The Cyclic Universe
Is the universe expanding indefinitely--the Big Bang model--or does it go through cycles of expansion and contraction? Paul Steinhardt, who is Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton University and on the faculty of both the Department of Physics and the Department of Astrophysical Sciences, suggests a cyclic model that could successfully compete with the Big Bang model.
Originally published on Edge,
Nov. 21, 2002. Published on KurzweilAI.net Jan. 23, 2003.
Computational Universe by Seth Lloyd
Emotion Universe by Marvin Minsky
Intelligent Universe by Ray Kurzweil
Inflationary Universe by Alan Harvey Guth
In the last year I've been involved in the development of an alternative
theory that turns the cosmic history topsy-turvy. All the events
that created the important features of our universe occur in a different
order, by different physics, at different times, over different
time scales—and yet this model seems capable of reproducing
all of the successful predictions of the consensus picture with
the same exquisite detail.
I am a theoretical cosmologist, so I am addressing the issue from
that point of view. If you were to ask most cosmologists to give
a summary of where we stand right now in the field, they would tell
you that we live in a very special period in human history where,
thanks to a whole host of advances in technology, we can suddenly
view the very distant and very early universe in ways that we haven't
been able to do ever before.
For example, we can get a snapshot of what the universe looked
like in its infancy, when the first atoms were forming. We can get
a snapshot of what the universe looked like in its adolescence,
when the first stars and galaxies were forming. And we are now getting
a full detail, three-dimensional image of what the local universe
looks like today. When you put together this different information,
which we're getting for the first time in human history, you obtain
a very tight series of constraints on any model of cosmic evolution.
If you go back to the different theories of cosmic evolution in
the early 1990's, the data we've gathered in the last decade has
eliminated all of them—save one, a model that you might think
of today as the consensus model. This model involves a combination
of the Big Bang model as developed in the 1920s, '30s, and '40s;
the Inflationary Theory, which Alan Guth proposed in the 1980s;
and a recent amendment that I will discuss shortly. This consensus
theory matches the observations we have of the universe today in
exquisite detail. For this reason, many cosmologists conclude that
we have finally determined the basic cosmic history of the universe.
But I have a rather different point of view, a view that has been
stimulated by two events. The first is the recent amendment to which
I referred earlier. I want to argue that the recent amendment is
not simply an amendment, but a real shock to our whole notion of
time and cosmic history. And secondly, in the last year I've been
involved in the development of an alternative theory that turns
the cosmic history topsy-turvy. All the events that created the
important features of our universe occur in a different order, by
different physics, at different times, over different time scales—and
yet this model seems capable of reproducing all of the successful
predictions of the consensus picture with the same exquisite detail.
The key difference between this picture and the consensus picture
comes down to the nature of time. The standard model, or consensus
model, assumes that time has a beginning that we normally refer
to as the Big Bang. According to this model, for reasons we don't
quite understand, the universe sprang from nothingness into somethingness,
full of matter and energy, and has been expanding and cooling for
the past 15 billion years.
In the alternative model, the universe is endless. Time is endless
in the sense that it goes on forever in the past and forever in
the future, and, in some sense, space is endless. Indeed, our three
spatial dimensions remain infinite throughout the evolution of the
More specifically, this model proposes a universe in which the
evolution of the universe is cyclic. That is to say, the universe
goes through periods of evolution from hot to cold, from dense to
under-dense, from hot radiation to the structure we see today, and
eventually to an empty universe. Then, a sequence of events occurs
that cause the cycle to begin again. The empty universe is reinjected
with energy, creating a new period of expansion and cooling. This
process repeats periodically forever. What we're witnessing now
is simply the latest cycle.
The notion of a cyclic universe is not new. People have considered
this idea as far back as recorded history. The ancient Hindus, for
example, had a very elaborate and detailed cosmology based on a
cyclic universe. They predicted the duration of each cycle to be
8.64 billion years—a prediction with three-digit accuracy.
This is very impressive, especially since they had no quantum mechanics
and no string theory! It disagrees with the number that I'm going
suggest, which is trillions of years rather than billions.
The cyclic notion has also been a recurrent theme in Western thought.
Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Nietzsche, for example, each had cyclic
models of the universe, and in the early days of relativistic cosmology,
Albert Einstein, Alexandr Friedman, Georges Lemaître, and
Richard Tolman were interested in the cyclic idea. I think it is
clear why so many have found the cyclic idea to be appealing: If
you have a universe with a beginning, you have the challenge of
explaining why it began and the conditions under which it began.
If you have a universe, which is cyclic, it is eternal, so you don't
have to explain the beginning.
During the attempts to try to bring cyclic ideas into modern cosmology,
it was discovered in the '20s and '30s that there are various technical
problems. The idea at that time was a cycle in which our three-dimensional
universe goes through periods of expansion, beginning from the Big
Bang, and then reversal to contraction and a big crunch. The universe
bounces and expansion begins again. One problem is that, every time
the universe contracts to a crunch, the density and temperature
of the universe rises to an infinite value, and it is not clear
if the usual laws of physics can be applied.
Second, every cycle of expansion and contraction creates entropy
through natural thermodynamic processes, which adds to the entropy
from earlier cycles. So, at the beginning of a new cycle, there
is higher entropy density than the cycle before. It turns out that
the duration of a cycle is sensitive to the entropy density. If
the entropy increases, the duration of the cycle increases as well.
So, going forward in time, each cycle becomes longer than the one
The problem is that, extrapolating back in time, the cycles become
shorter until, after a finite time, they shrink to zero duration.
The problem of avoiding a beginning has not been solved. It has
simply been pushed back a finite number of cycles. If we're going
to reintroduce the idea of a truly cyclic universe, these two problems
must be overcome. The cyclic model that I will describe uses new
ideas to do just that.
To appreciate why an alternative model is worth pursuing, its important
to get a more detailed impression of what the consensus picture
is like. Certainly some aspects are appealing. But, what I want
to argue is that, overall, the consensus model is not so simple.
In particular, recent observations have forced us to amend the consensus
model and make it more complicated. So, let me begin with an overview
of the consensus model.
The consensus theory begins with the Big Bang: the universe has
a beginning. It's a standard assumption that people have made over
the last 50 years, but it's not something we can prove at present
from any fundamental laws of physics. Furthermore, you have to assume
that the universe began with an energy density less than the critical
value. Otherwise, the universe would stop expanding and recollapse
before the next stage of evolution, the inflationary epoch. In addition,
to reach this inflationary stage, there must be some sort of energy
to drive the inflation.
Typically this is assumed to be due to an inflation field. You
have to assume that in those patches of the universe that began
at less than the critical density, a significant fraction of the
energy is stored in inflation energy so that it can eventually overtake
the universe and start the period of accelerated expansion. All
of these are reasonable assumption, but assumptions nevertheless.
It's important to count these assumptions and ingredients, because
they are helpful in comparing the consensus model to the challenger.
[Continued on Edge.]
Copyright ' 2002 by Edge
Foundation, Inc. Published on KurzweilAI.net with permission.
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