. It uses prerecorded sounds
for more realistic inflections than synthesized speech.
"Someday the line between fake and genuine intelligence may
begin to blur for real."
Scientists build DNA nano-devices
KurzweilAI.net, January 4, 2002
New York University researchers claim to have taken a major
step in building more controllable machines from DNA. The
researchers say that the new device may help build the foundation
for the development of sophisticated machines at a molecular
scale, ultimately evolving to the development of nano-robots
that might some day build new molecules, computer circuits
or fight infectious diseases.
The research team was led by NYU chemistry professor Nadrian
C. Seeman. Their findings are reported in the January 3, 2002
issue of Nature.
"DNA devices can provide models for the development of nanorobotic
applications —provided the individual devices can be
manipulated separately," Seeman said in a statement. "Our
findings have taken the first definitive step in localizing
movement within molecular scale DNA machines, introducing
independence of movement within a wider structure."
In January 1999, Professor Seeman's lab announced the development
of a machine constructed from DNA molecules, which had two
rigid arms that could be rotated from fixed positions by adding
a chemical to the solution. However, the chemical affected
all molecules within a structure uniformly. The new findings
allow movement of molecule pairs without affecting others
within the larger structure. This is done by inserting DNA
"set" and "fuel" strands into individual molecule pairs.
Viruses may help make microchips
January 29, 2002
Viruses with molecules of gold and antibodies studded on
their surfaces may one day invade tumors in pinpoint cellular
surgery and help assemble electronic wires thinner than visible
light wavelengths for handheld supercomputers.
Researchers at Scripps Research Institute have discovered
a way to attach molecules to the surface of a virus.
One particularly tantalizing possibility scientists are investigating
on behalf of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington
is building circuits of electrically conducting molecules
on viral surfaces to form molecular computers.
Scientists develop protein nanoarrays
for biological detection
KurzweilAI.net, February 11, 2002
Scientists at Northwestern University have developed a new
detection technology on the nanometer scale that could lead
to the next generation of proteomic arrays and new methods
for diagnosing infectious diseases and biological weapons.
The researchers utilize a process invented at Northwestern's
Institute for Nanotechnology called Dip-Pen Nanolithography
to make arrays of proteins with features more than 1,000 times
smaller than those used in conventional arrays. This leads
to nanoarrays with more than 1 million times the density of
current commercial microarrays.
The process allows researchers to use an atomic force microscope
tip as a nano-pen to write out a tiny protein array on a gold
surface. With an array of protein "dots" as small as 100 nanometers
in diameter, the gold surface in between the dots is processed
to prevent it from absorbing target proteins and disturbing
the readings. When an array on a chip is exposed to protein
targets in solution, the protein on the substrate binds its
complementary proteins. The atomic force microscope then reads
the chip and records a match where a change in height is detected.
Nanoarrays Generated By Dip-Pen Nanolithography
Biological Engineers Design Breakthrough
Molecular Motor
American, March 13, 2002
Cornell University Biological engineers have designed a groundbreaking
molecular motor, only billionths of a meter in scale.
The invention, which was only theoretical just a few years
ago, heralds what futurists describe as the next industrial
revolution: molecular machines. This type of self-propelled
device powered by molecular-scale engines could function inside
individual cells.
The research team, headed by Carlo Montemagno, modeled their
molecular stator and rotor after an enzyme found in nature
called ATPase, which is responsible for converting food to
usable energy in plants and animals. The ATPase molecular
motors naturally occur on the membranes of mitochondria and
in plant chloroplasts. The moving part of ATPase is a central
protein shaft (or rotor), less than 12 nanometers in diameter,
that rotates in response to electrochemical reactions.
Montemagno, an assistant professor of agricultural and biological
engineering, harvested the ATPase molecules from Escherichia
coli bacteria that were genetically altered to create the
To turn ATPase into a motor capable of mechanical work, he
separated the molecules from the cell membrane. He then attached
them, using a synthetic peptide, to metallic substrates of
nanofabricated patterns of gold, copper or nickel. These metals
are the standard contact materials in integrated circuits.
This type of connection may allow engineers to one day integrate
nanoengines with the logic of integrated circuits.
The researchers bonded propeller-like filaments, made from
polymerized proteins to the top of the motor shaft. The protein
"props," ranging from 0.5 to 8 microns long, were made of
a material that would fluoresce under certain wavelengths
of laser light so their motion could be viewed.
After bathing the motor in a solution of ATP—the rotor
spun for 40 minutes at 3 to 4 revolutions per second, according
to the team's report in the September issue of the journal,
While science is still in the very early stages of proving
the feasibility of such molecular machines, the design is
a breakthrough proof-of-concept. Nanoengines that can pump
fluids, open and close valves and provide nano-mechanical
drives could be a reality sooner than we imagine.
Researcher proposes nanorobotic platelets
and phagocytes
KurzweilAI.net, April 15, 2002
Zyvex research scientist Robert A. Freitas has proposed bloodstream
nanorobotic devices that would allow for dramatic improvements
in clotting speed and eradication of bacteria and other pathogens
in the blood.
Nanorobotic artificial mechanical platelets ("clottocytes")
could allow for complete hemostasis in as little as one second
' to 1000 times faster than the natural system and
10,000 times more effective in terms of bloodstream concentration.
They could also work internally. Using acoustic pulses, a
blood vessel break could be rapidly communicated to neighboring
clottocytes, immediately triggering a progressive controlled
mesh-release cascade.
Nanorobotic "microbivores" traveling in the bloodstream could
be 1000 times faster-acting than white blood cells and eradicate
1000 times more bacteria, offering a complete antimicrobial
therapy without increasing the risk of sepsis or septic shock
(as in traditional antibiotic regimens) and without release
of biologically active effluents. They could also quickly
rid the blood of nonbacterial pathogens such as viruses, fungus
cells, or parasites.
Clottocytes: Artificial Mechanical Platelets
Microbivores: Artificial Mechanical Phagocytes
Nanobiotech Makes the Diagnosis
Review, May 2002
Nanobiotechnology researchers are producing a variety of
tools with important implications for medicine and biotechnology,
including faster and easier diagnosis of complex diseases
and genetic disorders.
This is a "new class of devices that combine the ability of
biological molecules to selectively bind with other molecules
with the ability of nanoelectronics to instantly detect the
slight electrical changes caused by such binding."
DNA nanoballs boost gene therapy
Scientist, May 12, 2002
Researchers have developed a way to pack a DNA molecule into
25 nanometer particles, small enough to enter the nuclear
pores or cells and make gene therapy safer and more efficient.
The technique is now being tested on people with cystic fibrosis.
"In cells grown in culture, there was a 6000-fold increase
in the expression of a gene packaged this way compared with
unpackaged DNA in liposomes."
Nanoscale gene chips possible
KurzweilAI.net, June 6, 2002
Scientists at Northwestern University have demonstrated a
technique that takes gene chips to the limit of miniaturization
—down to the nanometer scale of the DNA molecules themselves
—and could have a major impact on genomics and proteomics
The "dip-pen nanolithography" method uses an atomic force
microscope tip as a pen and different single-stranded DNA
as inks to produce spots of DNA down to 50 nanometers in diameter.
It may make it possible to one day have a gene chip with an
array of 100,000 different diagnostic tests in an area the
size of the tip of a needle and take only a few seconds to
The technique takes advantage of the ability of DNA to self-assemble
into a pre-programmable structure.
"Our direct-write patterning of multiple DNA strands also
opens up new possibilities for building and studying nanoscale
architectures," said Chad A. Mirkin, director of Northwestern's
Institute for Nanotechnology. "By taking advantage of DNA
as a type of biochemical Velcro, we should be able to build
a circuit, a catalyst, a sensor or a transistor from the bottom
up, instead of the top down."
nanopatterns with DNA inks
Laser pulses propel micro-aircraft
June 10, 2002
Japanese scientists reported Monday they have used lasers
to propel a small paper airplane. It could lead to new airborne
—and blood-borne—monitoring technologies.
The researchers said lasers could be used to accelerate large
aircraft to supersonic speeds, for light-driven robots, and
micro-doctors that "fly" through the blood vessels to operate
within the body.
Bugs trained to build circuit
Science Update, Oct. 8, 2002
are developing bacteria to form nanoscale microbial machines
that could eventually repair wounds or build microscopic electrical
Researchers at the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
in Ibaraki, Japan trained the bacterium Acetobacter xylinum
to exude ribbons of cellulose, a biological building material,
laying down strips at a rate of 4,000ths of a millimetre per
They are also exploring the use of genetically modified bacteria
to exude other materials.
Radio-controlled DNA act as gene switches
January 14, 2002
MIT researchers say newly developed radio-controlled DNA
may one day act as electronic switches, allowing scientists
to turn genes on and off by remote control.
The scientists attached tiny radio-frequency antennas—
gold crystals made up of less than 100 atoms—to DNA.
When a RF magnetic field is transmitted into the tiny antennas,
the molecules the crystals are attached to are zapped with
The radio technique can unzip double-stranded DNA in a matter
of seconds, a reversible process that leaves neighboring molecules
untouched. It may one day prove possible to hook the antennas
into living systems and control DNA via electronic switches,
the scientists say.
The nanoscale crystals can be attached to proteins as well
as DNA. This opens up the possibility of controlling more
complex biological processes such as enzymatic activity, protein
folding and biomolecular assembly.
Biological machines may one day be used to perform computation,
assemble computer components or become part of computer hardware
or circuitry.
Computer 'life' said possible
June 12, 2002
Scientists are developing a simulation of the E. coli bacterium
to re-program it into a "smart pill" to carry anti-cancer
drugs to tumors.
The "CyberCell" project will have "a profound influence on
the way we do life sciences in the future," said Michael Ellison,
director of the Institute for Biomolecular Design at the University
of Alberta in Edmonton.
The computer-based model cells could speed up research because
scientists would no longer have to spend weeks growing bacterial
cultures to test their ideas.
Mouse cell transplants for Huntington's
Scientist, February 11, 2002
Transplants of mouse stem cells into the brains of patients
with Huntington's Chorea could help slow the associated dementia
and loss of coordination, says UK company ReNeuron.
Huntington's is caused by an inherited genetic mutation,
which leads to a destruction of cells in a part of the brain
called the striatum. ReNeuron has transplanted cells from
its mouse neural stem cell line into monkeys designed to act
as models of Huntington's patients.
There are theoretical concerns that potentially deadly viruses
from the donor animal cells could be passed to the human recipients.
Other groups of researchers are transplanting fetal tissue
into the brains of Huntington's patients.
In theory, an unlimited number of cells for treatment could
be generated from the mouse, and from the human, stem cell
lines. At the moment, ReNeuron's human line is too genetically
unstable, with unpredictable chromosomal abnormalities appearing
as the cells repeatedly divide.
Saving Skin
Technology Review, February 11, 2002
Bioengineered skin—grown in the lab using small samples
of human cells—offers an alternative to animal testing.
Proponents argue that tissue models provide both ethical
and scientific advantages. Scientists don't have to extrapolate
human responses from animal-derived data and test results
are easier to reproduce from lab to lab.
While limited, bio-engineered models are finding a niche as
tools to screen out drugs likely to fail in clinical trials.
Just 2.5% of DNA turns mice into men
Scientist.com, May 30, 2002
Mice and men share about 97.5 per cent of their working DNA,
just one per cent less than chimps and humans. Scientists
are hopeful that the close match will enable researchers to
more rapidly determine the genetic roots of human diseases.
Claim GM Rice Withstands Drought, Salt
27, 2002, ABC News
Scientists say they have genetically modified rice to withstand
drought, salt water and cold temperatures by borrowing a gene
from the E. coli bacteria. They hope the new stress-tolerant
rice will help farmers in poor countries grow more food under
the worst conditions. The research team added to the rice
a gene for trehalose, a sugar that helps plants withstand
Fifth Alcor Conference on Extreme Life
Extension to profile cryonic breakthroughs
KurzweilAI.net, Sept. 25, 2002
Cryonic breakthroughs in preventing tissue damage from freezing,
human therapeutic cloning to replace damaged or missing tissue,
and radical new techniques for life extension will be among
the topics addressed at the Fifth
Alcor Conference on Extreme Life Extension in Newport
Beach, CA, November 15-17.
Michael D. West, President & CEO of Advanced Cell Technology;
Ray Kurzweil, CEO, Kurzweil Technologies; and Gregory Benford,
science fiction writer and Professor of Physics at the University
of California, Irvine will keynote the conference.
Speakers will profile breakthroughs in brain cryopreservation
research (Greg Fahy, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President
of 21st Century Medicine); research on slowing down aging
(Aubrey de Grey, research associate, University of Cambridge);
radical nanorobotics to arrest and reverse effects of aging
(Robert A. Freitas, Jr., J.D., Research Scientist at Zyvex
Corp.); post-resuscitation cooling to prevent brain damage
(Steven Harris, M.D.); biological immortality (Michael Rose);
gene-chip profiling to test effects of caloric restriction
in slowing aging (Stephen Spindler, Professor of Biochemistry
at the University of California, Riverside); new systems for
long-term tissue storage (Brian Wowk, staff scientist, 21st
Century Medicine); nanotechnology for repair of cryopreserved
tissue (Ralph Merkle, Vice President, Technology Assessment,
Foresight Institute), and practical techniques for living
longer (Kat Cotter, D.C., director of "The Longevity Bootcamp").
is $475 before Sept. 30 (a $100 savings). Call 800-482-6791
for more information.
Forward in the Face of Danger
25, 2002, BetterHumans
Using information pulled off the Internet and materials available
by mail order, Dr. Eckard Wimmer, a University of New York
microbiology professor and his team attempted to reconstruct
the polio virus in their lab just to see if it could be done.
Never before had a genome been reconstructed without a natural
virus to build from. As work commenced, the researchers recognized
that accomplishing their goal would introduce the world to
a new reality. Several paralyzed mice later, they were forced
to acknowledge their success. Eckard's experiment begs the
question: What impact does this have on future bioterrorism?
"I think it would be wrong to close our eyes to this," he
says. "The world had better be prepared."
Scientists unravel secrets of long life
Aug. 2, 2002
Longevity is related to body temperature, and to levels of
insulin and DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate) circulating
in the blood, according to researchers at the National Institute
of Ageing in Baltimore.
Men with lower temperature and insulin and those maintaining
higher DHEAS levels have greater survival than respective
'Junk DNA' Contains Essential Information
4, 2002, Washington Post
The huge stretches of genetic material dismissed in biology
classrooms for generations as "junk DNA" actually contain
instructions essential for the growth and survival of people
and other organisms, and may hold keys to understanding complex
diseases like cancer, strokes and heart attacks, researchers
have reported. The new results suggest that the genomes of
both humans and mice contain at least twice as much critically
important genetic material as previously believed, a finding
that promises to upend decades of scientific dogma and rewrite
the rule book for how nature builds complex creatures.
Darwin's Theory May Explain Ill Health
12, 2002, BBC News
Professor Randolph Nesse believes that conditions like heart
disease, obesity and drug abuse can all be explained by the
fact that the human body was not designed for the 21st Century.
Nesse, professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan,
is one of the leading proponents of evolutionary or Darwinian
medicine. Evolutionary medicine examines why some diseases
still exist. According to Nesse, our bodies are designed to
like things that are not good for us, from cigarettes to fatty
foods. Similarly, we are not designed to follow advice encouraging
us to change the way we live.
Missing Limb? Salamander May Have Answer
24, 2002, New York Times
Salamanders are the superstars of regeneration. They can
grow back not only limbs but also tails, parts of their hearts
and the retinas and lenses in their eyes. Humans cannot do
any of that. So scientists hope that the salamander's tricks
may one day be applied to people. Natural regeneration, which
might be accomplished with drugs or genes, would be easier
than transplanting, researchers say. And the tissue would
be the patient's own, doing away with the problem of rejection.
Scientists Hope to Create New Form of
21, 2002, ABC News
Gene scientists Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith hope to create
a single-celled, partially man-made organism with the minimum
number of genes necessary to sustain life in a project funded
by a $3 million grant from the U.S. Energy Department. If
the experiment works, the microscopic man-made cell would
begin feeding and dividing to create a population of cells
unlike any previously known to exist. The scientists acknowledged
the project could lay the groundwork for creating new biological
weapons and that they have to be selective about publishing
technical details.
DNA as Destiny
2002, Wired
DNA is not only the book of life; it's also the book of death.
In the future we may be able to read it cover to cover. Here's
a first-hand account of what it's like to take the world's
first top-to-bottom gene scan. "Everyone has errors in his
or her DNA, glitches that may trigger a heart spasm or cause
a brain tumor. I'm here to learn mine." It may be technologically
straight forward; it's not so emotionally simple.
Germs Develop a Deadly Defense
12, 2002, Detroit Free Press
Doctors have discovered a virulent new strain of the bacterium
staphylococcus aureus, or staph aureus. By stealing genetic
material from another bug, the new strain became totally resistant
to vancomycin, the longtime drug of last defense against it.
Staph aureus is a common pathogen that infects about 400,000
U.S. hospital patients a year. About one-quarter of them die.
For decades, scientists have been dreading-but expecting
-a staph aureus strain to emerge that is resistant to vancomycin.
Venter to Bio World: Exa-Byte Me
14, 2002, GenomeWeb
Craig Venter, delivering the opening address yesterday at
the BioITWorld conference here, said that computer power will
be the limiting factor in crunching, storing, and manipulating
the data necessary for linking the promise of genomics to
insights into gene function, protein interaction, and personalized
medicine. To underscore his point, he said the Celera computers
that sequenced the human genome-the 1.5 teraflop, 120 terabyte
machines that took up 6,000 square feet of space-are relics.
Sick? DNA Scanner Tells What Ails
News, Dec. 24, 2002
A prototype diagnostic tool under development by two London
companies offers rapid genetic analysis of infectious diseases,
delivering results in a half hour rather than the usual two
weeks with DNA labs.
The box takes a DNA sample directly from saliva. DNA is extracted
from the sample and then multiplied in a miniature polymerase
chain reaction, which clones DNA strands rapidly. Once enough
DNA is present, it can be matched against a suspected infection.
Infant rat heads grafted onto adults
rats' thighs
Scientist, Dec. 3, 2002
Infant rats are being decapitated and their heads grafted
onto the thighs of adult rats by researchers in Japan. The
purpose is to investigate how the transplanted brain can develop
and maintain function after prolonged total brain ischemia
(no blood flow). The controversial research may have value
in studies of brain injury in newborn babies.
Scientists Hope to Create New Form of
Nov 21, 2002
Gene scientists Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith hope to create
a new life form in a laboratory dish in an experiment that
raises ethical and safety questions.
Funded by a $3 million grant from the U.S. Energy Department,
the experiment could create a new set of tools to make biological
weapons, Venter warned.
DNA as Destiny
Nov 2002
Personalized medicine current being developed prefigures
a day when everyone's genome will be deposited on a chip or
stored on a gene card tucked into a wallet.
Physicians will forecast illnesses and prescribe preventive
drugs custom-fitted to a patient's DNA, rather than the one-size-fits-all
pharmaceuticals that people take today. Gene cards might also
be used to find that best-suited career, or a DNA-compatible
mate, or, more darkly, to deny someone jobs, dates, and meds
because their nucleotides don't measure up.
Race for the $1000 genome is on
Oct. 12, 2002
In less than a decade, people will be able to get their own
genomes sequenced for about $1000, leading to a whole new
industry of personal genomics.
Thousand-chamber biochip debuts
News, October 2/9, 2002
California Institute of Technology researchers hope to replace
large chemistry equipment with devices based on a fluidic
storage chip that can store 1,000 different substances in
an area slightly larger than a postage stamp.
The technology could eventually allow experiments that involve
hundreds or thousands of liquid samples to run on desktop
or even handheld devices, potentially reducing the cost and
complexity of medical testing, genetics research and drug
U.S. Agriculture Vulnerable to Bioterror
News Service, September 20, 2002
A large scale agricultural bioterrorism attack would quickly
overwhelm existing laboratory and field resources, warns a
new report
from the National Academies' National Research Council. The
report warns that the nation cannot rapidly detect and identify
many pests and pathogens, and needs a comprehensive plan to
defend against bioterrorism.
Millionaires Lining Up to Buy Personal
Gene Maps
News, Sept. 23, 2002
A service to map a person's entire genetic code is being
offered by America's genome entrepreneur Craig Venter, priced
at $621,500.
The information would identify genetic abnormalities associated
with a few dozen diseases. Some scientists are skeptical about
the value of the procedure.
Bettering Ourselves Through Biotech:
Greater Productivity, Sharper Memories, Hair Feathers
Aug 14-Aug 27
Beefing up muscle without steroids or hormones; rejuvenating
damaged skin and heart tissue; ratcheting up memory function,
and other therapies that promise to enhance human abilities
are nearing the marketplace, thanks to ever-faster breakthroughs
in biotechnology
First language gene discovered
News, Aug, 12, 2002
Scientists think they have found the first of many genes
that gave humans speech. The gene, FOXP2, is thought to be
linked to an ability to control facial movements—a faculty
crucial to language, which would give bearers a survival advantage
because they were able to communicate more clearly.
Genome Pioneer Will Start Center of His
York Times, August 15, 2002
J. Craig Venter plans to build what he believes will be the
nation's largest genome sequencing center to introduce new
technology that vastly decreases the time and cost required
to determine the DNA code of people, animals and microbes.
One goal, he said, is to get the cost down to $2,000 to $3,000
to analyze a person's entire genome, compared with the hundreds
of millions of dollars it took to determine the first human
genome sequence.
At that price, probably not reachable for 10 years, it will
become practical to tailor medical care to each person based
on genetic makeup, he said.
Laser delivers DNA
July 18, 2002
Lasers can open a temporary doorway into cells so that DNA
can get inside, researchers at Friedrich Schiller University
in Germany report. This technique might hasten gene therapy
by making it easier to get new genes into living cells without
harming them.
Ebola virus could be synthesised
Scientist, July 17, 2002
The technique used to create the first synthetic polio virus,
revealed last week, could be also used to recreate Ebola or
the 1918 flu strain that killed up to 40 million people, according
to experts.
The real worry is that bioterrorists could use the method
to recreate viruses such as Ebola and smallpox.
Stem cell hopes double
June 21, 2002
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health have reversed
the symptoms of Parkinson's disease in rats using stem cells
from mouse embryos. Another team of scientists from the University
of Minnesota Medical School has isolated a stem cell from
adult human bone marrow that can produce all the tissue types
in the body, from blood to muscle to nerve.
The new reports may re-fuel the debate in the US Senate over
whether to permit the cloning of human embryos for medical
Both papers are available
free on the Nature site (registration required).
McKay, R. et al. Dopamine neurons derived from embryonic stem
cells function in an animal model of Parkinson's disease.
Nature, 417, published online 20 June; doi:10.1038/nature00900,
Verfaille, C.M. et al. Pluripotency of mesenchymal stem cells
derived from adult marrow . Nature, 417, published online
20 June; doi:10.1038/nature00870 (2002).
Human Clone Unlikely Say Experts
27, 2002, BBC News
The controversial Italian doctor Severino Antinori has announced
that the first human baby clone will be born in January 2003.
Speaking at a news conference in Rome on Tuesday, the researcher
said three women he has treated are now carrying foetus clones
in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Later on Wednesday, a
company in the US claimed it too had women that were pregnant
with baby clones-one of which would be presented to the
world before the end of the year. But in the absense of any
real proof, not all scientists are convinced.
'Functional' kidneys grown from stem
Scientist, January 29, 2002
US scientists claim to have grown functional kidneys using
stem cells taken from cloned cow embryos.
Robert Lanza of biotech company Advanced Cell Technology
told New Scientist that his team, working in collaboration
with a group at Harvard University, coaxed the stem cells
into becoming kidney cells, and then "grew" them on a kidney-shaped
The two-inch-long mini-kidneys were then transplanted back
into genetically identical cows, where they started making
urine, Lanza says.
Men redundant? Now we don't need women
Observer, February 10, 2002
Doctors are developing artificial wombs in which embryos
can grow outside a woman's body. The work has been hailed
as a breakthrough in treating the childless.
The research is headed by Dr. Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University's
Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility. Liu's work
involves removing cells from the endometrium, the lining of
the womb.
After this Liu and her colleagues grew layers of these cells
on scaffolds of biodegradable material which had been modelled
into shapes mirroring the interior of the uterus. The cells
grew into tissue and the scaffold dissolved. Then nutrients
and hormones such as estrogen were added to the tissue.
"Finally, we took embryos left over from IVF programmes and
put these into our laboratory engineered tissue. The embryos
attached themselves to the walls of our prototype wombs and
began to settle there."
The immediate aim of this work is to help women whose damaged
wombs prevent them from conceiving. An artificial womb would
be made from their own endometrium cells, an embryo placed
inside it, and allowed to settle and grow before the whole
package is placed back in her body.
The experiments were halted after six days. However, Liu now
plans to continue with this research and allow embryos to
grow in the artificial wombs for 14 days, the maximum permitted
by IVF legislation.
Artificial wombs raise major ethical headaches which will
be debated at a major international conference titled "The
End of Natural Motherhood?" in Oklahoma next week.
Ethical and social issues include abortion, the prospect that
gay couples could give "birth" to their own children by combining
artificial wombs with cloning, and unexpected consequences
for working women and health insurance (materity leave would
no longer be needed and artificial wombs insurance companies
might prefer safer environments than natural wombs, which
can be invaded by drugs and alcohol from a mother's body).
First cloned cat makes debut
February 14, 2002
The first cloned cat has been successfully created at Texas
A&M University and appears healthy and robust, researchers
said Thursday.
The Texas researchers isolated adult fibroblast cells from
an adult male cat and froze the genetic material. They then
thawed it, fused it with cat ova that had matured in vitro
which had metaphase chromosomes removed, and these cloned
embryos were then transferred to female cats.
A total 188 nuclei were transferred, 87 cloned embryos were
formed and transferred to eight female cats resulting in one
live birth and one failed pregnancy.
Some believe it may pave the way for the future cloning of
pets, according to a paper to be published in the Feb. 21
issue of the journal Nature.
Designer Baby or Problem?
News, February 28, 2002
Designer babies can now be achieved without cloning, Gattaca-style.
"It's much more important than the debate about cloning people,
which is a sideshow," said Arthur Caplan, director of the
Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. "While
we're all spending a lot of time thinking about cloning, that
is not the main area where genetics is going to force hard
Key Component of Neural Stem Cells Discovered
Scientist, March 14, 2002
A team at the Max-Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Germany
has discovered a molecule they think is a key component of
brain cells which have the ability to act as neural stem cells.
Evidence suggests that specific fetal cells, called radial
glial cells, and adult cells called neurogenic astrocytes,
can act as neural stem cells—which create neurons. It
has been unknown to scientists what gives these special cells
their stem cell capacity.
In experiments, the molecular component "Pax6" was added to
normal astrocytes—which do not typicaly act as stem cells.
The cells began to function as neurogenic atrocytes, able
to produce neurons. Pax6 is a molecule called a transcription
factor, which regulates which genes are transcribed and then
translated into proteins.
Researchers hope the discovery of this key component may someday
allow scientists to utilize stem cells to repair a damaged
Dozens of human embryos cloned in China
Scientist, March 6, 2002
Chinese scientists at Xiangya Medical College have cloned
dozens of human embryos advanced enough to harvest embryonic
stem cells to make tissues for transplant patients and for
research. If verified, the work is a major step forward.
Another team based at Shanghai No. 2 Medical University claims
to have derived stem cells from hybrid embryos composed of
human cells and rabbit eggs. Embryonic stem cells are able
to develop into any cell type in the body.
Cloning research is bogged down by political and ethical concerns
in the U.S. and Britain, but regulations are far less restrictive
in China.
Method May Transform Cells Without Cloning
York Times, May 1, 2002
A team of scientists at the University of Oslo Medical School
and Nucleotech say they are developing a technique that transforms
one type of cell from the body into another type without using
cloning or embryonic stem cells.
The scientists made human skin cells in a test tube behave
as if they were immune system cells and previous converted
skin cells to nerve cells. The work promises a new approach
to tissue replacement therapy while avoiding controversial
therapeutic cloning.
Professor who cloned Dolly seeks license
to go to work on a human egg
Independent, Nov. 25, 2002
Professor Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly the sheep, has applied
for a British government license to work with human eggs in
an experiment that prepares the way for human cloning.
The experiment would allow scientists to carry out parthenogenesis
(a technique in which an unfertilized egg is stimulated in
the laboratory to develop into an early embryo) and then extract
embryonic stem cells for further study.
Interview With a Humanoid
York Times, July 23, 2002
Five clone calves in Wisconsin have been born with 0.1 percent
human DNA. They are expected to produce a human protein, C-1
Esterase Inhibitor, in their milk to treat humans suffering
from angioedema.
Infigen, a biotech company in DeForest, Wisconsin, is cloning
cows with human DNA to produce products such as human collagen,
human fibrinogen (used to treat wounds), and human factor
VIII, used for blood clotting.
The company also plans genetically modified pigs to produce
livers, kidneys, hearts and pancreases for ailing patients.
Upside of Downsizing Analog Chips
News, Feb. 20, 2002
has found a way to make analog devices employing the same
CMOS technology currently used for making digital chips and
fine-tuning them after they are produced. The result is analog
devices that can be scaled down to tiny sizes and work better
than the current generation of analog chips.
The "self-adaptive silicon" technology is modeled on how
the human brain adjusts nerve cells; it can monitor the chip's
functioning and adjust it to adapt to changes in temperature
or battery power. It promises to improve battery life in wireless
systems, enable low-power adaptive sensors, and allow for
silicon chips that learn from experience.
Company co-founders Carver Mead and his former student, Christopher
Diorio, developed the process while at Cal Tech in the 1990s.
Computers reach one billion mark
News, July 1, 2002
One billion personal computers have been sold across the
world, according to Gartner Dataquest. The number will reach
the two billion mark by 2008, with greatest growth expected
in China, Latin America, eastern Europe and India, predicts
Billionth PC Ships, Gartner Dataquest report, 28 June
One Terabyte On a 12-cm Disc
July 16, 2002
At InterOpto'02-international optoelectronics exhibition
hold in Chiba, Japan-OPTWARE Co. Ltd. demoed a super-high
speed optical disk system that uses a hologram and stores
1 terabyte data in a 12-cm-CD-size disc, with 100Mbps-1Gbps
transfer rate. Available in 2003 as 19-inch rackmount, 2005
for PC.
Software aims to put your life on a disk
Scientist, Nov. 20, 2002
Engineers at Microsoft's Media Presence lab in San Francisco
are aiming to build "MyLifeBits,"
a multimedia database that chronicle people's life events
and make them searchable.
Each media file saved in MyLifeBits can be tagged with a written
or spoken commentary and linked to other files. Spoken annotations
are also converted into text, so the speech is searchable,
The system could also help us preserve our experiences more
vividly for posterity.
The concept was first proposed by presidential technology
adviser Vannevar Bush as "Memex."
Tiny optical disc could store five movies
Oct. 18, 2002
Philips has been secretly developing the world's smallest
optical disc, which will record, play back and erase data
using the same precision blue lasers that are being developed
for the next generation of high-definition video recorders.
The first versions of the three-centimeter disc (with the
same thickness as a DVD) will store one gigabyte on each side,
but the dual-layer coating already used for DVDs will double
the capacity to four gigabytes in total.
Imprinted patterns boost hard drive capacity
200 times
Science Update, Oct. 11, 2002
A new magnetic data storage system could offer 200 times
the data storage capacity of current state-of-the-art systems.
The magnetic film, devised by IBM researchers, stores 200
gigabytes per square inch.
The technology, which requires further development before
commercialization, magnetizes bits on the thin-film recording
medium perpendicular to the film surface instead of parallel,
doing away with flipped magnetic fields from neighboring magnetic
fields. It also writes data on discrete islands of magnetic
material to avoid demagnetization from heat.
performance of high-density patterned perpendicular magnetic
media," Applied Physics Letters, October 7, 2002—Volume
81, Issue 15, pp. 2875-2877
On a Single Chip, Intel Joins Realms
of Analog and Digital
York Times, Sept. 15, 2002
Manufacturing processes are converging. Intel has announced
a new manufacturing process to blend digital and analog functions
on a single silicon chip. In the future, all functions of
a cellphone, for example, could be consolidated on a single
Intel pushing to develop 1-billion transistor
Times, September 10, 2002
Intel Corp. has announced it is developing a 1-billion-transistor
chip that will integrate logic, graphics and security. It
is part of Intel's "convergence" push to accelerate the development
of computing and communications.
Rival replacement for DVDs announced
Scientist, August 29, 2002
A high-capacity replacement for current DVD technology has
been announced by NEC and Toshiba. It would increase data
storage capacity from the current 4.7 to 8.5 gigabytes to
between 15 and 30 gigabytes.
The competing Blu-Ray discs are expected to hold between 40
and 50 gigabytes of data. Both formats are expected to be
available in 2004.
The Even-More-Compact Disc
York Times, August 29, 2002
The new miniaturized DataPlay digital media offers CD performance
and 500 MB storage at a tiny size but at expensive prices
initially for media and players.
DataPlay discs will be available in blank, recordable form
as well as prerecorded, copy-protected albums.
New Hard-Drive Tech Overcomes Magnetic
Memory Problems
Network, August 28, 2002
Seagate researchers now believe they can store as much as
50 terabits per square inch—equivalent to the entire
printed contents of the Library of Congress—on a single
disk drive for a notebook computer.
Currently, the highest storage densities are around 50 gigabits
per square inch.
The new techniques involves heating the memory medium with
a laser-generated beam at the precise spot where data bits
are being recorded, overcoming the "superparamagnetic limit"
—a memory boundary based on data bits so small they become
magnetically unstable.
Related news: Nano
research challenges storage limit
Faster Chips That March to Their Own
Improvised Beat
York Times, August 22, 2002
Self-timing, or asynchronous microprocessors will lead to
improved computer performance, providing faster operations
and reduced power consumption and electromagnetic emissions.
Sun Microsytems and Phillips Research are pioneering developments
in this area.
Intel introduces major upgrade of Pentium
KurzweilAI.net, Aug. 13, 2002
Intel announced today a major upgrade to the Pentium 4 platform,
due out in 2003 and code-named Prescott. The new chip will
bring higher clock speeds, a 1MB L2 cache, Hyper Threading
and new instructions to the Pentium 4, according to Anandtech.
"Many of these enhancements will be made possible through
the use of a new manufacturing process for the transistors
that make up the Prescott core," which will use Intel's 0.09-micron
(90nm) process, it said.
The new 90 nm process, which Intel describes
as "the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing process
in the industry," is the next generation after the 0.13 micron
process, which Intel is using today to make the bulk of its
One Terabyte On a 12-cm Disc
July 16, 2002
At InterOpto'02-international optoelectronics exhibition
hold in Chiba, Japan-OPTWARE Co. Ltd. demoed a super-high
speed optical disk system that uses a hologram and stores
1 terabyte data in a 12-cm-CD-size disc, with 100Mbps-1Gbps
transfer rate. Available in 2003 as 19-inch rackmount, 2005
for PC.
Quantum wormholes could carry people
Scientist, May 23, 2002
"Quantum wormholes offer a faster-than-light short cut to
the rest of the cosmos—at least in principle. Now physicists
believe they could open these doors wide enough to allow someone
to travel through."
But matter travelling through a wormhole adds positive energy
to it, which collapses it into a black hole, so any would-be
traveller would be crushed.
"Ghost radiation" could be used to offset the positive energy
of the travelling matter, but keeping the wormhole open wide
enough to send a person would take a negative field equivalent
to the energy liberated by converting the mass of Jupiter.
Throwing Einstein for a Loop
2002, Scientific American
Physicist Fotini Markopoulou Kalamara has developed a way
to connect relativity with quantum theory—while making
sure that cause still precedes effect. The unification of
Einstein's general relativity with quantum theory to explain
the nature of space and time is probably the single greatest
challenge of modern physics. Kalamara's work suggests networks
that do not live in space and are not made of matter. Rather
their very architecture gives rise to space and matter.
Black Holes Are Double Trouble for Galaxy
Scientist, November 20, 2002
Two monstrous black holes are jostling for power in the same
galaxy, the Chandra X-ray satellite has revealed. The pair
will slam into each other in a few hundred million years,
giving the fabric of space-time a good shake. "Today for the
first time, thanks to the Chandra X-ray observatory's unparalleled
ability to spot black holes, we see something that is a harbinger
of a cataclysmic event to come," said a NASA official.
Speed of light broken with basic lab
Scientist, Sept. 16, 2002
Electric signals can be transmitted at least four times faster
than the speed of light using only basic equipment, Tennessee
State University physicists have discovered.
However, signals also get weaker and more distorted the faster
they go, so in theory no useful information can get transmitted
at faster-than-light speeds.
Black hole theory suggests light is slowing
August 8, 2002
Observations of the light from distant, superbright galaxies
suggest that the "fine structure constant" was slightly smaller
10 billion years ago, which implies that the speed of light
has decreased over time, according to Paul Davies of Macquarie
University in Sydney.
If proved right, this would challenge the theory of relativity
and the theory of inflation, which says space expanded extremely
rapidly in the first split second after the big bang.
Team demos 'first quantum crypto prototype
Register, July 17, 2002
The "first fully integrated quantum cryptography prototype
machine" has exchanged encryption keys across a 67km fiber
optic network.
The advance was achieved by a team from the University of
Geneva and Swiss electronics company id Quantique. In contrast
to methods based on codes, the keys formed by quantum cryptography
can, in principle, be completely uncrackable because the legitimate
receiver of a message can test whether it has been intercepted
or altered by an eavesdropper during transmission.
New Light Shed on Unbreakable Encryption
15, 2002, ZDNews
Scientists at Northwestern University say they have harnessed
the properties of light to encrypt information into code that
can be cracked only one way: by breaking the physical laws
of nature. There is growing interest in using quantum cryptography
for commercial and military applications because of the technology's
apparent ability to guarantee invulnerability. Quantum cryptography,
however, still suffers from one major limitation. As it stands
today, all quantum cryptography techniques only work over
dedicated fiber-optic lines—not over the Internet—and
over distances no greater than about 90 kilometers from one
point to another. That may be changing.
Face Scans Set Up at Lady Liberty
May 25, 2002
A new surveillance system is taking pictures of visitors
to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and comparing them
to a database of terror suspects.
The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the system.
Technology Gives Sight to Machines, Inexpensively
York Times, June 16, 2002
Researchers are developing an inexpensive system that produces
real-time three-dimensional images.
The 3D-Aware system from Palo Alto-based Tyzx can be used
for surveillance of individuals in a crowd, security systems,
games. It uses two inexpensive video cameras linked at high
speed to a custom processing card in a standard PC.
Many Tools of Big Brother Are Up and
York Times, December 23, 2002
Most of the technical prerequisites for the Pentagon's Total
Information Awareness national surveillance system are already
in place. Computerized data sifting and pattern matching that
might flag suspicious activities are not much different from
programs already in use by private companies.
Human or Computer? Take This Test
York Times, December 10, 2002
Yahoo and Carnegie Mellon have developed the "Completely
Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans
Apart" (Captchas)
to block bots that post spam and collect personal data.
To stymie bots, it presents distorted words displayed against
a complicated background or distorted sound clips, requiring
humans to enter the correct information for admittance to
chat rooms.
Good Morning, Dave . . .
Nov. 11, 2002
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is
accepting research proposals to develop a "cognitive system"
that would reason, learn from experience and adapt to surprises,
be aware of its behavior and explain itself, anticipate different
scenarios, and predict and plan for novel futures.
"It's all moving toward this grand vision of not putting people
in harm's way," says Raymond Kurzweil. "If you want autonomous
weapons, it's helpful for them to be intelligent."
Cognitive systems could assist or replace soldiers on hazardous
duty or civilians responding to toxic spills or disasters.
A New Cryptography Uses the Quirks of
Photon Streams
York Times, November 4, 2002
MagiQ Technologies plans to offer a cryptogaphy system using
quantum key distribution in 2003.
Keys to the code are transmitted as a stream of photons, sent
over a fiber optic cable. Security is based on quantum physics:
observing the transmission would alter the photons, rendering
their information useless to any eavesdroppers.
Software predicts user behavior to stop
Oct. 11, 2002
New computer-monitoring software designed to second-guess
the intentions of individual system users could be 94 per
cent reliable in preventing security breaches, say researchers.
The software generates a profile for each individual on a
network by analyzing the specific commands they enter at their
terminal. It then monitors their activity and sounds the alarm
on detecting suspicious behavior.
Quantum cryptography takes to the skies
Scientist, Oct. 2, 2002
Quantum cryptography keys encoded in polarized photons of
light have been transmitted more than 23 kilometers through
air, British researchers have announced. They say the breakthrough
is an important step towards a satellite-based global communications
system that is completely secure and expect to have a system
design by March 2003.
Quantum cryptography guarantees that keys cannot be intercepted
without the sender and receiver knowing by using the quantum
properties of individual photons (or particles) to encode
the key—any measurement of a photon will alter its quantum
properties, betraying an interceptor.
Nature (vol 419, p 450)
UK Scientist Calls for DNA Database of
Sept. 12, 2002
The British inventor of DNA fingerprinting has called for
the establishment of a DNA database for every person in the
country to fight crime.
There would be three databases, one with DNA samples, another
with names and addresses, and a third to match the first two.
A DNA sample from a crime scene would be checked with information
in the first database. If a match was found, a court order
would have to be obtained by the police to connect the profile
to a name.
The Gattaca movie was based on this premise.-Ed.
Eerie possibilities
September 6, 2002
Saudi Arabia is planning to issue an RFID (Radio Frequency
ID) tag to visitors for logistics, crowd control, and security.
The tag includes name, country of origin, where they are staying,
and what language they speak. RFID readers around Mecca will
pick up the data on each passerby for the purpose of monitoring
crowd flow and predicting where people are going and how situations
might unfold, coordinated by a command center.
First permanent wireless retinal prothesis
KurzweilAI.net, April 30, 2002
Ophthalmologists at the Keck School of Medicine of the University
of Southern California have implanted the first permanent
wireless microelectronic retinal prothesis.
Visual signals from a video camera will be sent to the 16-electrode
intraocular electrode array attached to the retina via a receiver
implanted behind the patient's ear.
Researchers hope the retinal prosthesis, intended to stand
in for the damaged retinal cells in people suffering from
such blinding diseases as retinitis pigmentosa and macular
degeneration, will one day be able to restore some degree
of vision to these patients.
ophthalmologists announce launch of permanent retinal implant
Enter the Cyborgs
News, May 13, 2002
The recent report of "roborats"
and other developments suggest that brains could meld with
machines faster than most think. The prospect has some concerned
about the "neuroethics" of brain implants and other neural
enhancements that could turn people into cyborgs.
First Humans to Receive ID Chips
Angeles Times, May 9, 2002
Eight people in Florida will be injected with ID chips on
Friday May 10. The "VeriChip" implants will allow hospitals
to scan Alzheimer's patients and others to quickly determine
identification and medical information.
Three of the implantees are the Jacobs family, whose operation
will be covered live on Good Morning America.
Applied Digital Solutions Inc. says it has a waiting list
of 4,000 to 5,000 people who want a VeriChip and plans to
operate a "chipmobile" that visits Florida senior citizen's
centers. The company also plans to have a prototype soon of
a device to receive GPS satellite signals and transmit a person's
Are Becoming Cyborgs
test first human cyborg
approves implantable chip
Eyes write
August 22, 2002
New software called Dasher
could allow computer users with disabilities or busy hands
to write nearly twice as fast, more accurately and more comfortably
than before and could also speed up writing on palm-tops and
typing in Japanese and Chinese, its developers say.
The software lets users select letters from a screen and
calculates the probability of one letter coming after another.
It then presents the letters required as if contained on infinitely
expanding bookshelves.
Ward, D. J. & MacKay, D. J. C. Fast hands-free writing by
gaze direction. Nature, 418, 838, (2002).
Bionic people with artificial muscles:
KurzweilAI.net, June 14, 2002
"We may see one day either bionic people, namely individuals
with artificial muscles, or robots that mimic biology," according
to Dr. Yoseph Bar-Cohen, senior research scientist at NASA
Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscles
Bar-Cohen has been developing technologies based on electroactive
polymers. These "artificial muscles" bend, stretch and contract
like biological muscles when an electrical charge is applied
to them.
"In the future, insect-like robots might relieve their manufacturer's
burden by packing themselves for shipping. Intelligent robots
might read books aloud, discuss stock options and even replace
dogs as man's best friend," according to a NASA JPL statement.
'Muscle' Sci-Fi into Reality
Artificial vision device stimulates the
visual cortex
KurzweilIAI.net, June 14, 2002
A neurosurgeon has become the first U.S. doctor to implant
an artificial vision device that allows a blind patient to
see using a video camera's image that stimulates the visual
cortex of the brain.
Kenneth R. Smith Jr., M.D., professor of neurosurgery at
Saint Louis University School of Medicine, performed the two-
to three-hour surgical procedure in Lisbon, Portugal, in April.
Patients use special sunglasses fitted with a miniature television
camera and a microcomputer and stimulator. The gear attaches
by cable to a tiny fire hydrant-like device implanted in the
back of the skull that connects to electrodes on the surface
of the visual part of the brain.
Patients don't have "normal" vision. Instead, they see white
flashes of light and learn to interpret the patterns so they
can gain mobility.
The system is designed for patients who have lost their vision
from an injury and are not candidates for retinal implants.
The artificial vision system is being presented June 13 at
the 48th annual meeting of the American Society for Artificial
Internal Organs in New York.
System Brings Vision to Blind
Program lets blind 'see' and draw
June 30, 2002
Hesham Kamel, a blind engineering student at the University
of California at Berkeley, has designed a computer-drawing
program that permits the visually impaired to create and visualize
illustrations, graphics and other images on the screen.
Replacing menus, the program divides (and sub-divides) the
screen into nine squares corresponding to a telephone keypad
for controlling commands, shapes, lines and colors. Audio
feedback can name the location of the square or describe the
shapes or pictures.
The Ultimate Running Machine
August 2002
Inside a Soviet-style training camp, corporate scientists
are reengineering neuro-mechanics, blood chemistry, and brain
waves. Welcome to the Oregon Project, where Nike is rebuilding
the US marathon team one high tech step at a time.
Bionic Eyes
January 3, 2002
Using space technology, scientists have developed extraordinary
ceramic photocells that could repair malfunctioning human

Scientists at the NASA-sponsored Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center
(SVEC) in Houston are experimenting with thin, photosensitive
ceramic films that respond to light much as rods and cones
do. Arrays of such films, they believe, could be implanted
in human eyes to restore lost vision by serving as substitutes
for bad rods and cones.
Artificial retinas constructed at SVEC consist of 100,000
tiny ceramic detectors, each 1/20 the size of a human hair.
The assemblage is so small that surgeons can't safely handle
it. So, the arrays are attached to a polymer film one millimeter
by one millimeter in size. A couple of weeks after insertion
into an eyeball, the polymer film will simply dissolve leaving
only the array behind.
The first human trials of such detectors will begin in 2002.
Scientists aren't yet certain how the brain will interpretb
unfamiliar voltages from the artificial rods and cones. They
believe the brain will eventually adapt, although a slow learning
process might be necessary—something akin to the way
an infant learns shapes and colors for the first time.
Injectable chip opens door to 'human
bar code'
Times, January 4, 2002
The VeriChip, a controversial radio-frequency identification
chip (RFID), injected through a syringe, could be used as
a sort of "human bar code" in security and medical applications.

Applied Digital
Solutions initially plans to sell the chips in South America
and Europe for use with pacemakers and defibrillators. Medical
personnel could identify and monitor a patient's implanted
devices merely by running a handheld scanner over the patient's
chest. They expect FDA approval for U.S. sales later this
The VeriChip includes memory that holds 128 characters, an
electromagnetic coil for transmitting data and a tuning capacitor,
all encapsulated within a silicone-and-glass enclosure. The
passive RF unit, which operates at 125 kHz, is activated by
moving a company-designed scanner near the chip.
Applied Digital Solutions implanted its first human chips
in September. A New Jersey surgeon, Richard Seelig, injected
two of the chips into his arm and leg.
The company says the chips could have security tracking uses,
implanted in young children, adults with Alzheimer's disease,
prisoners, and parolees.
Analysts said the chip might be too large for easy adoption
and needed more memory and other features, such as global-positioning
satellite receive capability and induction-based power-recharging
techniques. GPS might help find lost children and adults,
while larger memories would enable doctors to store vital
patient information.
Japan scientists 'grow artificial eyeball'
January 5, 2002
Japanese scientists have succeeded in growing artificial
eyeballs in tadpoles using cells taken from frog embryos.
"Since the basics of body-making is common to that of human
beings, I think this might help enable people to regain vision
in the future," said research team leader Makoto Asashima,
biology professor at Tokyo University.
Biomimicry: Super Fly
York Times, January 13, 2002
Researchers are trying to replicate the incredibly accurate
hearing mechanism of a rare fly—the Ormia ochracea—and
use it to create everything from the world's most sophisticated
hearing aid to tiny microphones that might help catch the
future Osama bin Ladens of the world.
The incredibly accurate hearing mechanism of the Ormia ochracea's
ears have evolved the ability to pinpoint the location of
chirping crickets, thanks to its two eardrums. The one closer
to the sound vibrates more loudly than the other, detecting
a noise's direction within one or two degrees.
Ron Miles, a vibrations and acoustics expert at SUNY at Binghamton,
has created a silicon design based on the fly's uncanny ability
to extract the direction of a sound. It will overcome the
limits of in-ear hearing aids, which don't let you ''focus''
your listening by providing cues on the direction of sounds.
A cluster of them dropped over enemy terrain would be able
to detect the origin of sounds through triangulation and then
wirelessly transmit the information back to a listening station.
A powered exoskeleton could transform
the average joe into a supersoldier
February 2002
Exoskeletons—essentially a powered suit of armor—are
being developed under DARPA funding to give soldiers a huge
advantage in battle, especially in urban environments. There
are civlian spinoffs too.
DARPA is awarding the first grants from its $50 million Exoskeletons
for Human Performance Augmentation project to Sarcos, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, and the Human Engineering Laboratory
at the University of California at Berkeley. The mandate:
a legs-only exoskeleton ready for trials by 2003 and a whole-body
version by 2005.
The exoskeleton will allow a soldier to lift 400 pounds, including
bigger weapons, bulletproof armor, better communications devices,
and more food, and remain continuously active for at least
four hours.
Exoskeletons could be optimized for other combat tasks, too,
such as running much faster than ordinary humans, jumping
over fences, picking up rubble during rescue efforts, and
with AI, save its wearer if he is wounded.
Nonmilitary uses include cnstruction work, cargo handling,
search and rescue, assisting the elderly, and allowing paraplegics
to walk.
Tiny sensors to be implanted in hearts
UPI Science News, January 23, 2002
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation will begin
implanting tiny, experimental microchip sensors into the hearts
of patients, hoping the wireless, battery-less devices will
provide early warnings of danger.
The device can give doctors daily reports on pressure in
the heart chambers. A change in pressure is one of the first
events that occurs when patients with congestive heart failure
start the slide toward hospitalization.
The micro-electrical mechanical system device folds up like
a flower and can be placed into a catheter, which is inserted
into the jugular vein. Under X-ray guidance, the catheter
is advanced through blood vessels into the heart. A screw
at the base of the microchip anchors the chip into the heart
When a handheld transmitter/receiver is activated outside
the body, the microchip delivers a signal that can be picked
up and recorded.
Implants for vision
(requires free registration), February 11, 2002
Scientists have demonstrated that they can stimulate the
visual cortex in the brain while bypassing the retina itself.
Several teams of scientists are trying to develop a device
that would electrically stimulate the visual system in seeing-impaired
individuals. Although serious problems must be overcome before
a useful device is developed, a review in Science concludes
that "a number of international groups are tackling the remaining
problems associated with epiretinal and subretinal implants,
and we await the outcome of clinical trials to determine the
value of refined nanotechnology for treating blinding eye
Science 295(5557):1022-1025
Boca Raton family volunteers to be first
for microchip implants
February 12, 2002
A family in Boca Raton have volunteered to be implanted with
microchips, which would make them the first family imbedded
with the identification devices.
Derek Jacobs, a 14-year-old computer whiz, is poised to become
the first child to receive the implant, which can be scanned
for identification and medical information. Derek, who runs
a small Web site business out of his bedroom and uses his
home computer to listen for extraterrestrial life in space
noise, said he wants to ride the wave of the future.
Inventor of artificial hand sees 'bionic'
replacement parts becoming more human
KurzweilAI.net, February 14, 2002
Bionic limb replacements that look and work exactly like
the real thing could be realized within a decade, thanks to
fast advances in human-to-machine communication and miniaturization.
Writing in Science, Feb. 8, Rutgers biomedical engineer and
inventor William Craelius, whose Dextra artificial hand is
the first to let a person use existing nerve pathways to control
individual computer-driven mechanical fingers, says "bionic
technologies can be adapted for restoring some degree of almost
any lost function," and that if progress continues at its
present pace, "human-machine communication could soon lose
its distinction as the No. 1 obstacle to bionics."
He described a wireless implant the size of a grain of rice
developed at UCLA by a team led by Dr. Gerald Loeb. This can
be injected under the skin to provide independent communication
between nerves and bionic devices.
Craelius said while it may require more than 1,000 connections
between the brain and bionic devices to communicate the data
for a complex action like walking, it is probably achievable,
even if most of the necessary computer processing is done
outside the body.
Miniaturization of components will soon bring even that processing
inside the body, Craelius said. "The number of transistors
we can fit onto an integrated circuit doubles about every
18 months," he said. "At this pace, within the decade, the
processing for complex bionic activity will be implantable
in the brain or elsewhere in the body."
While scientists are eliminating obstacles to communication
and miniaturization of bionics, they still need to devise
ways to protect the tiny devices from electromagnetic interference
and corrosion from bodily fluids, Craelius said. Battery capacity
and recharging are also concerns as the devices handle an
increasing number of tasks.
"Finally, users who subject themselves to brain implantation
of hundreds of electrodes are not going to want bulky plastic
sockets for their new bionic limbs. Creating a more natural
integration between the limb and existing bone is going to
be vitally important. A human feel is a crucial part of bionic
Human feel is an area Craelius is addressing in his own work
with Dextra, an artificial hand he developed along with a
team of Rutgers students and Nian-Crae, Inc. The prosthesis
gives a person who has lost a hand natural control of up to
five independent artificial fingers, controlled by electrical
signals generated by the user's remaining muscles and tendons.
Dextra has been demonstrated to permit such complex hand activities
as typing and piano playing. It has a plastic socket that
encases an amputee's upper limb and some of the processing
and communication is handled by a device worn outside the
High-tech soldier envisioned
KurzweilAI.net, February 24, 2002
A high-tech soldier with 20 times the capability of today's
warrior by about 2010 is envisioned by the Army and a team
from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Concept design teams met last year, composed of futurists,
systems engineers, biologists, military experts, human factors
specialists, writers and others met late last year to propose
a plan of attack to the Army for the "Objective Force Warrior."
Computer Screen Controlled with Monkeys'
Brain Signals
News, March 18, 2002
Researchers at Brown University have demonstrated that brain
patterns can be used to control machines. The development
could lead to techniques that allow paraplegics to articulate
artificial limbs through thought alone.
In the experiment, which resembled a computer game, monkeys
initially used a joystick to chase red and purple dots around
a screen.
Then, unknown to the monkeys, the joystick was disconnected
—but the animals were still able to control the dots
using only thought.
How? The monkeys' brains had been implanted with pea-sized
electrodes that recorded signals from an area of the brain
that controls movement, called the motor cortex.
While the monkeys moved the joystick, the recorded brain signals
were analyzed with a mathematical formula and translated.
Scientists then fed these signals into the computer, which
recognized them as directions.
Mijail Serruya, who led the Brown University scientists, said:
"Our goal is to make sense of how brain [signals] move a hand
through space and to use that information as a control signal
for someone who is paralyzed."
Researchers say this particular experiment is groundbreaking:
The thin wires used significantly reduced bulkiness and successfully
measured fewer neurons than in previous experiments.
Scientists test first human cyborg
March 22, 2002
Professor Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading became
the world's first cyborg when surgeons implanted a silicon
device about 3mm wide into an incision in Warwick's left wrist
and attached 100 electrodes into the median nerve.
Wires from the electrodes will be linked to a transmitter/receiver
device to relay neural messages to and from a computer by
radio signal.
Warwick hopes the procedure could lead to a medical breakthrough
for people paralyzed by spinal cord damage or limb amputation.
Cyborg 2.0
FDA approves implantable chip
News, April 4, 2002
The Federal Drug Administration has ruled that the Verichip,
an implantable microchip used for ID purposes, is not a regulated
device, so it can now be sold in the United States.
Applied Digital
Solutions has been marketing the VeriChip in the U.S.
as a device to allow hospital workers to access patients'
health records, by scanning the chip and cross-referencing
the device's ID with a patient database.
In South America, the device has been bundled with a GPS-unit
and sold to potential kidnapping victims.
Some Christians fear it may be the "Mark of the Beast" described
in the Bible and privacy advocates are concerned about the
chip's involuntary implantation or its use to track government
Image processing chip has potential as
artificial retina
KurzweilAI.net, April 9, 2002
A new type of analog processor that is compact while offering
extremely fast computations for image processing may lead
to the creation of an artificial eye to replace damaged human
The cellular nonlinear network (CNN) analog computer chip
is integrated with a camera to produce an image processor.
The 1 cm-square CNN chip can increase processing speed while
reducing the power requirements over standard digital chips
by two to three orders of magnitude.
Other potential medical applications include real-time diagnosis
for heart monitoring and ultrasound imaging of the heart and
analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) data, allowing researchers
to predict the occurrence of epileptic seizures.
The research is funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR).
'Perfect mirrors' could create photonic
KurzweilAI.net, April 25, 2002
MIT researchers have created high-performance mirrors in
the shape of hair-like flexible fibers that could be woven
into cloth or incorporated in paper to serve as embedded "bar
codes" that identify the wearer (for future soldiers), to
reflect radiation, protect from blasts of heat, and as filters
for telecommunications applications.
The work builds on the omnidirectional dielectric reflector
(dubbed the "perfect mirror"), created in 1998 by MIT scientists,
which can reflect light from all angles and polarizations
and can also be "tuned" to reflect certain wavelength ranges
while transmitting others.
fibers could create photonic fabrics
Plastics with 'shape memory' promise
new medical uses
KurzweilAI.net, April 29, 2002
New biodegradable, biocompatible plastics with "shape memory"
and many potential medical applications are being developed
at MIT and the University of Technology, Aachen, Germany.
The new plastics, reported in the April 25 online edition
of Science, could first be shaped as a string, for example,
then when heated could "change into a sheet (to prevent adhesion
between two internal tissues after an operation), a screw
(for, say, holding bones together), a stent or a suture,"
said Robert Langer, MIT's Germeshausen Professor of Chemical
and Biomedical Engineering.
Smart suture is first application of novel MIT polymer
Uzbek inventor creates eyesight substitute
Dec. 26, 2002
A video signal received from an electronic eye and converted
to sound and mechanical oscillations can be used as an eyesight
substitute for the blind.
The device uses an electronic light sensor and emits sounds
and vibrations according to the composition of the object.
For example, the pitch of the sound becomes higher if the
object is light in color and lower if the object is dark.
Users can become accustomed quickly to the signals from the
device as it "sees" familiar objects.
Shoes and sheets get wired
Science Update, Dec. 6, 2002
"Electrotextiles" woven with wires and electronic devices
are being fashioned into speedometer shoes, chameleon curtains.
singing shirts, and to measure footfalls, detect explosions
and spot smuggling. "Soft keypads" allow wearers to control
remote devices. And antennas can be woven in.
Gadgets could be next: clothes and woven-in sensors could
record athletes' heart rate, hydration and blood sugar levels.
A Few Good Toys
Dec. 9, 2002
The Army's goal is to come up with a uniform by 2008 with
helmet that enhances hearing and protect ears from battle
cacaphony and heads-up display built into the visor to display
infrared images. A wheeled robot "mule" would follow a soldier
around with equipment for purifying water and recharging batteries.
The Army warfighter of 2025 will have lightweight body armor
made with nanomaterials to deflect a bullet with an electrical
charge. Polymers in the uniform will "read" their wearer's
surroundings and change color and pattern to render him nearly
invisible. Boots may contain a liquid that hardens if the
solider steps on a land mine. Coin-size silicon microturbines
will power the soldiers' computer systems.
MRI Safe Shielding Technology Developed
KurzweilAI.net, Nov. 22, 2002
Biophan Technologies
has successfully tested a method for shielding implanted and
inter-operative medical devices against interference from
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
The RF energy from an MRI is known to be the cause of dangerously
high tissue heating and other performance problems in electronic
medical devices used in the body, such as implantable pacemakers,
cardioverter-defibrillators, and neurostimulators, and interventional
devices such as guidewires and catheters.
Biophan's new technology uses thin-film nanomagnetic and carbon
composite coatings, and novel shield designs, each of which
can be used individually or together to meet the specific
shielding requirements of a wide range of medical devices.
Photonic Crystals in Uniforms
Times, November 11, 2002
Photonic crystals may one day revolutionize optics the way
the semiconductor revolutionized electronics.
Optical communications systems might someday be woven into
our clothing and computers might rely as much on optics as
on electronics.
MIT received a $50 million contract the Defense Department
to enhance the supersoldier fighting uniform with polymer
threads that—by selectively reflecting or absorbing different
wavelengths of light—would silently flash an optical
bar code. Troops wearing specially tuned night-vision goggles
would be able to distinguish between foe and friend during
a night firefight.
Tech helps blind 'see' computer images
Oct. 24, 2002
A simple touch display for the visually impaired soon could
provide access to computer-generated images.
The prototype tactile display is a set of 3,600 small pins,
about 10 per inch, which "prints" an image by using an extendable
pointer to raise selected pins into a line drawing of the
The device is being developed by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. The tactile display also would provide
dramatic benefits in education.
ID Chip's Controversial Approval
News, Oct. 23, 2002
The Food and Drug Administration has decided to permit the
use of implantable VeriChip ID chips in humans if it is used
for "security, financial and personal identification or safety
Chip manufacturer Applied Digital Solutions said the FDA has
not determined whether the controversial chip can be used
for medical purposes, including linking to medical databases.
The company now plans to aggressively market the chip for
security and ID uses.
Docs outline artificial vision progress
Sept. 23, 2002
Artificial devices that may allow the blind to see could
be available for human use within a decade.
Harvey Fishman, director of ophthalmic tissue engineering
at Stanford University School of Medicine, is developing a
high-resolution neural chip that connects a signal from a
digital camera to individual nerve cells in the retina.
Raymond Iezzi, assistant professor of ophthalmology at the
Kresge Eye Institute at Wayne State University, is developing
"caged" neurotransmitters—a drug delivery system that
would unleash molecules activated by light. When exposed to
light, the molecules would respond in less than a nanosecond,
releasing chemicals that transmit signals to the brain.
Scientists Create Biological Heart Pacemaker
Sept 11, 2002
Scientists have made a breakthrough that could revolutionize
heart surgery in the future by replacing electronic pacemakers
with genetically engineered "biopacemakers."
Johns Hopkins scientists discovered that by altering the potassium
balance in ordinary heart cells in guinea pigs, they could
trick them into behaving like pacemaker cells.
A biologic pacemaker should also be able to adjust to the
body's changing needs, unlike electronic pacemakers.
Parents look to microchip children
September 3, 2002
Worried UK parents are asking to have tracking microchips
implanted into their children following the murders of two
10-year-old girls, says scientist Kevin Warwick, who has implanted
a chip in his arm that is connected to a computer in an ongoing
The operation would involve implanting a small transmitter
about one inch long into the child's arm or stomach, Warwick
said. Tracking options include using a mobile phone network
and transmitting a signal linked to a global positioning system.
Watches that perform a similar function are already commercially
available in the United States, but they can be too easily
removed and discarded, Warwick said.
Prototype glass sheet computer unveiled
Oct. 22, 2002
A transparent computer processor has been printed on to a
flat plate of glass by researchers at Sharp's Japanese laboratory.
Their success suggests ultra-thin computers and televisions
could in the future be built entirely on a single sheet of
The new "sheet computer" uses a relatively new material called
continuous grain silicon, which conducts electrons up to 600
times faster than the amorphous silicon used in liquid crystal
displays. Sharp says continuous grain silicon could eventually
approach the efficiency of the single crystal silicon used
inside today's computer chips.
Liquid crystal displays 'painted on'
Scientist, May 2, 2002
Philips laboratories researchers are developing ways to paint
liquid crystal displays on surfaces instead of between two
layers of plastic or glass. The method could allow manufacturers
to make displays more quickly.
Flexible Displays Gain Momentum
Review, January 22, 2002
Researchers at Cambridge, MA-based E Ink have completed the
first working prototype of an electronic ink display attached
to a flexible, silicon-based thin-film transistor backplane,
the sheet of electronics that controls display pixels.
This proof-of-concept prototype confirms that it will soon
be possible to mass-produce reams of self-erasing electronic
paper that combine sheets of electronic ink with flexible
silicon circuitry.
The company estimates that by sometime in 2005 they'll be
building fully-flexible displays for commercial use. For now,
the company is working with Philips Electronics to produce
displays using electronic ink against rigid, glass backplanes,
to be built into mobile, handheld devices starting next year.
Fuel Cells That Fit in a Laptop
News, January 23, 2002
Smart Fuel Cell GmbH of Bavaria has developed a micro fuel
cell that runs on methanol and provides much longer life than
any other portable battery. It is the first to not require
any standard batteries.
The fuel cell is aimed at power-hungry devices such as notebook
computers, camcorders and specific applications for environmental
and transportation markets.
A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that produces electric
power from either hydrogen or alternative fuels such as methanol,
propane, butane or natural gas.
By the year 2004, Smart Fuel Cell expects to produce at least
100,000 units, enough for mass production, and expects the
micro fuel cells to become competitive with Lithium-ion batteries.
The prototype cartridge holds 120 ml methanol and generates
about 150 Watt-hours.
Fuel Cells: Japan's Carmakers Are Flooring
Week, Dec. 23, 2002
On Dec. 2 in Tokyo, Toyota and Honda rolled out the world's
first commercially available cars running on hydrogen fuel
cells. The current cost: $1 million per car; it will take
at least 10 years to bring prices down to $100,000.
Ford expects to launch a fuel-cell compact in 2004. General
Motors has three different fuel-cell prototypes; commercial
models won't be ready until 2010.
Fuel Cell Powered by Human Bodily Fluids
Nov. 12, 2002
University of Texas, Austin scientists have developed a new
fuel cell that generates electricity from the glucose-oxygen
reaction that occurs in human blood. Purpose: powering medical
sensors and animal tracking devices.
Radioactive battery provides decades
of power
Oct. 22, 2002
Tiny batteries that draw energy from nickel-63 radioactive
isotopes could provide 50 years of power for micro-devices
and electronics, says Amil Lal, who developed the system with
colleagues at Cornell University.
"It might be possible to make really tiny microelectronic
sensor systems that can be embedded in a building or even
in the body," he says.
Forget Nature. Even Eden Is Engineered.
York Times, August 20, 2002
Aided by satellites and supercomputers, and mobilized by
the evident environmental damage of the last century, humans
have a real chance to begin balancing economic development
with sustaining earth's ecological webs, said Dr. William
C. Clark, a biologist at Harvard who heads an international
effort to build a scientific foundation for such a shift.
The prospect of managing the planet is attracting more than
100 world leaders and thousands of other participants to the
United Nations' World Summit on Sustainable Development, which
starts on Monday in Johannesburg.
As Chips Reach Speed Limit, Makers Tap
Into 'Clockless' Logic
Herald Tribune, December 17, 2002
A worldwide community of private and academic researchers
are perfecting a kind of lateral-thinking, anarchic method
of chipmaking based on asynchronous logic, which does away
with the clock altogether.
Clockless chips, in addition to being more energy efficient,
can also work faster, more quietly and more securely than
synchronous chips. All of which makes them perfect for applications
such as computer networks, mobile phones, smart cards and
embedded medical devices.
Where the synchronous processor waits for a clock cycle to
finish before starting the next task, an asynchronous one
can do multiple tasks at different speeds.
Collision Course: Beating Moore's Law
by 2006 will take teamwork
Gate, February 14, 2002
CERN's Large Hadron Supercollider will begin generating more
than 10 million gigabytes of data each year when it becomes
operational in 2006—beyond the capabilities of any computer
CERN scientists had at their disposal, or any supercomputer
that could be built. The solution: the European DataGrid.
The European DataGrid is an ambitious project based on an
emerging distributed-processing technology known as grid computing.
Instead of relying on mainframe makers like IBM to produce
ever more powerful boxes, grid computing lets scientists achieve
the same effect by combining the computational power of separate
machines—in this case, several thousand machines.
Industry Says Limits on Moore's Law Far
Times, March 18, 2002
Limits predicted by Moore's Law won't be reached until after
2028, according to a semiconductor industry leader.
Calvin Chenming Hu, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation's
Chief Technologist, said 9 nanometer devices "can be ready
more or less on time, in 2028 according to long-term forecasts
or 2024, according to the 2002 (industry roadmap)."
If Hu's view is correct, fundamental limits on current two-dimensional
integrated circuit technology are still far off. In that timeframe,
the industry would have 25 years to reduce current lithography
by a factor of 10, compared to 15 years for the last reduction.
"There's a lot of time," Hu said.
Previous roadblocks to Moore's Law scaling have included design
productivity, fabrication costs, reliability, lithography,
leakage, and materials.
Bell Labs breaks through on Moore's Law
April 26, 2002
Scientists at Bell Labs have developed a way to image a single
impurity atom in silicon to understand how impurities affect
the properties of microchips.
The finding will help in creating new manufacturing technologies
for smaller chips. Impurities are introduced into silicon
to provide charge carriers that control a chip's electrical
As components continue to shrink, just a few atoms of impurities
could determine the function of a device.
The research is described in an article published April 25,
2002 in the journal Nature.
At Los Alamos, Two Visions of Supercomputing
York Times, June 25, 2002
Heat may be a limiting factor to Moore's law. By 2010, scientists
predict, a single chip may hold more than a billion transistors,
giving off 1,000 watts of thermal energy—far more heat
per square inch than a nuclear reactor.
Already, Los Alamos National Laboratory's 30-teraops Q computer,
designed to provide full-scale, three-dimensional simulation
of the physics involved in a nuclear explosion, will require
5 megawatts of energy. A coming 100-teraops machine will require
even more.
In contrast, the cooling sytem for the lab's 160 gigaops Green
Destiny, using Transmeta chips, consumes only five kilowatts.
Intel's Grove warns of the end of Moore's
Inquirer, Dec. 11, 2002
As chips become increasingly dense, heat developed by current
leakage from chips "will become a limiting factor in how complex
we can build chips," said Intel chairman Andy Grove.
Chips constructed of increasing numbers of transistors can
suffer power leakage of up to 40 per cent; chips made up of
a billion transistors may leak between 60 and 70 Watts of
power, he warned.
3-D nanotubes grown
KurzweilAI.net, April 5, 2002
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have grown
the first three-dimensional nanotubes, which are essential
for next-generation computer chips and integrated circuits.
3-D nanotubes
The method is based on a selective growth process that allows
the nanotubes to grow perpendicular to the silica-coated substrate.
By chiseling the silica into predetermined shapes, researchers
can precisely control and direct the nanotube growth.
Nanotubes have properties that make them attractive as active
nanoscale electronic components, such as transistors, sensors,
and interconnecting wires.
"Because of the small size of nanotubes, a large number of
them can be packed in a given space and will enable very high
(e.g., factor of 10 to 100 greater than possible with conventional
materials and technologies) device-density processors and
memory-storage modules that are presently not possible with
currently available technologies," Ganapathiraman Ramanath,
assistant professor of materials science told KurzweilAI.net.
"In order to create such device assemblies, however, one needs
to first controllably create assemblies of nanotubes in well
defined orientations. For example, if we want nanotubes to
interconnect devices placed at two locations A and B on a
silicon wafer, we need to devise a process that will force
the nanotube to grow from A towards B and terminate at B.
"Also, one needs to be able to do this in millions of locations
on a silicon wafer all at once (bottom-up approach) to create
a device assembly (placing one nanotube at a time after creating
them will not be industrially scalable).
"Until now, people have been able to achieve only random growth
of nanotubes, or oriented nanotubes in one direction. Our
work is the first demonstration wherein we can force the nanotube
to grow at specific locations in any predetermined directions
we want them to grow and in a single deposition process.
"The impact of our work is well beyond nanotubes. This is
the first step toward making complex networks comprised of
molecular units. By manipulating the topography of the silica
blocks, and utilizing the selective and directional growth
process, we have been able to force nanotubes to grow in predetermined,
multiple directions, with a very fine degree of control."
The researchers used gas phase delivery of a metal catalyst,
essential for nanotube growth, to make their growth process
more flexible and more easily scalable than conventional methods.
Their research is reported in the April 4 issue of the journal
trillionIBM demos trillion-bit storage density
June 11, 2002
IBM scientists have demonstrated nanotech-based data storage
density of a trillion bits per square inch times higher
than the densest magnetic storage available today.
IBM Millipede nanomechanical storage device: tips create
indentations in a polymer surface, similar to punched cards
IBM achieved the density—enough to store 25 million
printed textbook pages on a surface the size of a postage
stamp—in a research project code-named "Millipede."
Rather than using traditional magnetic or electronic means
to store data, Millipede uses thousands of nano-sharp tips
to punch ten-nanometer-wide indentations representing individual
bits into a thin plastic rewriteable film.
"Since a nanometer-scale tip can address individual atoms,
we anticipate further improvements far beyond even this fantastic
terabit milestone," said Nobel laureate Gerd Binnig, an IBM
Fellow and one of the drivers of the Millipede project.
"While current storage technologies may be approaching their
fundamental limits, this nanomechanical approach is potentially
valid for a thousand-fold increase in data storage density."
The 1,024-tip experiment achieved an areal density of 200
gigabits (billion bits, Gb) per square inch, which translates
to a potential capacity of about 0.5 gigabytes (billion bytes,
GB) in an area of 3 mm-square. The next-generation Millipede
prototype will have four times more tips: 4,096 in a 7 mm-square
(64 by 64) array.
puts new spin on nano-storage
'Millipede' Project Demonstrates Trillion-Bit Data Storage
Chips' future cast
June 20, 2002
A new laser-stamping technique could produce computer chips
with 100 times more transistors on a chip, according to Stephen
Chou of Princeton University.
Image A shows a quartz template used to press ultrasmall
patterns into silicon. Image B shows the pattern as it appears
in silicon.
The research could lead to patterns imprinted with features
only 10 nanometers wide onto a silicon wafer, compared to
the lower limit of about 130 nanometers wide with photolithography.
The technique is derived from a similar method used to print
compact discs.
Chou, S. Y., Keimel, C. & Gu, J. Ultrafast and direct imprint
of nanostructures in silicon. Nature, 417, 835-837, (2002).
Magnetic Future
Review, July/August 2002
Researchers at GE and IBM are developing "patterned media"-based
disks that hold between 30 and 40 gigabits per square centimeter,
ten times the density of today's products, and the storage
density might be pushed to more than 150 gigabits per square
The technology involves physically isolating a disk's magnetic
grains from one another on nanoscale "islands." Currently,
several hundred magnetic grains are needed to store a bit
clearly, and if the grains become too small and densely packed,
they lose their magnetic orientation. On an island, a bit
might be stored stably with just one grain, allowing bits
to be spaced more closely.
Scientists Get Atoms Ready for a Close-Up
York Times, May 14, 2002
Scientists at Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs have developed
a microscopy technique that can image individual atoms within
a silicon sheet, allowing for precision analysis of dopant
As transistor sizes shrink, they require higher concentrations
of electrons to work and are more sensitive to problems with
dopant distribution.
The Lucent microscope shoots a narrow beam of high-energy
electrons and measures deflection angles to locate individual
Atom-thin silicon films for supercomputers
January 15, 2002
Atomically thin layers of crystalline silicon called "quantum
wells" may help lead to hand-held supercomputers and a light-speed
fast Internet.
A quantum well is made of sandwiched layers of electrically
insulating material and semiconductive films, each only a
few nanometers thick. The electrons packed together in the
atomically thin semiconductor layers remain confined by the
insulating nanofilms, forcing the electrons to increase each
other's energy levels and emit bright light.
Quantum wells can therefore prove invaluable in light-based
electronics. Scientists predict these simple devices will
prove key components of many futuristic inventions, such as
microchips and computer networks that use lasers and optical
The scientists whittled the crystalline silicon down to a
half-nanometer. Since, the quantum wells are so thin, they
also hope they can exploit the quantum properties matter displays
on the atomic level to develop ultrafast transistors.
The researchers reported their results in Applied Physics
Patent for molecular computing awarded
KurzweilAI.net, January 23, 2002
Hewlett-Packard and UCLA today announced they have received
a U.S. patent for technology that could make it possible to
build very complex logic chips—simply and inexpensively
—at the molecular scale.
Previously, HP demonstrated in the laboratory how some rare
earth metals naturally form themselves into nanoscopic parallel
wires when they react chemically with a silicon substrate.
Two sets of facing parallel wires, oriented roughly perpendicular
to each other, could then be made into a grid. The problem
is that on a single large grid, all the electrical signals
would interfere with each other.
The solution proposed by the patent (US 6,314,019 B1, "Molecular-Wire
Crossbar Interconnect (MWCI) for Signal Routing and Communications")
is to cut the wires into smaller lengths by turning some "intersections"
into insulators.
In a related experiment, researchers from the collaboration
crossed wires the size of those used in today's computer chips
and sandwiched them around a one-molecule thick layer of electrically
switchable molecules called rotaxanes. Simple logic gates
were then created electronically by downloading signals to
molecules trapped between the crosswires.
"All of this work demonstrates that, in the future, programming
could replace today's complex, high-precision method of fabricating
computer chips," said Kuekes, a senior scientist and computer
architect at HP Labs. "Once a basic grid has been assembled,
programming could be used to implement a very complex logic
design by electronically setting the appropriate configuration
switches in the molecular-scale structure."
Molecular Memory
Chips, One Molecule at a Time
Circuitry in a nanowire: Novel growth
method may transform chips
News, February 9, 2002
In a feat of nanometer-scale engineering, researchers have
produced semiconductor filaments that are as thin as viruses
but contain working electronic and optical devices. Alternating
bands of different semiconductor materials in the superthin
wires serve as the electron and photon manipulators. Someday,
such striped strands may form the basis of a new type of circuitry
that is far tinier, faster, and more energy efficient than
conventional chips will ever be, the scientists say.
A Harvard University team led by Charles M. Lieber and two
other teams-'one led by Peidong Yang at the University of
California, Berkeley and the other led by Lars Samuelson of
Lund University in Sweden—have unveiled striped nanowires
resembling submicroscopic barber poles. Each stripe has a
different composition, and thereby different electronic properties.
Electrical measurements by the Harvard and Lund groups show
that the junction of just two adjacent stripes within one
wire can be a diode that guides electrons. Lieber and his
colleagues also report making within a single wire a type
of diode that emits light and constructed a prototype, one-wire
"nano'bar code" that fluoresces under green light in alternating
dark and bright stripes. It's possible, they claim, to make
stacks of multiple colors that would be leaner than any microscopic
bar code rods created so far and might label and track individual
proteins and other biomolecules.
New world of nanoelectronics may arrive
in the near future, AAAS speakers say
KurzweilAI.net, February 14, 2002
A future filled with tiny, molecule-sized computers—fast
and powerful enough to do things like translate conversations
on the fly or calculate complex climate models—may be
closer than people think, top nanotechnology researchers said
at the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) Annual Meeting in Boston today.
"We may be five to six years ahead of schedule in nanoelectronics,
and some of today's research is nearing the stage where it
could be turned over to industrial production," said James
Ellenbogen of the Mitre Corporation.
Powerful electronic and computing devices, built at the molecular
scale, moved to the forefront of scientific research in 2001,
as several research teams hooked up tiny devices such as transistors,
wires, and switches to form working circuits for the first
Marc Kastner of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and Charles Marcus of Harvard University discussed recent
advances in creating and measuring the activity of mesoscale
structures such as quantum dots. These "artificial atoms"
could provide the architecture for future nanocomputers, with
miniature chips packed with circuitry a hundred thousand times
more dense than today's best silicon chips.
Scientists must gain a better understanding of the dynamic
behavior of these circuits and their components, said Paul
Weiss of Pennsylvania State University and Mark Ratner of
Northwestern University. Weiss presented new data on tracking
single molecules across a surface, while Ratner discussed
how charge transfer takes place on the nanoscale.
Cees Dekker of the Delft University of Technology shared
recent research on the basic electrical properties of individual
carbon nanotube molecules and said they can be used to create
electronic devices and circuits at the single-molecule level.
The nanotechnology seminar also covered topics in molecular
motors, nano-medicine, and nanophotonics-harnessing light
with miniscule devices for telecommunications and other uses.
Researchers close to delivering molecular
Times, February 19, 2002
Molecular electronics researchers are converging on viable
circuit-fabrication methods.
A Hewlett-Packard and UCLA team are tackling one universal
problem with molecular circuits: the inherent defects created
by any chemical reaction. They're designing a molecular equivalent
of an FPGA (floating point gate array) that can be used to
implement a redundant wiring scheme in which defective cells
are simply switched out of the network.
The team is also working on the I/O problem, with a patent
on a means for multiplexing between CMOS-level signals used
in conventional electronics devices and molecular signals.
Multiple Devices Fabricated in a Single
International, April 4, 2002
Harvard University researchers are growing superlattices
—a series of silicon p-n junctions—in a single nanowire.
These could be useful for creating highly integrated logic
circuits, nanoscale LEDs, and photonic waveguides for improved
fiber optic communications.
The advantage of this approach is that it eliminates the need
for conventional lithography, opening the possibility of bottom-up
assembly of complex functional structures.
Scientists Get Atoms Ready for a Close-Up
York Times, May 14, 2002
Scientists at Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs have developed
a microscopy technique that can image individual atoms within
a silicon sheet, allowing for precision analysis of dopant
As transistor sizes shrink, they require higher concentrations
of electrons to work and are more sensitive to problems with
dopant distribution.
The Lucent microscope shoots a narrow beam of high-energy
electrons and measures deflection angles to locate individual
Genes, Neurons, and the Internet Found
to Have Some Identical Organizing Principles
6, 2002, EurekAlert!
A team headed by Dr. Uri Alon, of the Weizmann Institute
of Science's Molecular Cell Biology Department has found several
organizational patterns—"network motifs"—underlying
genetic, neural, technological, and food networks. The mathematical
technique was first proposed by Alon earlier this year and
has now been shown to be applicable in a wide range of systems.
Surprisingly, the team found two identical motifs in genetic
and neural systems.
Coax goes nano
News, November 13/20, 2002
Researchers at Harvard University have made nanoscale wires
from layers of different materials using the semiconductor
manufacturing processes used to construct computer chips.
The nanowires could be used to make faster computer chips,
higher-density memory and smaller lasers.
Molecules power nanoscale computers
Oct. 24, 2002
IBM Almaden Research Center researchers have developed a
new kind of computing process that relies on the motion of
molecules rather than the flow of electrons. The logic gates
use cascades of carbon monoxide molecules to transfer data.
Devices made in this way have dimensions on the scale of nanometers,
several orders of magnitude smaller than existing silicon-based
The researchers demonstrated a three-input sorter that uses
several AND gates and OR gates, as well as the crossover and
fan-out units needed to connect them.
A. J. Heinrich, C. P. Lutz, J. A. Gupta, and D. M. Eigler,
"Molecule Cascades," Science,
zdoi;10.1126/science.1076768, published online Oct. 24, 2002
(requires paid registration)
Scientists Shrink Computing to Molecular Level, New York
Times, Oct. 25, 2002
Superconducting nanotubes
KurzweilAI.net, Sept. 3, 2002
Researchers have discovered a way to convert nanotubes into
superconductors by placing hydrogen on the exterior, leading
to dense concentrations of charge-carrying electrons.
Carbon nanotubes are considered to be building blocks of future
electronic and mechanical devices.
press release: "Can Nanotubes Be Engineered to Superconduct?"
"Effects of hydrogen adsorption on single-wall carbon nanotubes:
Metallic hydrogen decoration," by O. Gulseren, T. Yildirim,
and S. Ciraci, was published in Physical Review B, Vol. 66,
Article121401. A copy of the paper, in Adobe Acrobat PDF format,
is available from Mark Bello at mark.bello@nist.gov.
information on Nanotube Research Team's research
Intel to unveil nanotechnology plans
September 4, 2002
Intel will unveil its plans for making chips with elements
that measure less than 100 nanometers next Thursday morning
at the Intel
Developer Forum Sept. 9-12 in San Jose, California.
Intel will also provide details on the upcoming 3GHz Pentium
4 and other developments.
Nano research challenges storage limit
August 26, 2002
Research in nanomagnetics is challenging conventional wisdom
about the limits to how small magnetic storage can get before
becoming susceptible to loss of information—the "superparamagnetic"
If true, the finding would allow hard-drive designers to pack
more information into their magnetic media materials before
having to try more complicated technological approaches.
DARPA researcher pursues 'nanomemory'
August 4, 2002
Kwan Kwok, a program manager with the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, said he plans to have a working nanoscale
computer memory ("nanomemory") by 2004 that stores 100 gigabits
per square centimeter, using individual molecules as electrical
components, or "moletronics."
Nanomemory's most likely immediate use would be in processor
cache memory, since it holds hundreds or thousands of times
more data than current memory devices, allowing for smaller,
cooler and more power-efficient processors and instant-on
In the future, nanomemory could be built into objects to allow
any factory capable of reading the information to make a perfect
An entire computer in a single molecule?
KurzweilAI.net, July 10, 2002
That's the vision of
Dr. Christian Joachim, Director of Research at CNRS
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
His reasoning: Even with nanotechnologies and nanomaterials,
progress in microelectronics will slow down by 2015 to 2020
because of clock speed, the number of transistors and interconnects,
and required power dissipation, he says.
So we'll have to reduce computers to intramolecular dimensions
and develop picotechnology (1/1000th the size of nanotechnology)
to cope. But "real-space" design at the intramolecular level
will also present major challenges. Rather than spatial designs,
he recommends computing in the time domain, using quantum
more atoms together for a single molecule computer, Institute
of Physics Nanotechnology journal, March 13, 2002.
Nanotech Tubes Could Form Basis of New
Drug Purification Techniques
American, June 21, 2002
Researchers have developed a smart membrane containing tiny
silica nanotubes that is capable of separating beneficial
from useless or even harmful forms of a cancer-fighting drug
Nanotech: Big Dreams, Small Steps
Week, June 18, 2002
Diagnostic tools and sensors for bioscience and materials
to enhance the fabrication of complex materials (such as gene
chips) are the most likely nantechnology products to emerge
in the next five years, according to experts.
These will followed by diagnostic technologies to help researchers
better understand and measure nanoscale interactions, mainly
in biotech, then nanotherapeutic devices that will carry stores
of drugs through the blood stream, and further off, nanoscale
Nanoparticles Cut Tumors' Supply Lines
June 27, 2002
Cancer researchers packed a tiny particle with a gene that
forces blood vessel cells to self-destruct, then "mailed"
the particle to blood vessels feeding tumors in mice. A single
treatment erased large tumors in mice in about 6 days.
Synthesis of nanoparticles coming into
Times, July 16, 2002
Scientists are fast gaining control over the building of
tiny particles, accomplishing nanoparticle synthesis in both
inorganic and organic chemistries.
Examples include:
* University of Arkansas researchers are developing a "green"
chemical process that offers tight control over the size of
nanoparticles and eliminates toxic by-products.
* NASA is building a comprehensive biomonitoring system using
complex nanomachines called "tecto-dendrimers" for diseased-cell
recognition (implanting optically active nanoparticles inside
white blood cells to monitor human cell damage from radiation),
diagnosis of disease states, drug delivery, location reporting
and reporting the outcome of therapy.
Related article:
Microbivores: Artificial Mechanical Phagocytes
Nano-based DNA detection
KurzweilAI.net, February 24, 2002
Microelectrodes and gold nanoparticle probes are being used
to create lower-cost, faster and more accurate DNA detection.
Northwestern University scientists used a synthetic sequence
of DNA that models the anthrax lethal factor to test a technology
that could displace polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and conventional
fluorescence probes in clinical diagnostics and make point-of-care
DNA testing possible in the doctor's office and on the battlefield.
A simple electrical signal indicates that target DNA has been
detected. Hundreds of pathogenic agents could be monitored
Results will be published in the Feb. 22 issue of the journal
Science. The new DNA detection method eliminates the expensive
and the current necessary step of heating the gene chip and
also improves upon optical detection methods reported previously
by Northwestern in Science.
Microchips in the Blood
19, 2002, Economist
Many of the promised genomic drugs will be impossible to
swallow as pills. Instead, they will have to be injected in
minute quantities at precise intervals for months at a time.
Just the job for an implantable syringe-on-a-chip. Researchers
in this field refer to their goal as intelligent drug delivery.
The intelligence is derived from a piece of silicon one centimetre
square. Etched in the silicon is a matrix of tiny wells, each
designed to hold 150 nanolitres (billionths of a litre) of
Buckymedicine: Coming soon to a pharmacy
near you?
News, July 13, 2002
Fullerenes' (aka Buckyballs) unique qualities—small
size, spherical shape, hollow interior, and cage of 60 carbon
atoms at which to attach chemical groups in almost any configuration
have led to the development of drug candidates for treating
diseases including HIV, cancer, and neurological conditions,
and new diagnostic tools.

Getting in touch with molecules
KurzweilAI.net, July 17, 2002
Using haptic technology, researchers are literally getting
in touch with molecules in hopes of finding new cures for
"To design a new drug, you have to see how a chemical compound
will fit. With this device not only will you see it, but you
can feel it," said Dr. Edgar Meyer at Texas A&M University.
With decades of molecular research experience aimed at human
diseases, his team wondered how the molecule of a disease
would "feel" when a substance was applied in order to block
its ability to cause illness.
"Molecules have bumpy surfaces, so you feel what it is like
to go over the rough places in order to get it to fit into
the right place," he said. "There is a noticeable repulsion
when you are pushing against a molecule in the wrong place."
Asia to spend billions in nanotech research
KurzweilAI.net, March 11, 2002
Asia is investing big in nanotech. South Korea plans to spend
US $1.3 billion over the next 10 years, said Professor Y.
Kuk, Professor of Physics at Seoul National University, speaking
at the recent Inaugural Conference of the recent Asia Pacific
Nanotechnology Forum in Tsukuba, Japan.
Japan, Taiwan, and China are also making substantial investments.
Taiwan will spend about $600 million over the next six years
and make nanotech a national priority, according to Professor
M.K. Wu, Vice Chairman of Taiwan's National Science Council.
Japan's projected national budget for nanotechnology-related
project grants is slated to increase by 63 percent during
2002 to approximately '59 billion (US $444 million), according
to Dr. Y. Tokumasu, Planning Director of Research and Development,
About 35 percent of the funds from the Japanese government
will go for nanotech-related information technology, 30 percent
for nanomaterials, and the balance for "analysis processing,"
energy and medical research, said Professor T. Kishi, President,
National Institute Materials Sciences, MEXT (Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Overall, Japan plans to commit 1% of its GDP ('24 trillion
or $180 billion) to R&D for 2001-2005, a 41% increase over
last year, Tokumasu said.
China's national government will spend about CNY 2 billion
(approximately US $242 million) in nanotech research over
the next five years. China's nanotech research now spans more
than 50 universities, 20 institutes, and more than 100 enterprises,
said Dr. Y. H. Ma of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.
nAbacus Ltd.
of Hong Kong produced the conference, with high-level support
from Japanese government agencies METI (Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry, Japan), AIST and NRI.
—Nathen Fox, KurzweilAI.net correspondent
Nanotubes could lengthen battery life
KurzweilAI.net, January 10, 2002
Experiments suggest carbon nanotubes could store more than
twice as much energy as conventional graphite electrodes.
Researchers at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
have found carbon nanotubes may allow for longer-lasting batteries.
"In our experiments, we used both electrochemistry and solid
state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, which show
similar results," said Dr. Otto Z. Zhou, an associate professor
at UNC's Department of Physics and Astronomy. "We can store,
reversibly, one charged lithium ion for every six carbon atoms
in graphite, but we found that with nanotubes, we can store
one charged lithium ion for every three carbons, also reversibly."
Most rechargeable batteries in portable electronics today
are lithium-ion batteries, which use graphite or carbonaceous
materials as one of the electrodes. Nanotubes could hold twice
as much energy as graphite.
A report on the findings appears in the Jan. 7 issue of Physical
Review Letters.
Tiny silicon grains for lasers on a chip
January 14, 2002
Nanoscale silicon grains that emit laser light may in the
future serve as the backbone of an optical computer network
light years faster than today's Internet.
Researchers at North Carolina State University are developing
the ultra-bright 3-nanometer lasers made from silicon itself.
So in theory they could easily be incorporated into silicon
chips, replacing the less efficient wires used to communicate
between components in a circuit.
Since the nanoparticles have no known toxic effects in living
tissues, the research team is focusing on biological applications
for them, such as use as a tag attached to defective cells.
The researchers reported their findings in Applied Physics
Scientists Fabricate Microscale 'Bicycle
American, January 16, 2002
Scientists have manufactured a microscale bicycle chain comprised
of silicon links thinner than a human hair that behaves just
like its regular-sized counterpart. The tiny chain system
could one day help power microscopic devices.
Ed Vernon, a technologist at Sandia National Laboratories,
designed and patented the 50-link silicon microchain, which
the lab's Microelectronics Development Laboratory (MDL) built.
The centers of the tiny links are separated by just 50 microns.
The links can rotate 52 degrees in either direction with respect
to their neighbors in the chain without breaking the support
structure. Such flexibility, the scientists note, means multiple
gears powered by the chain need not lie in a straight line.
Such a gear and chain mechanism could conceivably replace
the multiple drivers currently required to run microelectromechanical
systems motors.
Carbon nanotubes to improve solar cells
Times, January 16, 2002
Researchers from Cambridge University's engineering department
have developed photovoltaic devices that, when doped with
single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), perform better than
undoped devices.
The nanotube diodes were made by depositing organic films
containing SWNTs on to glass substrates coated with indium-tin
oxide (ITO). Aluminium electrodes were then thermally evaporated
under a vacuum to form a sandwich configuration, EE Times
The interaction of the carbon nanotubes with the polymer poly(3-octylthiophene)
(P3OT) allows excitons generated by light in the polymer to
dissociate into their separate charges and travel more easily.
The team believes that further improvements in device performance
will occur with more controlled film preparation and polymer
Cylinders make circuits spontaneously
Science Update, January 29, 2002
Self-assembling circuits using carbon nanotube molecules
could replace silicon chips.
James Heath, of the University of California and colleagues
have demonstrated that if one or both of two wires crossed
at right angles are semiconducting, the junction can act like
an electronic device such as a diode and each device can be
switched on or off without affecting the others.
This proof of principle raises hopes that a nanotube lattice
could form a computer memory, storing one bit of information
at each junction. Such a circuit could potentially furnish
a random-access memory with a storage density around 100,000
times greater than that of a Pentium chip.
Nanothermometer takes molecular temperatures
Scientist, February 7, 2002
he world's smallest thermometer consisting of a single carbon
nanotube filled with liquid gallium has been created by researchers
in Japan. The instrument is so sensitive that it can measure
the temperature change that occur when small groups of molecules
react with each other.
The nanothermometer is 10 micrometers long and has a diameter
of only 75 nanometers. It length is about one tenth the width
of a human hair.
"It's interesting that nanotubes are being used in this way,"
says Cees Dekker, a researcher at Delft University in the
Netherlands. "Maybe they can be used as normal tubes after
But the nanoscopic thermometer also has practical applications.
It can reliably measure a broad range of temperatures when
viewed using a high-powered electron microscope, say the researchers
who created it.
Glowing nanobots map microscopic surfaces
Science Update, February 25, 2002
Molecular robots used to explore a surface's terrain can
produce maps of microscopic structures and devices with higher
resolutions than those produced by conventional microscopes,
research shows.
University of Washington researchers modified microtubules
by fixing kinesin molecules (which normally move materials
around cells along microtubule pathways) on a surface, causing
the microtubules to propel themselves randomly on the surface.
By attaching a fluorescent dye to the microtubules, the researchers
can follow their paths.
Microtubule nanobots can penetrate holes, cavities and pores
to reach places that cannot be seen by viewing a microscope
and can see features that are less than 50 nanometers.
The nanobots could also be designed to investigate specific
aspects of a surface, such as regions that are attractive
or repulsive to water.
Recent Advances Further Molecular Electronics
American, March 14, 2002
Two recent advances have furthered the realization of molecular
electronic devices. Researchers at Bell Labs in New Jersey
have created the world's most compact, self-assembled organic
molecule transistor, while another team at Arizona State University
has devised a procedure to accurately measure the flow of
electrons through single molecules.
These two developments represent important steps towards the
design of three-dimensional molecular circuits, an engineering
challenge in which single molecules are assembled to create
electronic parts.
The Bell Labs' transistor was created by sandwiching a middle
layer of self-assembled organic molecules between two layers
of gold film. An electric field was then applied using a silicon
electrode, creating a transistor with a one-molecule wide
Meanwhile, the Arizona State University team also attached
small carbon chains to a layer of gold, to which only some
chains could adhere on both ends. By brushing the gold-tipped
molecules with an atomic force microscope, a consistently
accurate measure of conductivity could be made.
This new method ensures an accurate measurement, allowing
researchers to evaluate the properties of many different proposed
molecular devices.
Scientists Develop Plastic That Mends
York Times, March 5, 2002
UCLA cientists have developed a transparent plastic called
Automend that mends its cracks when heated without glue.
The material is built of two molecular building blocks that
interlock into a three-dimensional network.
Holding the broken pieces next to each other and heating the
plastic to about 250 degrees restores the chemical bonds to
almost pristine condition with about 60 percent of the strength
of the original.
The design was inspired by the biological clotting process.
Microscopes move to smaller scales
April 9, 2002
The sharpest images ever achieved by optical means have been
produced by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical
Chemistry, who have imaged clumps of bacteria just 33 nanometres
across, equivalent to 1/23 of the wavelength of light used
to illuminate them.
The researchers hope to achieve a resolution of around 17
nanometres, using ultraviolet light. Practical devices are
expected within two or three years, which could have microlithography
and optical data storage uses.
Nanocomposites may revolutionize molecular
KurzweilAI.net, April 24, 2002
A team of Australian and US scientists has discovered a new
type of nanoparticle-enhanced filter for separating compounds
at the molecular level, as reported in the April 19 issue
of Science.
The new "nanocomposites" filters are created by combining
organic polymers, normally used to make membrane filters,
with inorganic substances—in this case a mist of silica
The team discovered that this combination allows the membrane
to filter gases and organic vapors at the molecular level.
Possible uses include biomolecule purification, environmental
remediation, seawater desalination and petroleum chemicals
and fuel production.
in nanospace
Researchers demo self-assembling nanowires
Times, June 5, 2002
Researchers at Aarhus University here have demonstrated a
nanometer-scale fabrication technique that self-assembles
tiny wires atop substrates, with an eye toward interconnecting
molecular electronic circuits in the future.
The molecular templates were developed by supercooling the
materials and then manipulating their individual atoms with
a scanning-tunneling microscope (STM). Once the template molecule
and its actions are perfected using the STM, the researchers
hope to develop self-assembly techniques that do not require
human manipulation.
News tip: Sander Olson
Researchers run molecular machines on
Times, June 6, 2002
Researchers at the Center for Nanoscience, Ludwig-Maximilians
Universit't have demonstrated the feasibility of operating
molecular machines with light.
A polymer made from photoactive chromophores was deposited
on a microscope slide. The polymers were seen expanding and
contracting under illumination, performing mechanical work.
Advantages of optical control and energy transfer include
picosecond reaction times and simple, massively parallel addressability.
U.S. Nanotech Funding Heads for $1 Billion
Spectrum, June 1, 2002
With its request for US $710.2 million in nanotechnology
research funding for the 2003 fiscal year, the National
Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is accelerating its R&D
efforts. The U.S House of Representatives is proposing a bill
that would raise the National Science Foundation's contribution
by almost 8 percent.
Research has begun to shift from making nanoscale objects
to scaling up their manufacture and using them. The NNI is
driving some of this change by emphasizing manufacturing in
its FY2002'03 funding.
The two other "grand challenges" for those years are the use
of nanotechnology in detection of biological, chemical, and
radiological weapons and explosives (in large part a reaction
to last year's terrorist attacks), and the use of technology
for nanoscale instrumentation and metrology.
It Slices! It Dices! Nanotube Struts
Its Stuff
York Times, July 16, 2002
Nanotubes can be processed to acquire remarkable properties:
fibers thinner than a human hair that can be woven as a cloth
or into a 100-times stronger muscle, molecular-scale electronic
circuits, low-cost TV displays, X-ray sources, heat sinks,
and microscopic gears.
Smart coating for military vehicles being
KurzweilAI.net, Dec. 26, 2002
The New Jersey Institute of Technology has received a U.S.
Army contract to develop a nanotech-based smart coating that
would enable military vehicles, if corroded or scratched,
to detect and heal themselves. The vehicles could also change
color on the battlefield, creating instant camouflage and
rendering tanks, helicopters and military trucks virtually
The coatings could also reduce the sensitivity of explosives
and thus make them safer for soldiers to handle.
News release
G.E. Research Returns to Roots
York Times, December 26, 2002
GE scientists hope to develop super-thin lighting and energy
sources that could be rolled off printing presses like newspapers.
And that could usher in an era of cheap, clean-burning lights,
batteries, solar cells—and the beginning of plastic-based
Washington to Give Nanotech $37B Boost
November 20, 2002
New legislation now before President Bush could result in
$37 billion in new funding over the next five years for the
National Science Foundation —money that is expected to
boost venture capital investments in nanotechnology and emerging
biotech sectors.
Nano research should study consequences
Nov. 20, 2002
Scientists need to adopt both modest government regulation
and open professional conduct to ensure public trust in the
discipline, according to a study, "Forward to the Future:
Nanotechnology and Regulatory Policy."
Nano Biomaterials
Review, November 2002
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is using nanotechnology
to design a self-cleaning plastic in which the enzyme molecules
are an integral part of the material. When the plastic comes
into contact with bacteria or other pathogens, the enzymes
attack the microbes and destroy their ability to bind to its
Nanotech Goes To War
Review, Oct. 2002
Nano materials could provide future soldiers with super strength,
protection against bioweapons, a way to communicate covertly,
and stronger and smarter uniforms.
Nanotubes could reduce CO2 emissions
Sept. 16, 2002
Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University said carbon nanotubes
could filter gases much more quickly than current systems,
including emissions from internal-combustion engines and power
Nanotech moratorium called bad idea
Sept. 11, 2002
A suspension of nanotechnology research would be counterproductive
and likely would prevent a proper examination of any possible
health effects of its applications, Kevin Ausman, executive
director for Rice University's Center for Biological and Environmental
Nanotechnology said at NanoTech 2002.
The comments were in response to a demand for an immediate
halt to all nanoscience work, issued by the Action Group on
Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group).
Bush Administration OKs Report Making
Nano a Terror War Priority
Times, Aug. 22, 2002
The White House has signed off on a report
on the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), which includes
a recommendation to use nanotech to fight weapons of mass
NNI's decided this year to create three new research focuses:
nanotechnology for biological/chemical/radiological/ explosive
detection and protection; nanoscale instrumentation and metrology;
and manufacturing at the nanoscale.
Nanostructures, the report says, "with their small size, light
weight, and high surface-to-volume ratio, will dramatically
improve our capability" to protect against and detect chemical,
biological, radiological, and explosive (CBRE) agents.
"For the instruments being developed to measure and manipulate
individual atoms with sub-nanometer precision, one pathogen
or even one chemical molecule is huge. The detection of a
single CBRE moiety becomes possible. You can't get any better
sensitivity ' however there is still the nontrivial problem
of getting that single moiety to the location where it can
be detected."
Opposition to Nanotechnology
York Times, August 19, 2002
With nanotechnology moving into commercialization, environmental
groups are mounting a compaign to declare a moratorium on
commercial production of nanomaterials, based on the precautionary
principle, the go-slower approach to new technology.
The campaign, led by the ETC Group, addresses concerns about
nanoparticles interacting with living cells. For example,
they warn that nanoscale particles in carrying drugs into
the brain could also transport toxins and that nanoparticles
absorbed by bacteria might enter the food chain.
Call for moratorium on commercial nanomaterials
July 29, 2002
ETC Group ("dedicated to the conservation and sustainable
advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human
rights") calls for "an immediate moratorium on commercial
production of new nanomaterials [and for launching] a transparent
global process for evaluating the socio-economic, health and
environmental implications of the technology."
ETC Group cites an EPA meeting where it was claimed that
"nanoparticles are showing up in the livers of research animals,
can seep into living cells, and perhaps piggyback on bacteria
to enter the food chain," and notes that there is no regulatory
body "dedicated to overseeing this potent and powerfully invasive
new technology."
Second law of thermodynamics 'broken'
July 19, 2002
The second law of thermodynamics has for the first time been
shown not to hold for microscopic systems, which could place
a fundamental limit on miniaturization.
"Their results are also in good agreement with predictions
of the 'fluctuation theorem,' developed ... to reconcile the
second law with the behaviour of particles at microscopic
"The results imply that the fluctuation theorem has important
ramifications for nanotechnology and indeed for how life itself
functions," claim the researchers at the Australian National
It Slices! It Dices! Nanotube Struts
Its Stuff
York Times, July 16, 2002
Nanotubes can be processed to acquire remarkable properties:
fibers thinner than a human hair that can be woven as a cloth
or into a 100-times stronger muscle, molecular-scale electronic
circuits, low-cost TV displays, X-ray sources, heat sinks,
and microscopic gears.
Similar patterns in genes, brains, feeding
Oct. 24, 2002
Scientists have used a mathematical algorithm to detect recurring
patterns in the networks making up everything from food webs
to the Internet to gene regulation in cells.
By uncovering these crucial building blocks of networks, researchers
have taken an important step toward unraveling the bewildering
complexity of these systems, which they term "motifs."
NSF proposes major program to enhance
human performance
July 9, 2002
The convergence of nanoscale research with other sciences
and technologies has created a vast opportunity to enhance
human performance, scientists say in Converging
Technologies for Improving Human Performance, issued by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Commerce.
In the report, scientists recommend that the U.S. designate
R&D in technologies that enhance human abilities and efficiencies
as a national priority by combining four major "NBIC" (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno)
areas: nanoscience and nanotechnology; biotechnology and biomedicine,
including genetic engineering; information technology, including
advanced computing and communications; and cognitive science,
including cognitive neuroscience.
Examples of how convergent technologies could benefit humanity
in 10 to 20 years in the future include:
Fast, broad-bandwidth interfaces directly between the human
brain and machines will transform work, control of automobiles,
ensure superiority of military vehicles, and enable new sports,
and art forms.
The human body will be more durable, healthy, energetic,
easier to repair, and resistant to many kinds of stress, biological
threat, and aging process.
Anywhere in the world, an individual will have instantaneous
access to needed information, whether practical or scientific
in nature, in a form tailored for most effective use by the
particular individual.
Wearable computers with power similar to that of the human
brain will act as personal assistants or brokers, providing
valuable information of every kind in forms optimized for
the specific user.
The report also recommends launching a Human Cognome Project,
comparable to the successful Human Genome Project, to chart
the structure and functions of the human mind.
NASA backing brain caps as diagnostic
May 11, 2002
NASA is developing a "brain cap" to help assess astronauts'
mental performance in orbit, using a scanning technique called
diffuse optical tomography.
Near-infrared light is beamed through the skull to determine
differences in blood flow and oxygen levels in various regions
of the cerebral cortex. The goal is to reveal brain activity
during critical tasks and evaluate behavioral problems, headaches
and head injuries.
Genes, Neurons, and the Internet Found
to Have Some Identical Organizing Principles
6, 2002, EurekAlert!
A team headed by Dr. Uri Alon, of the Weizmann Institute
of Science's Molecular Cell Biology Department has found several
organizational patterns . "network motifs" . underlying genetic,
neural, technological, and food networks. The mathematical
technique was first proposed by Alon earlier this year and
has now been shown to be applicable in a wide range of systems.
Surprisingly, the team found two identical motifs in genetic
and neural systems.
'Hard-Wired' Grammar Rules Found for
All Languages
York Times, January 15, 2002
In 1981, Noam Chomsky proposed that the grammars of all languages
can be described by a set of universal rules or principles,
and the differences among those grammars are due to a finite
set of options that are also innate. Now Dr. Mark C. Baker,
a linguist at Rutgers University, has presented supporting
evidence in the book, "The Atoms of Language: The Mind's Hidden
Rules of Grammar."
Vivid insight provided into workings
of the brain
Guardian, January 21, 2002
Researchers at the Institute of Psychology, King's College
London, have developed Vivid (virtual in-vivo interactive
dissection), a system that noninvasively detects patterns
of nerve connections inside the brains of living people.
By reprogramming MRI scanners, Vivid tracks the random oscillation
of water molecules, which can move more easily along a bundle
of nerve fibers. A program makes it possible to construct
a 3-D representation of the nerve connections.
The group hopes doctors will be able to use the system for
routine diagnosis of schizophrenics and other brain illnesses.
Editorial note: This research may suggest one future direction
in developing technology for reverse-engineering
the brain.
Tracing the Neural Circuitry of 'Second
News, February 8, 2002
Researchers have traced the light sensing circuitry for a
type of "second sight" that is distinct from the conventional
visual system and seems to interact directly with the body's
internal clock. The researchers speculate that subtle genetic
malfunctions of this machinery might underlie some sleep disorders.
In an article published in the February 8, 2002, Science,
a research team led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator
King-Wai Yau described the circuitry, which consists of a
subset of nerve cells that carry visual signals from the eye
to the brain. The scientists showed that circadian pacemaker
nerve cells almost certainly depend on a different light-sensing
pigment, called melanopsin, than the conventional visual system,
which relies on rod and cone photoreceptors arrayed across
the retina.
New Neurons Work in an Old Brain
News, February 28, 2002
Neurogenesis, the formation of new functioning neurons in
the adult mammalian hippocampus has been definitively proven,
according to researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological
The finding suggests a potential for neurogenesis-based therapies
for some types of brain damage or disease. The researchers
also noted that the rate of neurogenesis increases when the
adult mouse is physically active.
Nature 415, 1030-1034 (28 Feb 2002)
'Robo-rat' controlled by brain electrodes
Scientist, May 1, 2002
Researchers at the State University of New York in New York
City have turned a living rat into a radio-controlled automaton,
using three electrodes placed in the animal's brain. The animal
can be remotely steered over an obstacle course, making it
twist, turn and jump on demand.
The research will help pinpoint biochemical changes in the
brain and which brain regions are involved in processing different
"The researchers implanted one of the electrodes into the
medial forebrain bundle (MFB), the part of the brain responsible
for sensing reward. They placed the other two in parts of
the somatosensory cortical area that receive stimulation from
the left and right whiskers. Finally, a radio receiver tucked
inside a rat-sized backpack was plugged into an interface
in the rat's skull.
"The rats were trained to learn that they would be rewarded
with continuous zaps to the MFB when they moved forwards,
or when they turned according to an appropriate stimulation
of the left or right whisker."
Journal reference: Nature (vol 417, p 37)
Monkey Think, Monkey Do in Brain Experiment
June 6, 2002
Monkeys implanted with special electrodes that were attached
to a single neuron in the motor cortex moved a cursor on a
computer screen just by thinking about it.
The experiment by Arizona State University neuroscientists
could lead to the development of better prosthetic limbs and
for paralyzed patients to move again.
The monkeys had been trained to play a computer game using
their arms, moving virtual balls around a 3-D virtual space.
Then they were fitted with electrodes and the animals' arms
where strapped down so they couldn't use them. As they learned
their thoughts alone could move the cursor on the screen,
they stopped trying to move.
Watching crosstalk in the brain
News, June 17, 2002
New methods and new tracers in functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) are allowing researchers to watch entire conversations
between neurons, not just the actions of single neurons.
The studies enhance MRI's sensitivity with specific tracers
such as manganese chloride, which does not diffuse but goes
from neuron to neuron. The researchers at the US National
Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke predict that
sensitivity will soon increase to the point that such studies
will be possible in humans.
A Chip That Mimics Neurons, Firing Up
the Memory
York Times, June 20, 2002
Researchers at the University of Southern California
Department of Biomedical Engineering are developing methods
of incorporating the essential functions of the brain's hippocampus
(where memories are formed) in hardware to help combat cognitive
impairment from Alzheimer's, stroke and epilepsy, with DARPA
They are recording the electrical activity of the neurons
for all possible input patterns, creating models of neural
functions, and translating the models into computer chips
that will take the place of 50 to 100 brain cells. Chips to
simulate up to 10,000 neurons have been designed and tested
but not yet built. They hope to eventually implant the chips
in the brains of rats or monkeys and then people.
Unlike other neuroprosthetic chips, which enhance the senses
or motor skills, these are meant to augment cognition itself.
Chemical enables brain to rewire itself
June 24, 2002
Contrary to previous thinking, the brain does have the ability
to rewire itself. A naturally occurring chemical called inosine
can cause nerve cells to regenerate and improve limb function
after stroke in animals, and it may be useful in repairing
brain damage in humans caused by stroke or even brain tumors.
The research appears in the June 25 print edition of the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
3D maps show brain gene activity
Scientist News, June 24, 2002
A 3D map of the brain's genetic activity should help researchers
pinpoint the neurological underpinnings of autism, schizophrenia
and other brain disorders.
Healthy Shocks to the Head
June 24, 2002
Brain pacemakers, or "deep-brain stimulators," are starting
to show promise for treating neurological disorders, such
as Parkinson's, epilepsy, dystonia, and severe obsessive-compulsive
New treatment for depression
June 24, 2002
Psychiatrists are using transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) to treat depression that doesn't respond to drugs.
The experimental treatment applies a pulsed magnetic field
to the frontal cortex, which links to the limbic system, a
regulator of emotion.
The experimental treatment applies a pulsed magnetic field
to the frontal cortex, which links to the limbic system, a
regulator of emotion.
Scientists Develop Remote Control Brain
19, 2002, Times of India
In a significant breakthrough, British scientists claim to
have developed a device that measures brain's electrical activity
without the need for electrodes. Instead of measuring electric
current flow through a fixed-on electrode, the new method
takes advantage of the latest developments in sensor technology
to measure electric fields from the brain without actually
having to make direct contact with the head.
Future Tech: Thinking Machines
December 2002
Reverse-engineering the brain might finally lead to smarter
Kwabena Boahen, a lead researcher at the University of Pennsylvania's
Neuroengineering Research Laboratory, is developing neuromorphic
chips that mimic neural connections. He's developed a retinomorphic
chip patterned on the human eye that picks out the kinds of
features and facial patterns that we use to recognize people
and read their emotional state.
Bruce McCormick, director of Texas A&M University's Brain
Networks Laboratory, is using a Brain Tissue Scanner to create
detailed 3-D neuronal maps. Researchers at Caltech's Human
Brain Project are using magnetic resonance imaging and other
noninvasive techniques to study how a brain's anatomy and
neuronal structure change during development.
McCormick estimates it will take at least two decades to combine
neuromorphic chips with these detailed neuronal maps to create
even a very crude copy of the human brain.
"I think that within 30 years, probably much sooner, we'll
have completely reverse-engineered the human brain and be
able to recreate competing systems that emulate it," says
Ray Kurzweil.
Keywords: reverse-engineering the
brain |
'Doorways' discovered in living brain
Oct. 23, 2002
Brain cell membranes contain fixed "doorways" that control
the entry of molecules into the cell, new research at Duke
University shows.
Understanding this process, and how to control it, could one
day lead to an entirely new class of treatments for depression,
epilepsy, addiction and other neurological disorders; and
preventing pathogens, such as viruses, from entering brain
Brain-On-A-Chip Technology Devised to
Test Drugs
Oct. 16, 2002
Tensor Biosciences of Irvine, California has developed a
method of keeping "mini-brain" brain tissue from rats and
mice alive for weeks, which will allow scientists to test
new drugs for a range of psychiatric diseases including Alzheimer's
and schizophrenia.
The glass chips contain thousands of interconnected animal
brain cells suspended in a solution of artificial cerebral
fluid. An array of 64 electrodes on the chip's surface monitors
the overall electrical activity of the brain tissue.
A Question of Will
Globe, October 15, 2002
Neuroscientists have detected brain signals directing a muscle
to move before the person reports having made a conscious
("free will") decision to move the muscle. They've also found
that magnetic fields influence a human's decision (to choose
left or right), yet people still "feel" they made the decision
The research has renewed the age-old controversy over free
will vs. determinism.
Gene stops brain from growing everywhere
Oct. 9, 2002
Researchers have discovered a gene that prevents brain cells
from growing everywhere in the body, which might help scientists
learn how to rebuild neurons, muscles, and organs after injury,
disease or aging.
Deactivating the "nou-darake" (Japanese for "brains everywhere")
gene in flatworms resulted in brain matter developing everywhere,
including a brain in the tail and extra primitive eyes down
their bodies. The gene is also found in humans.
The research was reported in Nature Oct. 10, 2002.
'Artificial personality' to get psychological
KurzweilAI.net, June 30, 2001
A psychological test will be administered to a machine-based
"artificial personality" known as GAC (Generic Artificial
GAC—pronounced 'Jack'—is being developed at the
Digital Mind Modeling Project with the collaboration of
nearly 40,000 Internet users, who have input more than 355,000
individual items of human consensus experience. The project's
organizers hope to build an accurate statistical model of
an average human mind by 2010.
GAC will be evaluated using the MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory) test over the next several months to
assess its learning of human consensus experience from the
Mindpixel project's users. The test will be supervised and
interpreted by psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein, Editor-in-Chief
of Psychology Today magazine.
MIT Picower Center neuroscientists find
method in the mad rush of eye movements and brain response
News, Sept. 27, 2002
researchers report in the September issue of Nature Neuroscience
that saccadic eye movements—long thought to be random—occur
in a specific order.
The researchers also found that the primary visual cortex
neurons of the monkeys in the study change their responses
quickly as the eyes move from one part of a scene to another,
in effect, "learning to see" several times a second.
Engineer looks to human brain for new
Aug. 7, 2002
The human brain operates at roughly 12 kilohertz and burns
a fraction of the power computers do, making it exponentially
more efficient than the fastest computer, according to IBM
senior technologist Kerry Bernstein.
While mammals add a cubic inch of brain matter every 100,000
years, Bernstein says, processors are predicted to double
in performance and capability once every 12 to 18 months.
Bubbles and Ultrasound Used to Treat
Brain Diseases
July 31, 2002
Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston are
using bubbles and ultrasound beams to treat brain disorders
without surgery. They injected tiny protein bubbles into the
bloodstream of animals and used an ultrasound beam targeted
on a specific area of the brain to burst the bubbles in the
blood vessel.
"The resulting shock waves make the blood-brain barrier permeable,
so large molecules can get into the brain," New Scientist
magazine said.
Tweaking Single Gene Makes Mice Brainier
American News, July 19, 2002
Scientists have succeeded in making mice cerebral cortex
grow dramatically more convoluted. They developed a line of
transgenic mice that carried a variant of a gene that makes
a protein, beta-catenin, thought to play a role in regulating
cell growth in the developing brain.
Next Dimension in Baby Watching
News, July 17, 2002
Clinicians and parents can watch real-time live-action ultrasound
images of a fetus, thanks to GE Medical Systems' Voluson 730
ultrasound system.
Some neurological defects may be apparent in the movement
of the fingers.
Pervasive computing: The walls are listening
Computer News, February 4, 2002
Pervasive-computing systems using large numbers of small
devices and sensors will allow future workers to work and
stay in touch information from the Internet from anywhere.
Smart Space
Laboratory researchers at the National Institute of Standards
and Technology have connected a variety of off-the-shelf devices
to a prototype meeting room that can take dictation, track
individual speakers and, perhaps some day, answer spoken questions.
A prototype voice-recognition conference room at NIST's Gaithersburg,
Md., headquarters has several arrays of microphones instead
of a single mike.
The microphone array serves not only for speech recognition
—for example, to make a simple transcript of a meeting—
but also for tracking people as they move around the room.
Future knowledge workers can move around their smart spaces
without worrying about being near computers or microphones.
Sensors Gone Wild
28, 2002, Forbes
The real goal of a $40 million experiment is to explore the
uses of intelligent sensors, a technology whose promise suddenly
seems huge. The applications for this "embedded intelligence"
are vast and profound. Eventually large swaths of the earth
will 4communicate with the digital realm using millions of
miniature sensors. Sensors will be placed in bridges to detect
and warn of structural weakness and in water reservoirs to
spot hazardous materials. Hospitals will track patients with
such things as wireless bandages that warn of infection. Truck
drivers will be able to dodge traffic jams based on slow-ups
20 cars ahead.
Airships tested as telecom beacons
Star, Dec. 16, 2002
"Stratellites," spherical airships at 19,000 meters in altitude,
will be used as high-flying telecommunications platforms to
supply two-way Internet access across the United States and
into Mexico and Canada ihin 2004. They offer the advantages
of satellites without the launch costs and transmission latency.
Broadband wireless Internet access nationwide
KurzweilAI.net, Dec. 6, 2002
AT&T, Intel and IBM have formed a new company, Cometa Networks,
to provide broadband wireless Internet access nationwide using
802.11b (Wi-Fi) technology.
Cometa Networks plans to provide the service to telecommunications
companies, Internet service providers, cable operators and
wireless carriers, which can then offer it to their customers.
Cometa also plans to install "hot spots" for accessing wireless
Internet networks at retail chain stores, hotels, universities,
and other popular locations. The service will begin to roll
out during 2003 in the top 50 U.S. urban markets.
Users will be able to keep existing sign-on procedures, email
addresses, IDs, passwords and payment methods—regardless
of whether they are accessing the Internet via an ISP, corporate
virtual private network, telecommunications provider or cable
AT&T will provide network infrastructure and management while
IBM provides wireless site installations and back-office systems.
Nortel Networks announced a similar service on December 3.
Its technology will help enable mobile workers to establish
"virtual offices," connect securely to corporate intranets,
and access the Net from virtually any location.
In addition, it will allow users to roam seamlessly between
wireless 2G/3G and WLAN networks with uninterrupted access.
The technology will also manage billing information across
networks so end users can receive one consolidated bill from
their wireless operator.
Also see: "High-Speed
Wireless Internet Network Is Planned," New York Times
Govt. Report: Internet Use Is Growing
February 5, 2002
Americans' use of the Internet is still galloping ahead at
a rate of more than two million new users per month, according
to a report issued on Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Despite the recession and slowdown in the high-tech economy,
the number of Americans on the Web grew by 26 million in the
13 months leading up to September 2001, according to the report,
which is based on U.S. Census
That means 143 million Americans—about 54 percent of
the U.S. population—were on the Web as of September,
according to the Commerce Department. In all, 174 million
people, or 66 percent of the population, used computers.
The report says Internet use has been growing fastest among
lower income Americans: 25 percent annually in households
earning less than $15,000 a year. For the highest income U.S.
households, the growth was 11 percent a year.
Pioneers go beyond wires, walls and the
World Wide Web
March 17, 2002
The next-generation Internet is being built with high-speed
wireless networks, ranging from next-generation cell phones
and other mobile devices to free-space optical networks based
on laser light.
The hottest trends:
A high-speed (6 megabits or more per second) wireless standard
known as 802.11b or "Wi-Fi," which is spawning a huge array
of commercial products as well as free-access community networks.
Internet2, a national research consortium, which is developing
even faster connections that will handle high-definition digital
television (1.5 gigabits/second), shared virtual-reality environments,
high-quality videoconferencing, and remote surgery.
HP, MIT delve deep with digital library
News.com, November 4, 2002
MIT and Hewlett-Packard have unveiled DSpace, a system for
electronically archiving books, lecture notes and scientific
data. It currently can hold two terabytes of data; eventually
more than a petabyte (1000 terabytes). The software will be
licensed freely.
Lawrence Lessig: The 'Dinosaurs' are
Taking Over
Week, May 13, 2002
In "The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected
World," Stanford University law professor Lawrence Lessig
warns that the Internet will soon belong to Hollywood studios,
record labels, and cable operators, which co-opt the Internet
and stifle innovation.
Distributed program to translate many
Scientist, April 2, 2002
The World Wide Lexicon (WWL) project is developing a distributed
computer program to harness the brains of the world's computer
users to build a multilingual translation database for less
common languages.
Since the project depends on volunteers, quality assurance
may be problem, but software developer Brian McConnell hopes
to develop an automatic peer-review system to ensure that
translations are accurate.
McConnell has designed a spider program to roam the web and
select common words from foreign web sites. These will be
sent to relevant volunteers for translation.
When a sufficiently large word database has been built, translation
users will be able to download another program that searches
servers for words. Those not found will be sent to volunteers
for translation.
When the web starts thinking for itself
Dec. 20, 2002
The semantic Web—an extension of the current Web—may
act as a "collective memory," augmenting individual brain
power and accelerating the pace of human learning and discovery.
"The global communication network is already capable of complex
behaviour that defies the efforts of human experts to comprehend,"
notes Daniel Dennett, director of the Center for Cognitive
Studies at Tufts University.
Keeping Pace with the Accelerating Enterprise
Insights, November 2, 2002
Everything is moving faster, and companies are being propelled
toward "real time" as the world becomes more connected and
more responsive through autonomous agents, says Christopher
Meyer, vice president and director of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's
Center for Business Innovation.
Moving to real time is a competitive necessity. The real-time
enterprise is unavoidable and means that a company can sense
and respond faster than changes in a relevant feature of the
environment. The scarce resource is now time, not financial
Keywords: acceleration |
Now Here's a Really Big Idea
News, Nov. 25, 2002
Darryl Macer, associate professor at the Institute of Biological
Sciences at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, plans to create
a human mental map—a database that would contain a log
of every human idea.
By understanding which ideas are specific to certain cultures
and which ones are universal, policy-makers can make more
informed decisions about such agreements, Macer said.
A Universal Tool to Rescue Old Files
From Obsolescence
York TImes, August 29, 2002
Dr. Raymond Lorie, a researcher at the I.B.M. Almaden Research
Center in San Jose, Calif., has developed a "universal virtual
computer" for long-term preservation of obsolescent digital
The system, which uses semantic tags, is designed to be logical
and accessible so computer developers of the future will be
able to write instructions to emulate it on their machines.
Clothes Make the Network
Review, December 4, 2002
Wearable computers and ad-hoc wireless communities make possible
a momentary alliance among transient interest groups.
Computers embedded in clothing could form networks on the
fly, prompting software agents to carry out mutually beneficial
transactions. A group waiting to buy movie tickets might use
an ad hoc network to auction off favorable places in line.
Thousands of people in Times Square could pool computing power
and sell it by the teraflop-second to nearby office buildings....
The Disappearing Computer
KurzweilAI.net, Dec. 4, 2002
"We are in the early years of a truly digital decade, in
which the intelligence of the PC is finding its way into all
kinds of devices, transforming them from passive appliances
into far more significant and indispensable tools for everyday
life," says Bill Gates.
"Computers are becoming smaller, more powerful, less power-hungry
and far less expensive, making it easier to build computing
power and connectivity into everyday devices.
"The pervasiveness and near-invisibility of computing will
be helped along by new technologies such as cheap, flexible
displays, fingernail-sized MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems)
chips capable of storing terabytes of data, or inductively
powered computers that rely on heat and motion from their
environment to run without batteries.
Disappearing Computer by Bill Gates
Dead Air
Nov. 25, 2002
Cell phones and the wireless industries of the future are
snarled by a critical shortage of airwaves.
Solutions are on the way. Intel has discovered how to build
entire radios in silicon chips. This and other new wireless
technologies like cognitive radio, ultrawideband, software-defined
radio and mesh networks could allow for spectrum sharing without
interference, which the FCC is considering.
Polymers enable ultrafast data transport
Nov. 15, 2002
Scientists at Bell Laboratories' Lucent Technologies have
demonstrated the use of polymers as optical modulators for
future fiber-optic communication systems. The devices would
be capable of up to 200 GHz transmission, 20 times faster
than today's commercial modulators.
The future of the digital home: Gates
November 17, 2002
At COMDEX today, Bill Gates presented Microsoft's plan to
introduce digital-home "smart" products that are cheaper,
more powerful and more portable, from a digital alarm clock
to portable monitors that can remotely access a PC from throughout
the home.
"At the end of the decade, a terabyte will be the typical
storage on a personal computer," Gates said. Hundreds of gigabytes
of data will be able to be stored on portable devices, he
Dust-sized sensors could monitor weather
Oct. 30, 2002
A network of microscopic sensors, each acting as its own
antenna and power source, could float through storms and generate
detailed, real-time atmospheric data essential for weather
forecasting, researchers suggest.
Tricks of the light promise record data
September 7, 2002
Researchers have shown that the bandwidth of existing fiber
optic cables can be increased from 10 gigabits/second to 2
terabits/per second, using new techniques, including a subcarrier,
multiple wavelengths, and multiple polarizations.
Physicists Create a New State of Matter
American News, January 3, 2002
Researchers have succeeded in creating a reversible quantum
phase transition in a Bose-Einstein condensate. The finding,
announced in the journal Nature, could aid efforts to build
quantum computers.
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is created by cooling a
gas of rubidium atoms to one-hundred-millionth of a degree
above absolute zero or less, causing the atoms to lose their
individuality and merge into a single quantum state.
The investigators at Ludwig-Maximilians University placed
the BEC in an optical lattice—a three-dimensional light
interference pattern generated by laser beams. When they increased
the intensity of the laser beams making up the optical lattice,
the atoms lost their freedom and each became trapped in a
single valley, forcing the superfluid into a patterned fluid
—a new type of matter.
In a commentary to the Nature report, physicist Henk T. Stoof
of Utrecht University said, "Every rubidium atom has a magnetic
moment and so has two internal states that may serve as the
0 and 1 of a quantum bit." Given the large number of rubidium
atoms in the optical lattice, he says, they could provide
the memory for a quantum computer. "If there are two such
memories that can be moved relative to each other, we can
even make use of the interactions between atoms to perform
a quantum computation. The first step towards this exciting
goal has now been taken."
American, June 2002
Microelectronic devices that function by using the spin of
the electron are a nascent multibillion-dollar industry—and
may lead to quantum microchips.
Scientists Report 'Teleported' Data
June 17, 2002
Australian scientists have "teleported" a laser beam encoded
with data, breaking it up and reconstructing an exact replica
a yard away. The research replicates an experiment at the
California Institute of Technology in 1998.
Scientists at the Australian National University said the
main use will be to encrypt information and for a new generation
of super-fast computers.
The researchers used entanglement in the experiment, in which
characteristics of photons can be mirrored and measured in
a second set of photons on a second laser beam that was entangled
with the first.
An entire computer in a single molecule?
KurzweilAI.net, July 10, 2002
That's the vision of
Dr. Christian Joachim, Director of Research at CNRS
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
His reasoning: Even with nanotechnologies and nanomaterials,
progress in microelectronics will slow down by 2015 to 2020
because of clock speed, the number of transistors and interconnects,
and required power dissipation, he says.
So we'll have to reduce computers to intramolecular dimensions
and develop picotechnology (1/1000th the size of nanotechnology)
to cope. But "real-space" design at the intramolecular level
will also present major challenges. Rather than spatial designs,
he recommends computing in the time domain, using quantum
more atoms together for a single molecule computer, Institute
of Physics Nanotechnology journal, March 13, 2002.
New spin on transistors
Science Update, July 5, 2002
A new "spintronic" atom-based transistor uses a new principle
for controlling and switching electrical current based on
electron spin.
Developed at the Institute for Microstructural Science in
Ottawa, the device uses a magnetic field to tune a quantum
dot so that the spins of electrons hopping onto or off it
must be aligned up or down. This means information can be
stored, read out and erased by manipulating the spins of the
electrons in the well.
Quantum computing making 'tremendous
Scientist, Nov. 29, 2002
There has been what one researcher calls "tremendously rapid
progress" in quantum computing in the last year. A device
for overcoming quantum "decoherence" has been developed at
the University of New South Wales, using two phosphorus atoms
precisely embedded in a silicon crystal.
Other researchers at Innsbruck University in Austria have
achieved a quantum computation using a single trapped calcium
ion, the first calculation made on a system proven to be in
a quantum state.
Superconducting junctions eyed for quantum
Times, November 22, 2002
Josephson junctions, a superconducting type of transistor,
are being investigated as a possible route to scalable quantum
computers by a physicist at the University of Michigan.
Coherent Computing: Making qubit superpositions
in superconductors last longer
American, August 2002
Research teams have made critical breakthroughs in developing
quantum computers.
The Quantronics group at the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
in Saclay, France, and Siyuan Han's laboratory at the University
of Kansas reported qubit chip designs with coherence times
at least 100 times as great as those achieved before. Investigators
at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
in Boulder, Colo., have come up with a design that they think
could yield similar coherence rates.
Quantum net for atom angling
July 30, 2002
Researchers at University of Texas at Austin are able to
extract an exact number of atoms from a Bose-Einstein condensates
(BEC)—clouds of atoms that behave as though they were
a single super-atom—using a quantum dot. Manipulating
BECs is important in developing quantum computers.
Quantum entanglement stronger than suspected
Scientist, July 17, 2002
Pairs of photons linked by entanglement can pass through
gold sheets without the entanglement being destroyed, in an
experiment at Leiden University. The finding means quantum
linking of particles is far more robust than scientists thought
and could help them develop new ways of making quantum computers.
Robots could lift nursing home mood
May 14, 2002
A robotic baby seal called "Paro" has helped improve the
quality of life for both clients and staff at a Japanese elder
day-care facility.
Japan's Intelligent Systems Institute and University of Tsukuba
modeled their work on animal therapy.
Paro appears more true-to-life than current entertainment
robots, using artificial fur and airbag-based pressure sensors
to allow Paro to sense when it is being petted.
Residents showed better emotional states and reported feeling
more vigorous.
AI to Assist Alzheimer's Patients
News, June 24, 2002
The Activity Compass, a Palm handheld with a GPS receiver
and wireless modem, will memorize an Alzheimer's patient's
daily routine and offer him directions when he becomes lost
or confused.
Researchers Laud Robot-guided Heart Surgery
19, 2002, CNN
Robotic heart surgery using the da Vinci Surgical System
has many advantages for patients and doctors, according to
research presented to cardiologists at the annual Scientific
Sessions of the American Heart Association. The robotic technique
requires four puncture wounds, each an inch in diameter. Surgeons
use pencil-sized instruments to operate on the heart. They
sit several feet away from the patient at a console where
they see inside the patient on a monitor.
Robot repairs heart without opening chest
Nov. 19, 2002
Heart surgeons using computer-controlled tiny robot arms
with metallic "hands" that hold miniaturized instruments have
performed successful open heart surgery without cutting open
the chest.
AI Caretakers For Alzheimer's Sufferers
KurzweilAI.net, July 25, 2002
Researchers are developing a network of ubiquitous digital
devices and wireless sensors that monitor Alzheimer's sufferers,
offer prompts when appropriate, and summon help when needed.
The research will be presented at the AAAI
conference in in Edmonton, Alberta next week.
Devices developed so far include the Activity Compass, a
prototype wireless handheld device (based on a Palm Pilot,
GPS receiver, and wireless modem) that will memorize a patient's
daily routine, then offer advice and directions if the user
becomes lost or confused; and Adaptive Prompter, an in-home
system to keep patients on task in performing daily activities.
In addition, AI software will monitor, weigh uncertainty and
make decisions about when to intervene.
developing AI caretakers for Alzheimer's sufferers, other
impaired patients, University of Washington press release,
July 23, 2002
Robot care bears for the elderly
News, February 21, 2002
Robot bears watch over elderly residents in the world's first
hi-tech retirement home in Osaka, Japan.
The bears monitor patients' response times to spoken questions
and how long they spend performing various tasks, alerting
staff where appropriate via a local area network.
Research examines robot-assisted therapy
Dec. 5, 2002
Purdue University is running a year-long study that puts
an AIBO robot dog for six weeks in the homes of people 65
years and older who live alone to see if robots can provide
social stimulation.
One manufacturer is working to include a blood-pressure sensor
in its robot. Other possibilities include alerting a nurses'
station if the person does not react to the robot for extended
A War of Robots
York Times, July 11, 2002
Since the United States military campaign began in Afghanistan,
the unmanned spy plane has gone from a bit player to a starring
role in Pentagon planning. Rather than the handful of "autonomous
vehicles," or A.V.'s, that snooped on Al Qaeda hideouts, commanders
are envisioning wars involving vast robotic fleets on the
ground, in the air and on the seas ' swarms of drones that
will not just find their foes, but fight them, too.
This would require an entirely new kind of distributed "wireless
Internet" in the sky. The Multimedia Intelligent Network of
Unattended Mobile Agents, or Minuteman, project is modeled
on the human brain and reconfigures itself in the event of
congestion and other problems.
Personal robot of the future here today
Nando Times, July 9, 2002
The $500 ER1 from Evolution Robotics is the first mass-produced
automaton to perform helpful tasks.
It is essentially a metal box with a camera on wheels. Users
attach a laptop. It can identify human faces and recognize
voices, and is capable of performing 99 behaviors, such as
grabbing things from the kitchen, greeting visitors at the
front door, finding car keys and snapping photographs.
Artificial voice system says hello
Scientist, May 1, 2002
Hideyuki Sawada of Waseda University in Japan is designing
an artificial voice system to make interacting with robots
more natural.
The system emulates the human lung, windpipe, vocal cords
and throat by using a compressed air tank that forces air
into a plastic voice-box chamber, where it makes rubber "vocal
cords" vibrate. The sounds generated are then fed to a flexible
tube that mimics a human vocal tract. The system cannot yet
match the quality of digital voice synthesizers.
MPEG Video of the artificial voice system
Flying robotic insect slated to explore
Times, January 14, 2002
NASA is backing a research project to build toy-sized flying
robots, modeled on the entomology of insects, that can hover
like helicopters. Patented as "entomopters," the robots are
on the drawing board of University of Missouri professor Kakkattukuzhy
NASA is sponsoring a large team of diverse researchers on
the project, titled "Planetary Exploration Using Biomimetics."
Isaac's part is the wing design and aerodynamic analysis to
ensure that sufficient lift will be provided. Researchers
at Georgia Tech Research Institute are concentrating on propulsion,
as are colleagues at the University of Cambridge (England)
and the Ohio Aerospace Institute.
"We are investigating building flying robots modeled on insects
because insects create a higher amount of lift than conventional
aircraft, enabling them to fly at low speeds," Isaac said.
The military is pursuing parallel research, sponsored by the
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, into "micro air
vehicles" that could hover so that they could investigate
hard-to-reach places and enter hazardous zones.
Japan Plans Robot to Hunt Afghan Land
January 15, 2002
Japan plans to develop a robot to detect land mines and send
it to Afghanistan next year.
Kyodo news agency, quoting the Science and Technology Agency,
reported that seven specialists will try to develop a robot
that will be capable of detecting mines even if some of its
functions are destroyed in explosions.
The robot could have six legs, or be snake-like, it added.
Keywords: Robotics |
Cyberbabes and Orgasmatrons Heat Up the
February 16, 2002
By 2012 the Orgasmatron—the artificial sexual pleasure
device dreamed up for Woody Allen's film "Sleeper"—will
become a reality, according to a timeline
of 500 predictions for the next 30 years by futurist Ian Pearson.
* Within four years, toys will be emotionally interactive,
responsive to the feelings of the children playing with them.
* Hhumanoid robots will fill factory jobs by 2007. By 2015,
robots will be able to take on almost any job in hospitals
or homes.
* By 2010, up to a quarter of showbiz stars will be computer-generated
By 2025, there will be more robots than people in developed
countries. By 2030, robots will become mentally and physically
superior to people and it will be possible to fully link computers
to the human brain.
News tip: darrylc
Machines Are Filling In for Troops
York Times, April 16, 2002
The Pentagon is replacing soldiers with sensors, vehicles
and weapons that can be operated by remote control or are
These devices can function as heat detectors, radar, cameras,
and microphones, for example, and can reveal decoys, pierce
camouflage, operate in darkness and bad weather, do video
surveillance, and detect enemy vehicles. They are smaller,
lighter, cheaper, more fuel efficient, and easier to move;
can avoid harm to humans; and are better at tedious, time-consuming
tasks, Pentagon officials believe.
By 2007, X-45 unmanned combat air vehicles will be used to
attack radar and antiaircraft installations. By 2010, they
will be programmed to distinguish friends from foes without
consulting humans and independently attack targets in designated
By 2020, robotic planes and vehicles will direct remote-controlled
bombers toward targets, robotic helicopters will coordinate
driverless convoys, and unmanned submarines will clear mines
and launch cruise missiles, military analysts say.
The Robots Are Coming
Review, May 2002
"Created under a U.S. Department of Defense contract by an
MIT spinoff company called iRobot, Morticia is a military
machine with a mission. Instead of carrying bombs, she carries
eyes and ears, transmitting what she sees back over a wireless
link. She is also a pioneer, showing us how robots are likely
to be integrated into our jobs and our lives in the coming
Morticia is a prototype of "Packbots," which can be thrown
into a vehicle and then "hurled through the window of an office
building where a crook is holed up with some hostages."
There's also CoWorker, a mobile videoconferencing system.
Sandia Sensors to Track Terrorists
Journal, April 23, 2002
Sandia National Laboratories has launched a $2.5 million
crash program to create an advanced sensor to track terrorists.
The smart, golf ball-sized sensors, dropped in a city or in
enemy territory, could communicate with one another to identify
and track terrorists' activities and report back.
Sony Loosens Leash on AIBO Robot Dog
May 07, 2002
Instead of fighting hackers, Sony will now offer free software
development kits for its AIBO robot, which will allow owners
to create many more training options. The SDK allows AIBO
movements to be programmed in C++. A Web site will let developers
exchange custom-made AIBO programs.
Boffins develop 'sociable' robots
vnunet.com, May 20, 2002
Irish scientists developing robots that are friendly and
sociable so that people will be able to relate to them more
The first prototype, Anthropos, has cameras for eyes, a speaker
as a mouth, voice recognition, and motors that control how
it moves.
A Bot That Knows Where It's Going
News, May 23, 2002
Evolution Robotics' new ER1 mobile robot can learn on the
fly, enabling it to roam around new environments entirely
on its own.
Following simple commands, it can recognize an ever-changing
environment by processing 30 still-frame photos a minute looking
for a picture that matches its memory. It comes with a digital
camera and speech recognition, and voice response systems.
Robot on the run
Age, June 20, 2002
Scientists running an experiment with "living robots" that
think for themselves said they were amazed to find one had
escaped from a building and traveled out the parking lot.
"But there's no need to worry, as although they can escape
they are perfectly harmless and won't be taking over just
yet" mused Professor Noel Sharkey of the Magna science centre
in Rotherham, South Yorkshire in Australia.
Robots called electronics driver of 21st
Times, June 25, 2002
The robot could emerge as the driving force of electronics
this century, according to Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. at
the the Robotrex 2002 exhibition in Fukuoka, Japan.
Robot Guard-dragon Unveiled in Japan
14, 2002, New Scientist
The four-legged "guard dragon" robot sense smoke and alert
its owners to a smoldering fire—via a howl or a mobile
phone text message. The robot is one meter long, 80 centimeters
high, 70 centimeters wide and weighs 40 kilograms. It can
move at a top speed of 15 meters per minute—more than
fast enough for a home robot designed to travel in confined,
cluttered spaces, its designers say.
Butterflies point to micro machines
News, December 4, 2002
Micro air vehicles that mimick insects will soon be a reality,
thanks to aerodynamics research using high-speed cameras in
a wind tunnel to analyze how the animals moved through the
Sony soon to deliver child robot
Age, Dec. 23, 2002
Shades of A.I. the movie: Sony is developing a 24-inch child-like
robot that can interact with its "carers," expressing emotions
through words, songs and body language. It can recognize up
to 10 human faces and voices and adapt its behaviour according
to the way it is treated. The SDR4X Dream Robot will be available
April 7 for $60,000 to $80,000.
Rat-Brained Robot>
Review, December 18, 2002
neuron cells on silicon are the brains behind a new robot'a
breakthrough that may lead to better computer chips. The "hybrot"
is in essence a rat-controlled robot, and marks the first
instance in which cultured neurons have been used to control
a robotic mechanism.
The device contains thousands of rat neuron cells on a silicon
chip that's embedded with 60 electrodes connected to an amplifier.
The electrical signals that the cells fire are picked up by
the electrodes, which then send the amplified signal into
a computer. The computer, in turn, wirelessly relays the data
to the robot. The robot then manifests this neuronal activity
with physical motion, each of its movements a direct result
of neurons talking to neurons. The robot also sends information
back to the cells, which are actually developing.
According to Rolf Pfeifer, professor of computer science at
the University of Zurich, Switzerland, this work can have
implications for constructing self-healing computer systems.
Building a Better Cat
York Times, December 5, 2002
Hasbro's FurReal
Friends has become one of the season's hottest toys, subordinating
gadgetry to realistic cat attributes (such as fur) and behaviors.
When the cat is first turned on, it "wakes up," stretching
its neck and arching its back. It meows and then begins to
monitor six scattered sensors that can tell if it is being
touched on the head, neck, back or tail.
It starts in playful mode, where it is active and frequently
meows. Pulling its tail nudges it into irritated mode, characterized
by hissing and an arched back. Petting the cat's head or chin
three times brings on cuddly mode and a lot of small movements
and purring.
Immobots Take Control
Review, December 2002/January 2003
Immobots (immobile robots), a new breed of cost-effective
intelligent machines, are beginning to crop up in situations
where autonomy is important, such as distant space probes,
copiers, and cars.
Using "model-based programming," these systems "have a commonsense
model of the physics of their internal components and can
reason from that model to determine what is wrong and to know
how to act," said Brian Williams, a professor at MIT's Space
Systems and Artificial Intelligence Laboratories.
Robots, Terrorists, and Morals
Nov. 9, 2002
When the car carrying six Islamic terrorists was blown up
recently by a Hellfire-C missle fired from a Predator RQ-1A
UAV, it raised ethical questions about robots remotely controlled
by humans. But what sort of reaction will we see the first
time a fully autonomous robot like the X-45 UCAV engages the
"Al-Qaeda's zealots never thought they would be fighting American
robots—and losing."
Drone plane kills terror suspects
Nov. 5, 2002
An unpiloted "drone" plane armed with anti-tank missiles
and remotely operated by the CIA is reported to have killed
six people in Yemen.
The US military is currently developing even more sophisticated
drones and remotely operated weapons. BAE Systems is developing
small, directed energy pulse weapons designed to be deployed
on military drones, as well as high-power radio frequency
and high-power microwave weapons that can jam communications
and damage enemy computer systems.
Why 6-Legged Bots Rule
November 2002
UC Berkeley biologist Robert J. Full is developing a new
generation of highly mobile legged robots using the self-stabilizing
sprawled posture found in a cockroach.
The devices embed control algorithms in the limbs themselves,
allowing for more rapid response and increased speed and stability
while freeing up the central processor for higher-level operations.
The Shape of Bots to Come
News, Oct. 7, 2002
The next wave of robots may resemble Transformers—self-reconfiguring
robots that can morph into different shapes to best fit the
terrain, environment and task.
They could self-organize as a snake shape to slither through
a narrow tunnel or holes in rubble to aid in search-and-rescue,
reconfigure as a multi-legged walker for rough terrain, and
then change shape again to climb stairs and enter a building.
Or they could even become buildings that assemble themselves.
Maid to Order
Sep. 14, 2002
Roomba, a new housecleaning robot spawned by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology's Artificial Intelligence Lab and
built by iRobot, will vacuum your living room. It's the first
robot designed to live in your home, serve a useful purpose,
and be priced for the mass market—at $199—on sale
this week.

Organic robot mimics sea life
News, Sept. 2, 2002
The Public Anemone, an organic robot designed to imitate
primitive life forms, has been created by MIT researchers.
The robot is intended to explore artificial life and provide
insights into how to create robots that can behave and interact
naturally with humans.
'Cute' robots could take over, warns
ABC Nightline
Nightline, August 19, 2002
With robots getting cuter, like MIT's Kismet and Sony's Aibo
puppy, and people playing less with real people and more with
fake ones, "one day, adorable robots could do us great harm
and we are not ready," warned ABC science correspondent Robert
Krowlich on Nightline tonight, August 19.
"The people designing these little devices are very, very
cunning and exploiting psychology for all they're worth, with
faces with winning grins and eyes that they can bat at you,"
said New School For Social Research psychology professor Nicholas
"It's increasingly difficult not to treat these machines as
people. They will have their own interests "independent of
those that made them, and there will be ways in which the
robots will basically get us to do their work for them ...
by getting people to form relationships with them to love
"If one day, they wish to do us harm, we will not be able
to resist, because if they assume the form of adorable bunnies
or puppies or an adorable human infant, we will embrace them."
"We will have to be very clever about how smart we allow them
to be or they will succeed humans as the next species running
the earth," warned Stephen Petranek, Editor in Chief of Discover
"We'll probably never see it coming," added Sim City game
developer Will Wright, whose cute Sim City and The Sims computer
games have already become highly addictive with some players.
However, artificial intelligence has been a tremendous failure,
Petranek claimed. "Robots are really stupid. We've been working
on artificial intelligence energetically for about 30 years
and now you couldn't find ten people in the world who are
working on AI any more because nobody has been able to get
very close in trying to mimic the human brain."
Does schmoozing make robots clever?
News, August 16, 2002
Luc Steels, a professor at the University of Brussels and
director of Sony's Computer Science Laboratories in Paris,
believes that robots should learn by expressing themselves
through interaction and forming their own languages and even
Dismissing the Turing Test as "fake," Steels believes that
machines can evolve intelligence through interaction with
one another and with their ecology, but that this synthetic
intelligence is unlikely to bear much resemblance to human
Robot Teaches Itself Flying Skills in
Three Hours
Aug. 14, 2002
A robot has taught itself the principles of flying—learning
in just three hours what evolution took millions of years
to achieve, according to research by Swedish scientists.
Krister Wolff and Peter Nordin of Chalmers University of
Technology built a robot with wings and then gave it random
instructions to produce small movements. Feedback from a movement
detector told the program how successful each combination
of instructions tried had been, enabling it to evolve.
The robot discovered a successful flapping technique after
just three hours.
Charmed by Six Feet of Circuitry
York Times, August 8, 2002
Grace, a six-foot autonomous robot, was the star of the recent
annual meeting of the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence in Canada.
Grace performed successfully in the "Robot Challenge" event:
start at the entrance to the conference center, take the elevator
to the registration desk, register for the conference and
then deliver a speech in the auditorium.
Grace was co-developed by Carnegie Mellon University (overall
hardware and software architecture), the Naval Research Lab
(speech recognition software), Northwestern University (software
for delivering a PowerPoint presentation), Swarthmore College
(pattern-recognition software for finding and reading signs),
and Metrica (gesture interpretation system).
U.S. Tests Robots in Afghanistan
July 30, 2002
The war in Afghanistan is the first time robots are being
used by the U.S. military as tools for combat, sending them
into caves, buildings or other dark areas ahead of troops
to help prevent U.S. casualties.
The devices can hold up to 12 cameras, a grenade launcher
and a 12-gauge shotgun. They operate by wireless desktop control,
using GPS for navigation.
Tiny flying robots: Future masters of
July 27, 2002
Tiny flying robots that mimic insects or birds and are intended
to spy on enemy troops, explore the surface of Mars, or safely
monitor dangerous chemical spills are being developed at UC
Berkeley, University of Toronto, and elsewhere, mainly funded
by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
New Robot Has Basic Social Skills
July 24, 2002
An autonomous robot named GRACE (Graduate Robot Attending
Conference) will be among the robots "attending" the American
Association of Artificial Intelligence conference in Edmonton,
Alberta starting July 28.
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University researchers, Naval
Research Laboratory, and Metrica Inc., GRACE is programmed
to demonstrate basic human social skills. It will sign in
at the registration desk, find a conference room, give a speech
and answer questions. It has laser and sonar components to
sense distances and steer around people, along with a camera
vision system and speech recognition software to recognize
humans' hand gestures and speech.
Another robot "attending" the conference will be iRobot Corp.'s
CoWorker. It will be remotely controlled via the Internet,
using streaming video from on-board cameras to indicate its
location. The controller will use mouse clicks in the picture
to tell the machine where to go.
Shape Memory Alloy May Be Ready for Market
York Times, July 22, 2002
Interest is picking up in nitinol shape-memory devices for
use in toys (dolls with nitinol facial muscles and mobile
action figures), medical devices (stents in blood vessels
and arteries to keep them from clogging), and other uses.
The benefits: shrink components to reduce weight, cut materials
costs and improve design flexibility.
Personal robot of the future here today
Nando Times, July 9, 2002
The $500 ER1 from Evolution Robotics is the first mass-produced
automaton to perform helpful tasks.
It is essentially a metal box with a camera on wheels. Users
attach a laptop. It can identify human faces and recognize
voices, and is capable of performing 99 behaviors, such as
grabbing things from the kitchen, greeting visitors at the
front door, finding car keys and snapping photographs.
A War of Robots
York Times, July 11, 2002
Since the United States military campaign began in Afghanistan,
the unmanned spy plane has gone from a bit player to a starring
role in Pentagon planning. Rather than the handful of "autonomous
vehicles," or A.V.'s, that snooped on Al Qaeda hideouts, commanders
are envisioning wars involving vast robotic fleets on the
ground, in the air and on the seas—swarms of drones that
will not just find their foes, but fight them, too.
This would require an entirely new kind of distributed "wireless
Internet" in the sky. The Multimedia Intelligent Network of
Unattended Mobile Agents, or Minuteman, project is modeled
on the human brain and reconfigures itself in the event of
congestion and other problems.
Speech recognition and synthesis
Whatever You Say
American, June 2002
The latest speech-recognition software packages offer optimized
dictation and voice-controlled email and Web surfing.
Sounds Realer Than Reality
Online, June 3, 2002
Scientists can generate imitations of real-life sounds significantly
more convincing than actual recordings of the events they
are intended to mimic.
Experimental psychologists Laurie Heller and Lauren Wolf
at Brown University found that listeners rated some artificially
generated sounds—simulating "walking in leaves" by running
fingers through cornflakes, for example—as more convincing
than the real ones.
Enhancing the sound envelope (slower changing component) results
in better perception of actions such as walking, while augmenting
the faster acoustic portions of a sound apparently helps people
identify what materials are involved in an event. The researchers
say the findings are a step toward understanding what acoustic
clues the brain uses to interpret sounds.
Sound Effects Are Better Than The Real Thing, Acoustical
Society of America meeting presentation
The New Hearing Aid
News, June 24, 2002
Adding increased stochatic (random) noise to cochlear implant
signals makes the neural pattern more natural, increases the
perceived dynamic range, allowing patients to detect subtler
sounds, according to Dr. Jay Rubinstein, associate professor
of otology at the University of Iowa, speaking at the conference
of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.
Why it's getting easier to talk to your
Net News, November 11, 2002
Human-quality speech recognition—good enough to let
your computer reliably transcribe a newspaper read out loud—is
now about a decade away, says Xuedong Huang, general manager
of Microsoft's .Net Speech Technologies. Freestyle (conversational)
speech recognition will take 19 years.
'Talking books' get digital upgrade
Press, Oct. 22, 2002
A talking book for the blind with no moving parts has been
designed. It will read a volume digitally from a card smaller
than a credit card and looks and feels like a book.
Buttons along the edges will enable the blind reader to turn
pages forward and backward, skip quickly, insert bookmarks,
and search for a remembered passage. The Library of Congress
will convert about 30,000 titles, mostly standard works and
best sellers, to the new technology at a cost of about $75
Step-by-Step Prompts Put the Blind on
York Times, October 17, 2002
A voice-controlled interactive personal navigation system
could someday guide blind people. It communicates wirelessly
with databases of detailed geographic information that can
quickly be updated to reflect changing conditions.
Developed by University of Florida students, the Drishti (vision
in Sanskrit) system can be configured to work in cities, in
airports and on other campuses. It uses a wearable computer
running I.B.M.'s ViaVoice software, connected to a GPS receiver
and wirelessly with the university's geographical information
system. Ultrasonic transmitters on a building's ceilings and
receivers on the computer would allow indoor navigation.
Game developers look beyond polygons
NET UK, August 29, 2002
Graphics in games have reached the point where throwing more
polygons at the screen has little effect on the quality. The
next big thing will be two-way speech.
Bridging the Language Gap
Magazine, September 3, 2002
The Tongues research project at Carnegie Mellon Language
Technologies Institute allows a computer to listen to speech
in one language, translate it, and speak in another.
The system includes a speech recognizer, which turns spoken
words into text; a machine translator, which converts the
text from one language to another; and a speech synthesizer,
which turns the text back into audible words.
Hearing is Believing
August 5, 2002
The Hyper-Sonic Sound System (HSS) can convert any audio
signal to an ultrasonic frequency that can be precisely directed
toward a listener up to 100 yards away.
Uses include promotion from stores and vending machines (as
in Minority Report), home theater systems, entertainment,
and military weapons and psychological operations.
Multilingual Machines
American, July 15, 2002
A new language-translation system called EliMT from Meaningful
Machines in New York City uses a statistical technique in
an attempt to make machine translation more accurate.
EliMT looks for words with a tendency to cluster together
in databases of translations and can refine itself in either
a fully automated or a human-assisted manner as more data
are entered.
Study ranks supercomputers of the world
News, May 17, 2002
IDC has released its IDC Balanced Rating of the top 50 computers
and computing clusters in four categories.
The new rating system combines several performance metrics,
including three benchmarks of processor performance, two measures
of memory effectiveness, and an evaluation of the scaling
capability of each system.
Bell, Torvalds usher next wave of supercomputing
May 21, 2002
A compact supercomputer based on a Beowolf cluster called
Green Destiny was unveiled at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Using compact, stripped-down server blades, Los Alamos scientists
were able to build a system that is much smaller, consumes
less power and is more cost-effective than typical supercomputers.
It uses Crusoe processors from Transmeta, which require no
active cooling.
TOP500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers
KurzweilAI.net, June 20, 2002
The 19th edition of the TOP500
list of the world's fastest supercomputers was released today.
The recently installed Earth Simulator supercomputer at the
Earth Simulator Center in Yokohama, Japan is the new number
1, with its performance of 35.86 Tflop/s—almost five
times higher than the now #2 IBM ASCI White system at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (7.2 Tflop/s).
The total combined performance of all 500 computers on the
list is 222 Tflop/s, compared to 134.4 Tflop/s six months
Eight of the TOP10 systems are installed in the US, and one
in Japan and France each.
At Los Alamos, Two Visions of Supercomputing
York Times, June 25, 2002
Heat may be a limiting factor to Moore's law. By 2010, scientists
predict, a single chip may hold more than a billion transistors,
giving off 1,000 watts of thermal energy—far more heat
per square inch than a nuclear reactor.
Already, Los Alamos National Laboratory's 30-teraops Q computer,
designed to provide full-scale, three-dimensional simulation
of the physics involved in a nuclear explosion, will require
5 megawatts of energy. A coming 100-teraops machine will require
even more.
In contrast, the cooling sytem for the lab's 160 gigaops Green
Destiny, using Transmeta chips, consumes only five kilowatts.
Supercomputing: Suddenly Sexy
News, July 8, 2002
Supercomputing is beating Moore's Law, with power for the
same price doubling every 15 months.
NEC's Earth Simulator is world's fastest supercomputer
NEC's new Earth Simulator, rated at 35 teraflops is the world's
fastest and will ultimately act as Japan's early warning of
typhoons. But IBM's 200 teraflops Blue Gene/L will soon top
the list.
The next challenge for the supercomputing community is a petaflops
machine, capable of a quadrillion floating-point operations
per second.
A Supercomputer to Save Earth?
News, Dec. 17, 2002
"Running 35.6 trillion calculations per second, the Earth
Simulator is the fastest supercomputer in the world...According
to the Department of Energy, the Earth Simulator has put American
scientists at a 10-to 100-fold disadvantage in weather studies.
And there are much deeper implications...."
IBM to build world's fastest supercomputers
KurzweilAI.net, Nov. 19, 2002
IBM announced today it will build the two fastest supercomputers
in the world with a combined peak speed of up to 467 teraflops
(trillion calculations per second), funded by a $267 million
contract from the U.S. Department of Energy.
The two systems will have more combined processing power than
the combined power of all 500 machines on the recently announced
List of Supercomputers.
According to an IBM statement, ASCI Purple will be the world's
first supercomputer capable of up to 100 teraflops, more than
twice as fast as the most powerful computer in existence today,
NEC's Earth
Simulator. It will be used to simulate the aging and operation
of U.S. nuclear weapons.
IBM said Blue Gene/L will have a theoretical peak performance
of up to 367 teraflops with 130,000 processors running Linux.
It will be used for simulation of very complex physical phenomena
of national interest, such as turbulence, prediction of material
properties, and the behavior of high explosives.
IBM's Plan: Computing On Demand
Post, October 31, 2002
IBM is investing $10 billion in an "on-demand" business strategy
aimed at getting corporate customers to pay for their computing
power in much the way they now buy power from utilities: as
they use it, tapping into a supercomputing grid.
U of Alberta builds supercomputer in
a day
Journal, October 22, 2002
A serious shortage of world-class computing power in Canada
prompted University of Alberta scientists to create the next
best thing—a countrywide, virtual supercomputer.
Computer simulation yields disease insight
Oct. 20, 2002
By linking together 30,000 home computers from around the
world, scientists have harnessed enough computing power to
simulate accurately how proteins fold in the body, which could
lead to a better understanding of and treatments for diseases
ranging from Alzheimer's to mad cow.
Library of Congress Taps the Grid
News, http://wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,55509,00.html
The Library of Congress is evaluating grid technology to
preserve and manage the library's more than 7.5 million digital
records from 100 collections of manuscripts, books, maps,
films, sound recordings and photographs in its American
Memory project.
The Supercomputing Speed Barrier
September 13, 2002
Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers are operating
the Q supercomputer at 30 teraflops; supercomputers will eventually
be able to surpass 100 teraflops at the national coalition
of Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Sandia national laboratories,
and Los Alamos National Labs has announced plans for 200 teraflops.
Virtual stunt artists take first tumbles
Scientist, January 17, 2002
Virtual stunt artists are being developed that respond to
the physics of the real world, thanks to the use of a novel
array of virtual sensors.
The virtual stunt artist takes the form of a properly jointed
skeleton figure that responds to forces produced by gravity,
friction and impact with other objects in its virtual environment.
Researchers at the University of Toronto developed a program
to supervise the individual behavior controllers and make
them work in concert.
Each controller has virtual sensors that keep track of variables
such as the character's center of gravity, its joint movement
and any points of contact between itself and the environment.
This enables them to sense when they fail, such as when the
balance controller is unable to recover after the character
is knocked over.
The joints are designed to work like those of an average human,
based on data from a biomechanical database.
VR treatment for stroke patients announced
KurzweilAI.net, January 28, 2002
Rutgers researchers have filed a patent application for a
PC-based virtual-reality system that provides stroke patients
hand-impairment therapy.
In use, the patient's gloved hands are linked to virtual
hands on the PC monitor, so the patient's actual hand movements
are mimicked on-screen. By interacting and playing with on-screen
graphics—including fluttering butterflies, piano keyboards
and mechanical hands—the patient performs intensive rehab
exercises without drudgery, according to a Rutgers statement.
The PC-based design also opens the door for "tele-rehabilitation"
—the opportunity for therapists to work with patients
from remote locations.
Digital Sensor Is Said to Match Quality
of Film
York Times, February 11, 2002
If Carver Mead is right, photographic film is an endangered
species. His Silicon Valley start-up, Foveon,
plans to begin shipping a new type of digital image sensor
that outside experts agree is the first to match or surpass
the photographic capabilities of 35-millimeter film.

"It will completely transform the industry," George Gilder,
an economist and an information industry analyst, said of
Foveon's sensor.
Foveon's sensor, rather than break images into separate colors
and distribute them among separate pixels, captures color
by measuring how deeply photons of light penetrate the surface
of the imaging material. Not only is there higher resolution
from a given number of pixels, but there is less loss of light
and less need for the correcting calculations that can distort
the image.
Industry experts say that one of the most intriguing aspects
of the Foveon sensors is that they might allow for a hybrid
digital camera that performs equally well for both video and
still photography. Currently, the markets for still and video
digital cameras are separate because most sensors cannot easily
adjust from high resolution for still pictures to lower resolution
for moving images.
Canadian Scientists Launch Research 'Holodeck'
February 28, 2002
University of Calgary scientists have opened a powerful computing
lab to speed up research into diseases by creating 3-D models
of cells in a room similar to the Star Trek Holodeck.
Wearing 3D glasses in the 10 foot by 10 foot "cave," scientists
get a 270-degree projection of cells and can even stand inside
a strand of DNA.
The use of Java 3D programming language will allow scientists
anywhere to develop applications for the lab.
Augmented reality
Science, March 2002
Augmented-reality systems are being developed to superimpose
text, graphics, 3-D animation, sound, or any other digitized
data on the real world.
Augmented reality systems are already used to provide real-time
battlefield data for soldiers and give physicians critical
data during operations.
The Mobile Augmented Reality System (MARS), being developed
at Columbia University, attempts to extend this to mobile
applications. To align the graphics with the viewer's location
and view, a GPS receiver determines location, miniature gyroscopes
and accelerometers detect head movements, and an electronic
compass establishes the direction of the viewer's gaze.
The U.S. Army's Land Warrior Program hopes to field-test augmented-reality
wearable computers by 2003 and to equip all soldiers by 2008.
The Naval Research Laboratory is developing the Battlefield
Augmented Reality System to display annotated warnings (mines,
etc.) to marines in battlefield situations based on current
surveillance reports.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers are
allowing physicians to see sonogram and other data superimposed
on the patient's body.
Future personal augmented-reality applications include display
of maintenance data when fixing a car to assisted memory in
a meeting or conversation.
Newest storage tech: holographic DVD
(UK), April 5, 2002
InPhase Technologies, a spinoff of Lucent Technologies' research
arm Bell Labs, has introduced the first commercial holographic
video recorder. Aimed at professional video editors, it holds
100GB of data on a single CD-sized disc as a series of 1.3MB
holograms, enough for 20 full-length movies or 30 minutes
of uncompressed high-resolution video.
The extended storage is due to the fact that each storage
location can hold multiple holograms.
Microsoft pictures the future
News, April 18, 2002
Scientists at the software giant's Microsoft Cambridge U.K.
researchers are developing picture editing tools that can
"automatically trace outlines, seamlessly cover marks or blemishes,
and fill in backgrounds when pieces of an image are removed.
The researchers are also working on similar tools that automate
the editing of video clips."
One tool called "jetstream" automatically draws contours
around the most likely edges of an image. Another tool called
"patchwork" seamlessly fills in the gap left behind when one
part of an image is removed, by copying nearby texture. And
another tool for editing digital home video footage follows
the movements of one element in a video clip and modifies
the footage to keep that element in the center.
Artificial liver uses 3-D modeling
KurzweilAI.net, April 25, 2002
Researchers believe they have solved the problem of growing
the complex networks of blood vessels that artificial organs
would need to sustain themselves within the body.
The idea, so far tested in rats, involves copying the blood
vessel network of a real liver and using 3D fractal computer
modelling and machining to mimic its construction.
The scientists use the model to construct a silicon-mould
scaffold. They then pump a solution of endothelial cells into
empty channels in the scaffold, where they stick to the walls
and grow in a nutrient to form a network of blood vessels
within the scaffold, which itself dissolves over a few months,
leaving behind a functioning liver.
The researchers are Jay Vacanti at Massachusetts General Hospital
in Boston, a transplant surgeon who grew a human ear from
cartilage cells on the back of a mouse in 1997, and Jeffrey
Borenstein at Draper Lab, a micro-engineering expert.
Scientist, April 27, 2002
At MIT, they can put words in our mouths
Globe, May 15, 2002
MIT scientists have created the first realistic videos of
people saying things they never said, raising serious questions
about falsifying video and film images.
The MIT technology is the first that is "video-realistic":
volunteers in a laboratory test could not distinguish between
real and synthesized clips.
The reseachers used AI to teach the computer what a person
looks like when talking. The computer then captures images
that represent the full range of motion of the mouth and surrounding
areas and is able to express any face as a combination of
these faces.
The computer then learns how a person expresses every sound,
and how it moves from one to the next. For new sounds, the
computer can then generate video of the mouth area and superimpose
it on the person's face.
Digital characters learn to move
News, June 25, 2002
Researchers have developed a new way of animating virtual
characters in games or films using AI techniques.
Video showing a model learning how to walk
The "Active Character Technology," based on research at Oxford
University, uses neural networks and optimization techniques
(such as artificial evolution) to allow a biomechanically
realistic 3D model of a character to learn how to produce
its own body motion.
NaturalMotion believes its technique could revolutionize the
film and game industries, allowing animators to create lifelike
characters far more quickly and cheaply and game designers
to create truly interactive characters.
VR hallucinations used to treat schizophrenia
Scientist, July 1, 2002
A virtual reality environment has been designed by a team
at the University of Queensland in Brisbane to help treat
people with schizophrenia, using a simulated living room projected
onto a wrap-around screen and a soundtrack with an abusive
running commentary.
For example, it can mimic common hallucinations: walls appear
to be closing in, photographs of faces morph, straight lines
such as the edge of pictures wobble. The idea is to teach
them to recognize and ignore hallucinations in real life.
Are Holograms Finally for Real?
2.0, July 2002
A new hologram technique for creating large, highly realistic
holograms has been developed by Zebra
Conventional holograms are made by splitting a laser beam
in two, reflecting one of the resulting beams (aptly named
the "object" beam) off the object, recombining the two, and
exposing the result to a piece of photographic film. The interference
between the two sub-beams produces a pattern on the film which,
when developed and illuminated, reveals a three-dimensional
picture of the original object.
According to the company, "The process is lengthy, complicated,
and requires the use of expensive, high-powered lasers, making
it impractical for widespread commercial use. Unfortunately,
it also results in holographic images of limited size, color,
quality and viewing angle."
With Zebra's new process, the image is projected through an
LCD screen on which a computer-generated image is displayed.
The process allows for holograms to be generated quickly,
at higher quality, and virtually unlimited size.
Live holographic tumor imaging demonstrated
KurzweilAI.net, May 9, 2002
Purdue University scientists are developing a new imaging
technology that allows for the first "visual fly-throughs"
of a living tumor.
The technique, called optical coherence imaging, uses lasers,
holograms, and real-time "dynamic holographic films," consisting
of alternating layers of gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium
arsenide semiconductors.
Lasers Light Way To 3-D Imaging In Purdue Lab
Can a chip help computers see in 3D?
UK, July 3, 2002
Silicon Valley start-up Tyzx believes it can give stereo
vision to video cameras by encoding a processing scheme, based
on the way humans see, into a custom chip. It could ready
the way for robots with depth perception.
Its custom "DeepSea" chip runs an algorithm called "census
correspondence" that finds similarities in real time across
two streams of video images broken up into a square grid of
512 pixels.
MIT and London Team Report First Transatlantic
28, 2002, MIT News
MIT and University College London have linked—hands
across the water—in the first transatlantic touch, literally
"feeling" each other's manipulations of a small box on a computer
screen. Imagine haptic (touch) feedback for a surgeon practicing
telemedicine. What about artists from around the world collaborating
on a virtual sculpture? They could create different forms,
colors, sounds and textures accessible over the Internet.
Students in a physics class might 'feel' the forces within
the nucleus of an atom.
Movie Posters That Talk Back
December 12, 2002
Interactive movie posters (called ThinkPix Smart Displays)
have been developed that can collect marketing information,
like how many times their posters and trailers are shown,
how many people walk up to them, how long they looked at them,
even how close they got to them.
The Virtual Stomach
York Times, October 31, 2002
Penn State researchers have devised a virtual stomach, a
computer simulation of the gastric motions, stresses and particle
breakdown as the belly contracts, based on fluid mechanics.
The simulation may one day help researchers improve the composition
of tablets that break down slowly over many hours before proceeding
to the small intestine, where drugs are taken up. It may also
help understand why nutrients are sometimes released too rapidly
or too slowly from the stomach.
Scientists Shake Hands Over the Internet
October 29, 2002
Two scientists—one at University College in London and
one at MIT in Boston—picked up a computer-generated cube
between them and moved it, each responding to the force the
other exerted on it and feeling its texture. The "phantoms"
devices create a realistic sense of touch by sending small
impulses at high bandwidths via the Internet, using fiber
optic cables.
Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion unveiled
Scientist, Oct. 7, 2002
New $99 software that converts standard two-dimensional video
images into three-dimensional viewing in real time has been
The PC-based system requires users to wear special glasses.
The technology creates the illusion of depth by generating
two images out of one, each tilted and distorted to generate
the illusion of depth when combined.
A chip for TV sets is expected in 2003.
Kurzweil reviews Simone movie: 'unrealistic'
KurzweilAI.net, August 25, 2002
The just-released movie Simone presents an "unrealistic notion
of how technology is introduced to the world," says Ray Kurzweil
in a movie

"By the time the 'perfection' presumably represented by Simone
is feasible, the public will be very familiar with the idea
of a virtual actress. Technologies such as these never burst
on the scene fully formed with no imperfections as is displayed
in this film."
Kurzweil examines this portrayal from the perspective of his
own transformation at the TED conference into Ramona, the
state of the art for real-time virtual personality transformation
two years ago.
Kurzweil also chides Simone's producers for the film's failure
to show interesting CGI (computer graphics imaging) effects
and its technically unrealistic elements, such as a one-man
production team able to create a live holographic performance
by Simone.
Nonetheless, he found the film enjoyable to watch and he "appreciated
the inevitably imperfect manner that it introduces some of
the important concepts of emerging virtual reality technology
to a broad movie audience."
In Three Dimensions, Words Take Flight.
York Times, August 19, 2002
Brown University researchers are developing a 3-D virtual-reality
chamber that allows for creating interactive-theater experiences
with literature in space.
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