Chapter 9: What Turing Fallacy?
Response to Thomas Ray
Countering Thomas Ray's objections, Ray Kurzweil points out significant progress in modeling neural and neurochemical processes and the innate ability of biologically inspired self-organizing systems to realistically emulate natural processes, including, ultimately, human intelligence. In brain reverse engineering, according to Kurzweil, "we are approximately where we were in the genome project about ten years ago." to relinquish broad areas in the pursuit of knowledge.
Originally published in print June 18, 2002 in Are
We Spiritual Machines? Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong AI
by the Discovery
Institute. Published on KurzweilAI.net on June 18, 2002.
Measurement Without Observation
In Thomas Ray’s articulated world, there is no such thing
as consciousness, a view he makes clear in his reductionist view
of quantum mechanics. Ray states that “it is the act of measurement
that causes the collapse of the wave function, not conscious observation
of the measurement.” In other words, according to Ray, the
collapse of the wave function is caused by measurement without observation,
but what could this refer to? We know that any quantum “collapsed”
event involving one or more particles causes some reaction beyond
those particles immediately involved. No particle is an “island,”
so to speak. These inevitable reactions are properly considered
measurements. The only conceivable circumstance in which an event
would not cause a specific reaction (i.e., a measurement) is if
the event was indeterminate because the wave function was not collapsed.
It is only through the collapse of the wave function that an event
becomes determinate and thereby causes a reaction in the world,
which constitutes a measurement. It is, therefore, the collapse
of the wave function that causes measurement, which Ray tells us
causes collapse of the wave function. So what Ray is saying is that
the collapse of the wave function causes the collapse of the wave
function. By removing the concept of observation from measurement,
Ray’s explanation of quantum mechanics devolves into this tautology.
Ray goes on to call any other view, even those of other mainstream
scientists, a “glaring…error.” Ray’s rigid view
regards any introduction of consciousness in the world to be an
“error.” I would also point out that if we accept Ray’s
view, then Penrose’s objection to the potential of consciousness
in a nonbiological entity (i.e., Penrose’s argument to the
effect that such an entity would have to recreate the precise quantum
state of a biological conscious entity) becomes even less valid.
Colloquial Chaos Indeed
Ray casts doubt that there is increased chaos as an organism moves
from conception as a single cell to a mature individual. Consider
what we know about this process. The human genome contains 3 billion
DNA rungs for a total of 6 billion bits of data. There is enormous
redundancy in this information (e.g., a sequence known as “ALU”
is repeated hundreds of thousands of times), so the amount of unique
information is estimated at around 3% or about 23 megabytes. In
contrast, the human brain contains on the order of 100 trillion
connections. Just specifying this connection data would require
trillions of bytes. Thus as we go from the genome, which specifies
the brain among all other organs, to the fully expressed individual,
the amount of information, considering just the brain connection
patterns alone, increases by a factor of millions. We know that
the genome specifies a wiring plan for the interneuronal connections
that includes a great deal of randomness, i.e., chaos, at specific
implementation stages. This includes the stage of fetal wiring,
during which interneuronal connections essentially wire themselves
with a significant element of randomness applied during the process,
as well as the growing of new dendrites after birth (which is believed
to be a critical part of the learning process). This is at least
one source of the increasing chaos resulting from the development
of the individual from a fertilized egg. Another source is the chaos
inherent in the environment that the individual encounters.
Ray states that I argue that “increasing rates of mutations
and unpredictable events are, in part, driving the increasing frequency
of ‘salient events’ in evolution.” That’s not
my argument at all and I never make this statement. My position
is that the acceleration of an evolutionary process, including both
biological and technological evolution, results from the greater
power of each level of evolution to create the next level. For example,
with the evolution of DNA, evolutionary experiments could proceed
more rapidly and more effectively with each stage of results recorded
in the evolving DNA code. With the innovation of sexual reproduction,
a more effective means for devising new combinations of genetic
information became available. Within technological evolution, we
also find that each generation of technology enables the next generation
to proceed more rapidly. For example, the first generation of computers
were designed by pen on paper and built with screwdrivers and wires.
Compare that to the very rapid design of new computers using today’s
computer- assisted design tools.
Thomas Ray starts his chapter by citing my alleged “failure
to consider the unique nature of the digital medium.” However,
my thesis repeatedly refers to combining analog and digital methods
in the same way that the human brain does; for example, “more
advanced neural nets [which] are already using highly detailed models
of human neurons, including detailed nonlinear analog activation
functions.” I go on to cite the advantages of emulating the
brain’s “digital controlled analog” design, and conclude
that “there is a significant efficiency advantage to emulating
the brain’s analog methods.” Analog methods are not the
exclusive province of biological systems. We used to refer to “digital
computers” to distinguish them from the more ubiquitous analog
computers which were widely used during World War II.
It is also worth pointing out that analog processes can be emulated
with digital methods whereas the reverse is not necessarily the
case. However, there are efficiency advantages to analog processing
as I point out above. Analog methods are readily recreated by conventional
transistors which are essentially analog devices. It is only by
adding the additional mechanism of comparing the transistor’s
output to a threshold that it is made into a digital device.
What Turing Fallacy?
Thomas Ray states:
The primary criticism that I wish to make of Kurzweil’s
book, is that he proposes to create intelligent machines by copying
human brains into computers. We might call this the Turing Fallacy.
The Turing Test suggests that we can know that machines have become
intelligent when we cannot distinguish them from human, in free
conversation over a teletype. The Turing Test is one of the biggest
red-herrings in science.
This paragraph contains several ideas, unrelated ones in my view,
but concepts that appear to animate Ray’s discomfort with “strong
AI.” I should make the caveat that Ray appears to accept the
possibility of an advanced but “fundamentally alien intelligence”
that is “rooted in and natural to the medium,” but he
dismisses the possibility, as well as the desirability, of AIs sharing
human-like attributes. He states that “AIs must certainly be
non-Turing,” which he defines as “unlike human intelligences.”
So this is what Ray means by the “Turing Fallacy.” He
is maintaining that any intelligence that might emerge in nonbiological
mediums would not and could not be a human intelligence, and would,
therefore, be unable to pass the Turing Test.
It is fair to conclude from this that Thomas Ray accepts the Turing
Test as a reasonable test for “human intelligence,” but
makes the point that there could be an alien intelligence that is
very capable in terms of performing intelligent tasks but unable
to pass this particular test. I should point out that Turing has
made precisely the same point. Turing intended his Test specifically
as a measure of human intelligence. An entity passing the Turing
Test may be said to be intelligent, and moreover, to possess a human-form
of intelligence. Turing specifically states that the converse statement
does not hold, that failure to pass the Test does not indicate a
lack of intelligence. I’ve made the same point. As I stated
in the Age of Intelligent Machines, certain animals such as dolphins,
giant squids, and certain species of whales, appear to have relatively
high levels of intelligence, but are in no position to pass the
Turing Test (they can’t type for one thing). Even a human would
not be able to pass the Test if she didn’t speak the language
of the Turing Test judge. The key point of the Turing test is that
human language is sufficiently broad that we can test for the full
range of human intelligence through human language dialogues. The
Turing Test itself does not represent a fallacy, but rather a keen
insight into the power of human communication through language to
represent our thinking processes.
So where is the fallacy? Ray appears to be objecting to the concept
of creating a human-like intelligence, one whose communication is
sufficiently indistinguishable from human language-based communication
such that it could pass the Turing Test, on grounds of both desirability
and feasibility.
With regard to the first issue, the desirability of machines understanding
our language is, I believe, clear from the entire history of the
AI field. As machines have gained proficiency in aspects of human
language, they have become more useful and more valuable. Language
is our primary method of communication, and machines need to understand
human language in order to interact with us in an efficacious manner.
Ultimately, they will need to understand human knowledge in a deep
way to fully manifest their potential to be our partners in the
creation of new knowledge. And as Turing pointed out, understanding
human knowledge, including our capacity for understanding and expressing
higher order emotions, is a prerequisite for effective human communication,
and is therefore, a necessary set of skills to pass the Turing Test.
With regard to the issue of feasibility, Thomas Ray states:
I accept that this level of computing power is likely
to be reached, someday. But no amount of raw computer power will
be intelligent in the relevant sense unless it is properly organized.
This is a software problem, not a hardware problem.
I agree with this, of course, as I’ve had to state several
times. A primary scenario that I describe in solving the “software
problem” is to reverse engineer the methods deployed by the
human brain. Although I also talk about the potential to copy specific
human brains, I acknowledge that this is a more difficult task and
will take longer. Reverse engineering the human brain is quite feasible,
and we are further along in this project than most people realize.
As I pointed out earlier, there are many contemporary examples that
have demonstrated the feasibility of reverse engineering human neurons,
neuron clusters, and entire brain regions, and then implementing
the resulting detailed mathematical models in nonbiological mediums.
I mentioned Lloyd Watts’ work in which he has developed a
detailed and working model of more than a dozen brain regions related
to auditory processing. Carver Mead’s retina models, which
are implemented as digital controlled analog processes on silicon
chips, capture processes similar to those that take place in human
visual processing. The complexity and level of detail in these models
is expanding exponentially along with the growing capacity of our
computational and communication technologies. This undertaking is
similar to the genome project in which we scanned the genome and
are now proceeding to understand the three-dimensional structures
and processes described therein. In the mission to scan and reverse
engineer the neural organization and information processing of the
human brain, we are approximately where we were in the genome project
about ten years ago. I estimate that we will complete this project
within thirty years, which takes into account an exponential rather
than linear projection of our anticipated progress.
Thomas Ray essentially anticipates the answer to his own challenge,
when he states that:
In order for the metallic “copy” to have the
same function, we would have to abstract the functional properties
out of the organic neural elements, and find structures and processes
in the new metallic medium that provide identical functions. This
abstraction and functional-structural translation from the organic
into the metallic medium would require a deep understanding of the
natural neural processes, combined with the invention of many computing
devices and processes which do not yet exist.
I’m not sure why Ray uses the word “metallic” repeatedly,
other than to demonstrate his inclination to regard nonbiological
intelligence as inherently exhibiting the brittle, mechanical, and
unsubtle properties that we have traditionally associated with machines.
However, in this paragraph, Ray describes the essential process
that I have proposed. Many contemporary projects have shown the
feasibility of developing and expressing a deep understanding of
“natural neural processes,” and the language for that
expression is mathematics.
We clearly will need to invent new computing devices to create
the necessary capacity, and Ray appears to accept that this will
happen. As for inventing new processes, new algorithms are continually
being developed as well; however, what we have found thus far is
that we have encountered few difficulties instantiating these models
once they are revealed. The mathematical models derived from the
reverse engineering process are readily implemented using available
The revealed secrets of human intelligence will undoubtedly provide
many enabling methods in the creation of the software of intelligence.
An added bonus will be deep insight into our own nature, into human
function and dysfunction.
Thomas Ray states that:
The structure and function of the brain or its components
cannot be separated. The circulatory system provides life support
for the brain, but it also delivers hormones that are an integral
part of the chemical information processing function of the brain.
The membrane of a neuron is a structural feature defining the limits
and integrity of a neuron, but it is also the surface along which
depolarization propagates signals. The structural and life-support
functions cannot be separated from the handling of information.
Ray goes on to describe several of the “broad spectrum of
chemical communication mechanisms” that the brain exhibits.
However, all of these are readily modelable, and a great deal of
progress has already been made in this endeavor. The intermediate
language is mathematics, and translating the mathematical models
into equivalent nonbiological mechanisms is the easiest step in
this process. With regard to the delivery of hormones by the circulatory
system, this is an extremely low bandwidth phenomenon, which will
not be difficult to model and replicate. The blood levels of specific
hormones and other chemicals influence parameter levels that affect
a great many synapses at once.
Ray concludes that “a metallic computation system operates
on fundamentally different dynamic properties and could never precisely
and exactly ‘copy’ the function of a brain.” If one
follows closely the progress in the related fields of neurobiology,
brain scanning, neuron and neural region modeling, neuron-electronic
communication, neural implants, and related endeavors, we find that
our ability to replicate the salient functionality of biological
information processing can meet any desired level of precision.
In other words, the copied functionality can be “close enough”
for any conceivable purpose or goal, including satisfying a Turing
Test judge. Moreover, we find that efficient implementations of
the mathematical models require substantially less computational
capacity than the theoretical potential of the biological neuron
clusters being modeled.
Ray goes on to describe his own creative proposal for creating
nonbiological intelligence, which is to use evolutionary algorithms
to allow a digital intelligence to “emerge,” one that
is “rooted in the nature of the medium.” This would be,
according to Ray, a “non-Turing intelligence,” but “one
which would complement rather than duplicate our talents and abilities.”
I have no problem with this particular idea. Another of Ray’s
mistaken claims is that I offer human brain reverse engineering
as the only route to strong AI. The truth is that I strongly advocate
multiple approaches. I describe the reverse engineering idea (among
others) because it serves as a useful existence proof of the feasibility
of understanding and replicating human intelligence. In my book
The Age of Spiritual Machines, I describe a number of other approaches,
including the one that Ray prefers (evolutionary algorithms). My
own work in pattern recognition and other aspects of AI consistently
utilizes multiple approaches, and it is inevitable that the ultimate
path to strong AI will combine insights from a variety of paradigms.
The primary role of developing mathematical models of biological
neurons, scanning the human brain, and reverse engineering the hundreds
of brain regions is to develop biologically-inspired models of intelligence,
the insights of which we will then combine with other lines of attack.
With regard to Ray’s own preference for evolutionary or genetic
algorithms, he misstates the scope of the problem. He suggests that
the thousands of bits of genetic information in contemporary genetic
algorithms may end up falling “ten orders of magnitude below
organic evolution.” But the thousands of bits of genetic order
represented by contemporary systems are already only four or five
orders of magnitude below that of the unique information contained
in the genome.
Ray makes several other curious statements. Ray says:
…the most complex of our creations are showing alarming
failure rates. Orbiting satellites and telescopes, space shuttles,
interplanetary probes, the Pentium chip, computer operating systems,
all seem to be pushing the limits of what we can effectively design
and build through conventional approaches… Our most complex
software (operating systems and telecommunications control systems)
already contains tens of millions of lines of code. At present it
seems unlikely that we can produce and manage software with hundreds
of millions or billions of lines of code.
First of all, what alarming failure rates is Ray referring to?
Computerized mission critical systems are remarkably reliable. Computerized
systems of significant sophistication routinely fly and land our
airplanes automatically. I am not aware of any airplane crash that
has been attributed to a failure of these systems, yet many crashes
are caused by the human errors of pilots and maintenance crews.
Automated Intensive Care monitoring systems in hospitals almost
never malfunction, yet hundreds of thousands of people die from
human medical errors. If there are alarming failure rates to worry
about, it’s human failure, not those of mission critical computer
systems. The Pentium chip problem which Ray alludes to was extremely
subtle, caused almost no repercussions, and was quickly rectified.
The complexity of computerized systems has indeed been scaling
up exponentially. Moreover, the cutting edge of our efforts to emulate
human intelligence will utilize the self-organizing paradigms that
we find in the human brain. I am not suggesting that self-organizing
methods such as neural nets and evolutionary algorithms are simple
or automatic to use, but they represent powerful tools which will
help to alleviate the need for unmanageable levels of complexity.
Most importantly, it is not the case that the human brain represents
a complexity comparable to “billions of lines of code.”
The human brain is created from a genome of only about 23 million
bytes of unique information (less than Microsoft Word). It is through
self-organizing processes that incorporate significant elements
of randomness (as well as exposure to the real world) that this
small amount of design information is expanded to the trillions
of bytes of information represented in a mature human brain. The
design of the human brain is not based on billions of lines of code
or the equivalent thereof. Similarly, the task of creating human
level intelligence in a nonbiological entity will not involve creating
a massive expert system comprising billions of rules or lines of
code, but rather a learning, chaotic, self-organizing, system, one
ultimately that is biologically inspired.
Thomas Ray writes:
The engineers among us might propose nano-molecular devices
with fullerene switches, or even DNA-like computers. But I am sure
they would never think of neurons. Neurons are astronomically large
structures compared to the molecules we are starting with.
This is exactly my own point. The purpose of reverse engineering
the human brain is not to copy the digestive or other unwieldy processes
of biological neurons, but rather to understand their salient information
processing methods. The feasibility of doing this has already been
demonstrated in dozens of contemporary projects. The scale and complexity
of the neuron clusters being emulated is scaling up by orders of
magnitude, along with all of our other technological capabilities.
Once we have completed the reverse engineering of the several hundred
brain regions, we will implement these methods in nonbiological
substrates. In this way, we will combine these human-like capacities
with the natural advantages of machines, i.e., the speed, accuracy
and scale of memory, and, most importantly, the ability to instantly
share knowledge.
Ray writes:
Over and over again, in a variety of ways, we are shaping
cyberspace in the form of the 3D material space that we inhabit.
But cyberspace is not a material space and it is not inherently
3D. The idea of downloading the human mind into a computer is yet
another example of failing to understand and work with the properties
of the medium….Cyberspace is not a 3D Euclidean space. It is
not a material world. We are not constrained by the same laws of
physics, unless we impose them upon ourselves.
The reality is that we can do both. At times we will want to impose
upon our virtual reality environments the three-dimensional gravity-bound
reality we are used to. After all, that is the nature of the world
we are comfortable in. At other times, we may wish to explore environments
that have no earthly counterpart, ones that may indeed violate the
laws of physics.
We can also do both with regard to emulating intelligence in our
machines. We can apply Ray’s preferred genetic algorithm approach
while we also benefit from the reverse engineering of biological
information processes, among other methods.
In summing up, Thomas Ray writes:
Everything we know about intelligence is based on one
example of intelligence, namely, human intelligence. This limited
experience burdens us with preconceptions and limits our imaginations.
Actually, it is Thomas Ray who is limiting his imagination to his
single idea of unleashing “evolution in the digital medium.”
Certainly there will be new forms of intelligence as nonbiological
intelligence continues to grow. It will draw upon many sources of
knowledge, some biologically motivated, and some inspired by our
own imagination and creativity, ultimately augmented by the creativity
of our machines.
The power of our civilization has already been greatly augmented
by our technology, with which we are becoming increasingly intimate,
as devices slip into our pockets and dangle from our bodies like
jewelry. Within this decade, computing and communications will appear
to disappear, with electronics being woven into our clothing, images
being written directly to our retinas, and extremely high bandwidth
wireless communication continually augmenting our visual and auditory
reality. Within a few decades, with technology that travels inside
our bodies and brains, we will be in a position to vastly expand
our intelligence, our experiences, and our capacity to experience.
Nonbiological intelligence will ultimately combine the inherent
speed and knowledge sharing advantages of machines with the deep
and subtle powers of the massively parallel, pattern recognition-based,
biological paradigm.
Today, our most sophisticated machines are still millions of times
simpler than human intelligence. Similarly, the total capacity of
all the computers in the world today remains at least six orders
of magnitude below that of all human brains, which I estimate at
1026 digitally controlled analog transactions per second. However,
our biological capacity is fixed. Each of us is limited to a mere
hundred trillion interneuronal connections. Machine intelligence,
on the other hand, is growing exponentially in capacity, complexity,
and capability. By the middle of this century, it will be nonbiological
intelligence, representing an intimate panoply of paradigms, that
Copyright ' 2002 by the Discovery
Institute. Used with permission.
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